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Everything posted by snoopy04

  1. My advice to you is: live your life to the fullest while you are young and single. Travel, have fun, meet tons of people, and don't settle down at your age. There is soooo much more out there (men especially), don't settle for the first "good thing". You still have so much more to learn about yourself and men for that fact. I am 37 and I still haven't figured them out I am not a male basher or anything like that, but I just think that men aren't ready to commit until they have at least reached the age of 30. I could be wrong and I'm sure there are men out there who can prove me wrong You're young girl, go have fun!!
  2. I just went through the same with my boyfriend. My birthday was Saturday and he didn't get me a gift either. Though he did give me a card, but it wasn't the kind of card that expected to get from the man that I have been dating for 10 months. His excuse for not getting me a gift was that he didn't have to time to drive 19 miles to town because he was busy with work last week. He gets off around 5 or 5:30. The Supercenter stays open 24-7. Needless to say, I was very disappointed. When it was his birthday, we had only been dating for 3 months and I bought him a DVD, a nice card, and a Dairy Queen ice cream cake. But that's just the way I am, I like to show people how I feel about them by doing those kinds of things. I'd like to just blame it on the fact that he is a man, but there are men out there who do remember to do nice things for the girlfriend's birthdays so I can't trash them all. To me though, I feel it was insensitive. My sister and all my friends tell me I should dump him, but I really care about him and want to give him another chance. We'll see how Valentine's Day goes!! You didn't say how long you 2 have been together. What was his reason for not getting you anything?
  3. I have been dating my bf for the past 11 months. We broke up after 4.5 months and got back together 2 months later. (He asked me to get back with him). I recently had a birthday and he didn't get me a gift. He did give me a card, but it wasn't the kind of card I expected to get from the man I have been dating for almost a year. It was more of a funny, buddy card. I was very hurt by this and told him so. His excuse for not getting me a gift was that he didn't have time with work and all to drive 19 miles to town to get me something. I am beginning to feel like I just don't matter to him......maybe I am just overreacting to something that just isn't that important. I don't know......I just feel that it was so insensitive. Any suggestions??
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