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Everything posted by simplycomplicated

  1. you need to be sort of a role model figure ini this case, my girl was into that stuff to, i could'nt stand it, i personally don't do drugs and she knew then that i hated it and i made it a point of showing her that i did'nt like it and i did'nt want anything to do with her, she seen how healthy i was and how i thought doing drugs was pretty much stupid, so out of love and respect for me, she quit. If she loves you enough and you show that you won't take it, then she'll do one of two things, twll you to leave if you don't like it, or she'll do what she can with your help to try and quit.
  2. she can't make it financially on her own right now, she needs a roomate and the only one she can trust is her ex, so this is why i put up with it, i can't be the one to sit there and demand or even ask that she immediately find a better job and move out, that i refuse to do, now to the question, i need advice on how i should approach the situation, what should i do and some ideas on what i should say, but not about her moving out, but about her sorta letting go and being able to be wth me the way i want her to?
  3. To be honest, it does'nt bother me that she lives with him, I know what he means to her, and even I don't want to see her lose him as a friend, i trust her and i have my reasons for knowing she only wants him as a friend, one of those reasons are that she does'nt even find him attractive, the last year they were together she would'nt even let him touch her, I believe she has'nt let go of there relationship, it's pathetic concidering we've been togher seven months...i don't know but it's crazy, i'm not hurting for her i just care for her, i have my reasons for trusting her and loving her as well as staying with her...
  4. she won't move out because she does'nt trust anyone else enough to move out with, they were once friends for six years then a couple for another four, she has no family, her mother died and her dads iin prison, the only family she has is her exs family, they don't have kids or anything, she wants him as a friend, like they used to be but she does'nt want to lose him as a friend, which is why she feels bad for him the way she does.
  5. I'm facing quite a dilemma, i'm having trouble with my girlfriend, she broke up with her ex and we started dating, we're in love and have been together for seven months. but she's still living with her ex, and still feels bad for him, she won't kiss me goodnight infront of him, she basically won't do anything with me while this guys around, he knows were dating and it bothers him because he's not over her yet, they were together four years. This is really starting to get to me, i can't deal with it because she certainly won't, so just three days ago, we got into an argument which i must admit was'nt her fault, it was mine. There are things i would like to say to her but i don't know how and everytime i try to bring up the situation it turns into to something else, like an argument, we have'nt talked at all since. I want' to know how i can approach the situation, i know she won't leave him or move out, i can respect that to a certain extent, there are reasons for it, but since this recent argument was my fault I'll be the one to call her back, since this situation bothers me so much how do i approach it, and how do i make up for the recent argument, should i give her an altimatum or should i wait it out...what do you think? PLEASE HELP!
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