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Posts posted by KatieCutie0

  1. hey,

    i know how she feels. tell her that she should take a moment to chill out and then think about her priorities. tell her this quote is not about the breaths you take, Its about the moments that take your breathe away.I have always loved that quote and found that just hearing it helps me to get my priorities straight. Dont pressure her to break up with this guy, nor to stay with him. you dont want her to become confused and depressed b/c of the pressure coming from you and probably her b/f. i hope i helped you and your friend, and i wish you 2 the best of luck!

  2. Hey,

    I know exactly how you feel. One minute your happy and the next you dont think you can go on any more. There are some quotes that i say in my head and have been sayin here a lot that help me in these times is not about the breaths you take, Its about the moments that take your breathe away. another one i love is real short but still very important to me too, shall pass... No matter what happens, whether its good or bad, the bad will eventually cease and the good, which is what really matters, will be all thats left. Youll bounce back, no doubts about it. every one has their ups and downs, and i know that really well by now. so dont worry, because you'll soon be happy... feel better, and good luck.

  3. hey,

    i'm experiencing almost the same feelings lately and yeah, it does drive you crazy...

    but my friend once told me this too, shall pass... and i believe her. ive been through many tough times, thinking the sadness and hurt would never end, but eventually it will. i dont know if i can help a lot, b/c i havent figured out the solution for my own similar predicament. but what i can say is just to carry on w/ your life as you would any other day, and dont try hard to not think about your ex, b/c the harder you try, the more you'll think about her. Go out and have fun, b/c when you are truly having fun, all your troubles leave your mind, and youll be happy.... ... i kno ive just been rambling on and on, but i hope this helps. Good luck...

  4. hey

    im onli a novice so i dont know what i can do to help... but that doesnt mean i wont try tho... from what i can tell, i think she really likes you. you sed she started talking to you before your dad passed away... (my condolences ) so, its not like she is becoming closer again because he died, or at least thats what i think. i hope this helps... im not always the best with words... Good luck.

  5. hey,

    Of Course it is!!!! lol* it's called jealousy. ..... you probly already knew that though. its completely normal, whetehr your a girl or a boy. your girlfriend (or boyfriend for all those girls that are reading this...) is important, very special to you, and its natural that you don't want anyone to have what you two have. it's whats makes you guys a couple, you have what no one else does. i hope this helps you, and good luck in the future. O

  6. hey,

    wow. i cant say i know how you feel, cos i dont. being 14, i probly dont know anything that could be of help to you, but at least sayin something will maybe help...? maybe just by saying a lot of nice things... maybe you'll feel better, cos ive been through some real lonely and brutal times, and a few compliments are sometimes just what i need to perk back up...

    i could go on and on talking about what everyone pretty much says and knows by heart, but instead im going to kind of make this up as i go... a friend once told me that "life is not about the breaths you take, its about the moments that take your breath away..." this may not seem to apply to this case, but think about it for a moment... split it up into two parts the breaths you take and the moments that take them away... then compare them to the two men that have been making you all flustered and confused. which man fits under which category? think about each guy and how you feel when your around them... and then chill out. i know people say that you cant always get what you want, but they also say, that you can achieve what you set your mind to. i know ive been rambling and not making sense and im sry about that. i hope it all turns ou for the best.

  7. Here's a rule of thumb: Guys will always be guys. which means they will


    #1, not always be understanding immediately

    #2 they will always be protective of the ones they care about


    yes, his ego was most definitely hurt by what was said, but it doesnt mean that its over.

    this too shall pass...

    This guy seems to really like you, and think about it for a moment... if he's a player like you said then he wouldn't be here now even if what was said wasn't. he cares about you and there is proof to back it up... hes a player but still hasnt left you... and even though its awkward to be around him, he's still there. so just hang in there... it'll be over soon and you two can be happy again. (congrats on finding quite the winner =D>)

  8. Yeah, but tis not like that. he keeps hinting that he likes me, but is too shy to say anything. he's always talking to me, and writing these beautiful poems that are about some one he cares and loves. i don't know what to do... ive never felt this way about someone. help me....

  9. heyy,

    me being a girl i think ill be able to help you out... even tho i am a novice and you already got a reply from a senior member.

    Whatever you do, dont tell her she looks bad, or point out any of her pimples. dont be "like thers one right ther too", or "you missed one"! dont touch them either... do i dont mean like that, but like if you caress or gentlely brush your fi ngers accross her face occasionally, hold bak for a little while. it not onli will embarrass her, it might be causing the pimples to spread. after all, who know where your hands have bee after the last time they were washed?

    i hope this helped you out, if it didnt im sorry... goos luck though!


  10. Hello,

    this is my first time using this forum, and i already know im lucky to have found it.. so ahead of time i'm going to say thanks to anyone that answers this question.

    There is this guy i like very much. and right now circumstances are so confusing its hard to keep track of what's what. This guy knows i like him, and has led me on the begin to think he likes me too. on valentine's day he asked me to be his valentine, and i said yes. but not to long ago, while we were talking, he said he wasn't really interested in anyone, not even implying that we ever even had anything going. i dont want to bring anyhting up, i feel too awkward. i dont know what to say to him and i have no idea how he's feeling right now.

    And to make matters WorsE i'm moving away in a few months! HELP Me!!! pleez... i dont know what to do!


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