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  1. Thank you Wiediam What you said has sort of eased things for me, beacuse your thoughts were along the same lines as what i was thinking. I must stay cool, calm and collected. If i try and be the same person that she fell in love with and remind her of the good times we had by having more good times with her,then maybe she will come back to me - if it was meant to be. cheers mate
  2. Hello readers, i need a some advice. My girlfriend split up with more around 5 weeks ago now and i am totally gutted about the whole thing It was on boxing night (after christmas) when i was out and had a lot to drink. I did the most stupid thing ever and kissed another woman. Im so in love with my ex, i had to tell her, guilt overcame me. So about 2 weeks later i told her that i kissed some else, and it totally crushed her. It was a horrible to see her like that. and it was me who caused her that pain - that fact makes it so much harder to bare. However, before the breakup, our relationship was perfect , just perfect. We were so much in love with each other. All our friends were so happy for us because they knew that we had a good thing. mY girlfriend told me numerous times how much she loved me, and that i made her very happy, and vice versa. As you can imagine, my feelings and emotions have been running wild, out of control and i dont know what to do. For the 1st 2 weeks after the break up , i did try and give her space, time to think, but it was so so hard, i wanted her so badly, and did call her quite a bit, but it done more damage than good i think. I did cry alot also, and infront of her, which may have been a bad thing. Ive now had no contact with her for nearly 2 weeks, and i know that i should not call her, but she wants to be friends with me. Im hoping that we can be friends and maybe our relationship might be re-sparked. Im not religeous, but i have even prayed that she'd come back to me. I think about her every minute of every day - my head is so messed up, i dont know what to do. Please, someone give me some advice !!
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