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Posts posted by bb13

  1. My best friend and I are very intamate for "just friends". We're at third base and are "heading home" (we would have if we had protection). As much as we both like this, we also both want to slow down a little. We are always saying we will but when we hang out, we get caught up in the heat of the moment. I dont really want to go to far at least until we are officially together.


    I know this may be a rare question but how can we slow down???

  2. Me and my "friend" (we're quickly moving to more but she is fresh out of a relationship so she's not ready for another) Well, we were making out pretty intensely this weekend andi ended up fingering her. I could tell she liked it through her breathing and moans and she wanted me to do it again the next night. She said she liked it a lot which she said was abnormal for her b/c fingering normally does nothing for her. BUT, both times she stopped about 4-5 min in. I've never done really anything with a girl before her. With her i am really comfortable and seem like a natural to this stuff but i still dont know whether she had an orgasm.

    Are there any signs/clues to look for to determine this???

  3. Just thought I'd update this-I sent her some texts last night when she was hanging out with her ex about how hurt I was and that I thought it was hard being her friend when I was in love with her but right now it's hard to even be her friend and that I've never even been close to that mad at her. But I made sure she knew that she was still important to me. I also told her that we needed to talk later. When she got home, she called me and told me that she had made some changes in her and her ex's relationship. She said that when he put his hand in her lap she moved it away. She also was extremely upset about the whole situation and she was so upset at herself for upsetting me. Apparently she cried when she read those texts. We were texting each other all day today and she told me things like: "i wouldnt change what happened the other day[making out] between us for anything, I would only change what I did with him after" and she apoligized alot and said that she is trying to get over him. I am still in love with her even though it is really hard right now. I still dont kno what to do. She knows that I'm still somewhat mad at her and I want to get over this and move on but i dont kno how.

  4. I was in a similar situation recently (and I still kinda am but I've been through this part). I was in love with my best friend and she was with someone and they constantly fought and almost broke up. It took about a month from their first "almost break-up" to their actual one. I never did fall out of love with this girl and she does like me as well. Once she gets over her ex, I am thinking that me and her will end up together. You just have to give it time. If you really want to stop liking her, then spend time away from her. Dont talk to her so much and be a little distant. If you can wait until her and he BF break-up then just be there for her now. Hopefully she will realize that there are other options for her and that might come to mind next time they have a fight. If they do break-up make sure you give her (and him) plenty of time heal from the break-up before you make a move. This will make things better for all involved.

  5. I feel bad about hogging all these posts with my drama but I am just so upset right now. My best friend broke up with her BF a week ago. I was so happy when they did because I had a the biggest crush of my life on her. The other night we hung out and we made out. I thought everything was going so well. Well, I just found out that her and her ex have had sex since. I knew that they were talking every day since they broke up but I had no idea that this was happening. I think that i am seriously in love with this girl. She is everything that look for in a girl. I really think that I am in love with her. But after hearing this, I dont know what to feel. I am so mad and upset right now with her that I cant talk to her right now (that would be a problem if she wasnt with her ex at the time) I have liked her for about 4 months now and I finally thought everything was going well. I have treated her as perfectly as possible and finally thought I was getting my chance. I guess I was all wrong. After we made out, I thought my problem was staying "just friends" for now. But right now I think I'll have a problem even being her friend. I just want to die right now. Can anyone help me??? I am so lost and cant think straight. Please help.

  6. She wont feel used. She kinda initiated it. And she also guided my hand to certain body parts and she did the same to me. I'm just really confused because we both were really into it but the next day we barely talked. I would really like to go out with her. I am hopefully going to talk with her or hang out with her today and see how things go. Thank you all

  7. The other night my friend and I kissed and made-out for the first time. It was pretty intense with ALOT of feeling and rubbing. Even though we both liked it, I think she doesnt really want to move our friendship to that level quite yet. We havent really talked since and we may not see each other until Monday at school. If nothing gets resolved by then, how should I approach this on Monday morning??? Should I act like it didnt happen or what?

  8. I dont think that I want a "friends with benefits" situation with her. Before we got too into it I asked her if she thought this would hurt our friendship and she said "no". But I definitely see her in a slightly different way now. We were extremely close friends before but this brought some new thoughts. We've talked since and she said she had a good time and she said she enjoyed it. I think she may want more but there's something telling me the opposite. Another thing that is making this a question is that she broke up with her BF less than a week ago. I dont think that she would use me and I know that she has some feelings for me but I cant be too sure. I'll just ask her about it next time we chill.


    Thank you all for your help and any more advice would be more than appreciated.



