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  1. Thank you for the advice, but I am still lost as ever. It is hard to make a decision when you're scared to hurt the ones you love. Even if it is unintentional. I will think about was is best for myself before I make a choice I might regret later. I'm glad to hear that I am not the only one who has issues like this. I hope everything goes well for you. God Bless [-o
  2. Remember the last time you felt this way when the last relationship ended? Just think of it this way, you got over it. It is hard at first, I KNOW, but just focus on the future and you will realize that things happen for a reason. Your last relationship prior to this one ended, you moved on and met another girl. Now this one has ended and eventually you will meet someone new. Circle of life.
  3. I am in a relationship that could be real good if it wasn't for my insecurities. I seem to have a hard time trusting anyone because of things that have happened in my past (too personal to post). Because of this my relationship seems to be going nowhere. I get angry at who I am with because I am afraid of being hurt. Although my partner does not do anything intentionally to make me mad, sad or hurt, I find fault in everything that he does. I've tried not to be insecure but nothing I do seems to work. I'm wondering if I should just end the relationship and deal with my own problems before I can actually settle down. With anyone for that matter. Am I being too hard on myself? Am I being fair to my partner if they say they will work through it with me, but I would rather not? I know this contradicts my last sentence, but I feel that I do need someone there to support me with my emotions on why I am the way I am. Frankly, I know I'm difficult sometimes and I'm sure if I was in the other persons shoes, I would get tired of this emotional rollercoaster and want out. What can I do to change my attitude and make things better for myself? I know it won't happen overnight, but I am more than willing to try anything. I guess that's why I'm asking for your opinions. [-o
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