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  1. It's really hard in some ways to tell if a girl really likes you online. Most of all an online relationship is based on trust, without trust things will not work. I've been with this girl and i love her more than my own life for 3 years online and now recently we've had a huge fight and haven't talked in acouple days, and honestly deep down inside of me i'm dying without her. I love her more than anything in this world. And trust me alot of people may think online relationships don't affect ppl, or it really doesn't play a big part of the people in the relationships life. Well that's where they are wrong becaus weather you love a girl you see everyday or a girl you only talk to online/the phone, if you love them the love will always remain the same. You honestly don't know howmuch a person means to you until you have a fight/argument with them. Just remember one big important thing i have learned from dating online and being in the same relationship for the last three years. If you expect/want thing's to happen, be the best and infact really do mean everything you tell them then don't be scared to show them your love for any reason because if you do.. your only going to hurt yourself in the longrun, like i have. I'm not saying now but maybe down the line you will fall inlove with this girl like i have the girl who means the world to me. and then if you do be str8 up about everything or are scared of rejection and let it affect the way you act in the relationship then things wont be perfect or the way they should be. So just be real straight fwrd and tell her how you feel each and everyday.. remember nomatter howmany times you tell them how you feel about them, or infact tell them you love them, it's the best thing to do expesically with an online relationship. Gain trust from the girl, and don't ever do anything to loose her trust, because you only hurt yourself if this happens. Once again i know that from experience also. I hope this blabbin on help's you in someway.
  2. 3 weeks is a very long time to wait. I believe if he was serious, he would of called already. Unless, he lost the number inwhich i doubt. Does he know where you live ect..?
  3. Exactly, it all depends on if both of you make things work. One person can not make a relationship or make it work all by themself. The best thing to do is be honestly and extreamly honest with eachother from the beginning, if you hold something form them, it will only hurt you in the future. Relationships, weather they are online or in person require love and affection form both sides, remember if you expect him or her to show/prove to you day in and day out that you love them, well you yourself should do whatever you can to make sure they know you feel the same way about them. - doing that, makes relationships work.
  4. It seem's to me that all this guy want's is to get in your pants and then dump you to the curb, women need to realize.. a man's look don't make the man, a man's heart does.. and normally when women go after a man that they think if fine or hot or he's the type of guy all the girls want and you can have.. the guy ends up getting what he wants and moves on.
  5. Just be yourself, tell her how you really feel inwhich you've already done. You have to understand, that most girls will not believe everything a man tell's them because they feel that a man doesn't always tell tem the truth. What you need to be sure of, is that she's serious. she can easily tell you she want's to come to your house just to throw you off somewhat. and make you think everything is ok. Be sure, that when/if she accues you of doing something she isn't actually the one doing it. If she really cares about you then she'll come threw, remember tho.. metting right away may not be a good idea, as in most cases people who rush into thing's tend to breakup.
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