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Posts posted by bb13

  1. Her BF is already hateful and jealous of me( i cant understand the jealous part b/c he does have her and I dont) He has never really met me but apparently he is very protective i guess.


    Do you think a caring letter or a text message would be ok? Just something about how much I treasure our friendship. She would also have plenty of time to think about it b/c she is going to FLA for almost 2 weeks and wont see her BF and may only see me once(coincidentally i'm going to about the same part of FLA)


    We have had some deep conversations where she has told me some things about her relationship that she hasnt even told her BF (like how she doesnt love him like she used to). She has asked me numerous times what should she do. I dont know what she wants me to say.


    Would a caring letter with some of my feelings for her be OK to give to her?

  2. What, if anything, should I get for my friend that I am really close to and REALLY want to be with?


    A little background:

    She and I can talk about anything and are extremely close. She knows how I feel about her and I think she may like me too but she has a BF. I want to get her something but I dont know if I should.


    Please respond soon....tomorro may be the last chance I have to give a gift to her before V-Day.

  3. I'm sorry to say but based on what you said about the other girl, it sounds like it's for her. I dont think you should send him that message. It may make him feel bad and may make you feel worse if he tells you it wasnt for you. I dont know what your friendship is with him so I cant give you a lot of advice. If he doesnt kno that you like him, you could tell him. He may feel the same way. I agree with Superfly81 that you also could just move on. I know thats not what you want to hear and that it is unimaginable to do for you but it may be necesary. Sorry again and Good Luck.

  4. I like the idea of temporary no contact but it would be hard because I have school with her. It is possible, though difficult, for me to avoid her. I have a couple questions though.


    What should I do if she contacts me via texting, or w/e? Should I respond or act like I "missed" it?


    If she asks why I havent talked, texted, called her(we normally text a lot in school), what should I say?...She has asked me that after less than a day of no texting.


    DOES IT WORK? Has anyone done this and what was the out come?


    Thank you for your advice

  5. I am thinking about having no contact with a girl that I like(and I'm pretty sure she likes me too, read my other posts to learn the situation). Will going NO CONTACT make her realize that she needs me in her life, figuring that she likes me? OR, will it ruin our really good friendship?


    If anyone has any experiences or thoughts with this please respond.

  6. I agree that you should give her space. After a while apart, you should give her a really heartfelt apology. Write her a letter that says how sorry you are and how much you miss her in your life as a friend. She may feel the same way. She should be able to forgive you for something like that but the trust issue will still be a factor. And dont expect to borrow her phone anytime soon. well, Good Luck.

  7. Dealing with friends is tuff. If you are good friends than I think it would be ok if you told her you like her. If she likes you too than she will say so. And if she doesnt, it shouldnt be a problem if you are friends already. If it turns out that the relationship doesnt work out than try your best to end it well. You dont want to kill your friendship. It may not be easy at first but once you both find other people and are happy again than you'll be able to be friends. Good Luck

  8. The situation is getting even more confusing. It was her b-day a couple days ago so I got her a present (lindt truffles-her favorite). I "accidently forgot" them when I went into school and ended up going to her house to give them to her. I stayed at her house for a couple of hours. While I was there, we went up to her room. We ended up getting kinda physical(massaging, tickling, and lying with each other) on her bed. She even started to suck on my finger I was lying on top of/next to her and she was biting my nose and flirtaciously "snapping" her teeth at me. I had already stopped myself from kissing her 5 or 6 times that day but I just couldnt stand it anymore. In the middle one of those "snappings" I snuck a little kiss in. It was just a peck on the lips but she IS still with her BF. It didnt even seem to matter to her though. We still were just laying there and she said that we should prbly not tell anyone about it "for now". Later, while talking with her online, she told me that she and her BF had yet another fight (It was the 3rd or 4th one that involved me) and that they might break-up "if things don't get better". At this point I am pretty sure she likes me too but I still dont know what my next step should be. Regretfully, I want to do something that would start a fight with them but I know that is wrong.


    Sorry about the lengthy read but I need help. I kno this may sound simple to some people but I am going crazy over this. So if ANYONE has ANY advice or comments on this please post them. I need help

  9. If she seems to be somewhat interested in you, than i'd say go for it. If you catch her looking at you (in a nice way, not a disgusted way) or even if she comes up to you once in a while and says hi, then she probably has some interest in you. If you dont even kno if she knows you exist (i'm guessing she does but...) then you should talk with her and become friends. You dont have to be too close of friends, and i think it's better if you dont. You dont want to become really good friends and ruin a friendship after your relationship. Good luck with this. I hope this helped.

  10. Hey, wild_flower,


    He definitely likes you. I was sorta in the same situation a little while ago and I did similar things to hint that I liked this girl. If you want to kno, the best way is to just ask him. The girl that I liked asked me if I did and even though I told her i did, our friendship wasnt ruined or anything. I agree with ForAnother in that you should wait till he and the other girl are over or else there could be a HUGE problem. I also would be careful of his tendencies to cheat. This may be because he REALLY likes you more than his GF but he could also be a untrustworthy person. I hope this was of some help.

  11. Her Bf already hates me. He has said to her that she doesnt trust me or her to be alone with each other. Thanks whitefang and Breakdancer6. Your advice was helpful. If there is anyone who has a view on my situation, then I would be glad to hear it. Even if you just agree with something thats been said or especially if you have a new opinion. I am still not too sure on what to do.

  12. I think that we would be great together. I am a little worried that if it doesnt, our friendship would get messed up but I am pretty confident that we're perfect for each other. It was so hard not to kiss her. I actually almost did twice. The second time our lips met but I pulled away. And if I was in the same situation(definitely knowing she would want it now) i probably wouldnt be able to stop. She knows that I want to be with her and she has said that she likes me but she still is with her BF. It is getting me really confused. I dont know if she's telling me this to not make me unhappy or it's how she actually feels. I want to ask those questions but I'm afraid she'll get mad or over-pressured. This is the first time that I've REALLY liked someone that I'm close to and I dont want to screw up our friendship. If anyone has any other advice, I would gladly take ANY. I need all the help I can get.

  13. If you read my last post you know my situation with this girl that I'm really good friends with. I really like her(I would say love but I'm not sure yet) but she has a BF. I was at her house the other day and she was laying on me and we were watching a movie and talking. The moment just seemed so right so i was about to kiss her but at the last second i pulled away even though she didnt. I didnt want things to get weird between us and i honor the fact that she has a BF. When i was talking to her online later she said that she knew i was about to kiss her and she said she sorta wanted me to. She also said that if we started kissing she thinks it may have gone further. She thought it just felt right. Why I'm confused is that she is still with her BF even throughout constant fighting with him. Yet when we're together it seems like nothing can be wrong and she basically has said the same. Can someone give me some feedback on what they think about this....thanks

  14. Hi, i'm a 16 yr old HS student and I have a big problem. I've known this girl for a few years but we never started to know each other until this year. We have become really close this year and I now have a HUGE crush on her. I cant stop thinking about her. The problem starts with the fact that she has a bf. At one point her bf said something to her on the phine that really upset her and it so happened that i was with her when he called her. She was upset and just layed on me. It took all of my efforts not to kiss her because i didnt kno if she'd want that. Later, online, she asked me if I liked her and i told her yes. she said she kinda liked me too and would have kissed me at her house if it wasnt for her bf. She then started saying stuff like whenever she's with me or talking to me she cant be upset. Through all of this she continues to be with her bf. I dont kno what i should do. Will someone please help me.

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