  9. Last night, me and my friend hung out for about 5 hours. Me and her were laying together on my bed watching a movie and she kissed me. We satrted making out and we did for hours. There was a lot of touching and feeling involved as well (without going into detail). Right now I'm confused over what we are relationshipwise. I'm fine with whatever but I dont know what she wants. Our making out was pretty intense but I dont know if she wants to move past being just friends.


    Would you consider an intense make out "session" to be saying that she wants more??? Or are we more already???

  10. When the girl is confused it is usually good for you. Ask her why she is confused. I'm guessing its because she either doesnt know exactly how you feel or doesnt know what to do about it. If she asks how you feel about her, tell her. If she did any physical flriting with you when you were spending time together, she may have feelings for you too. Good Luck

  11. I think you have to let her go. Or at least let her be for now. At this point I dont think there's anything you can do to get her back. Wish her a good time while she's away and hope that she somehow realizes she wants to be with you. I'm guessing she wont but she might. Good Luck

  12. The girl I like (and think that I might love) has just broken up with her BF. She ws really upset when they did so I comforted her and she seemed to start to think it was for the best that they did. I planned on attempting to advance our close friendship when she fully recovered. But then her ex sent her tons of text messages saying that he wants to get back together and he still loves her. They might hang out tonight and I'm worried that they might get back together. As someone who cares for her, I truly think that she'd be better without him even if she's not with me. I thought I may be getting my chance but now I'm thinking they'll get back together. I know not to stop her if she really wants to but I dont know if she does. She says she is so confused and doesnt know what to do. How can I help her realize she's better off without this guy?

  13. As some of you kno, I have this friend that I have alot of feelings for. We are real close and I've liked her for a couple of months now but she has had a BF for the past 6 months. Well, they have just broken up and I want to ask her out (barring they stay broken up-I'm not positive they will at this point) She is very upset and not ready for a new relationship yet so I dont know how long I should wait till I ask. I dont want someone else to before I get my oppurtunity.


    I figure this greatly varies but How long should I wait before asking her out? She was in a 6 month, intimate relationship just to let you kno.


    How do I go about trying to go from a extremely close friendship to more? I feel that we might be TOO close to make an easier advance in our relationship but I definitely want to try.

  14. Well, last night they broke up over the phone. She called me and we talked for about 2 hours while she cried and a comforted her. She asked if I was glad that they broke up and I told her "yes, you are much better off without him. I just want you to be happy and I think you will be without him" She seemed to be getting better, still very upset but better. She also told me that 'Y' said he never wanted to see/talk to her again.


    Today in school she was still a little upset but not too bad. Before classes we talked a bit, trying to avoid the breakup. I also gave her a care bear magnet (she loves care bears). Right as we were about to separate for classes she gave me a hug. She has never hugged me at school before. In first period she texted me saying thanks for the magnet and how it was so sweet of me. We talked again at lunch and 'Y' had texted her about 5 times (mind you he said I dont ever want to talk to you again) The texts said things like "I still love you" and "see...nothing has changed. you still text him (ME) 40 times a day and me (HIM) 0" He called her at lunch and said he needed to come over her house and tell her something. After lunch she gave me another, bigger hug. After school she we talked again and she said she didnt kno what to do. I told her that she should let him go and not him hurt her again. She said she still doesnt kno if she should let him come over. She keeps asking me tho, even tho she know my answer.


    What should I tell her? I really do think that she'll be better and happier with out this jack*** in her life. She is so emotional right now and I think she's willing to get back with him at this point. I know that she will get hurt again and I dont want that to happen. I hope someone responds to this soon so I can help her but I will take an answer any time. What should I tell her?

  15. Thanks for your replies and advice. Me and X have talked alot about some of the things you've mentioned here. Unfortunately she does have a thing for bad boys which I am not. I know that right now she wants to just be friends with me but it hasnt exactly been "move-free". We are pretty close not only emotionally but also physically. She has said that she will need alot of time to heal after/if they break-up. But I'm not too worried about our future right now. I dont even care too much if I'm her next BF or even a future BF, I just want her to be happy. And, as far as I can tell she's not. She is too often upset/mad at him after a simple phone call. She almost always ends up crying after having a conversation with him. She is now thinking that he is cheating on her. She just doesnt seem happy to me.


    How should I go about showing her how unhealthy this is? She knows that I like her so it would be hard not to sound biased. But it really doesnt matter to me if we never get together, i sincerely just want her to be happy.

  16. **sort fo long but please help....I need it**


    I have this friend, lets call her 'X', that I am extremely close with. Me and X became friends in September and have gotten really close since. I care for her SOOO much and would never want her to get hurt. She has been with this guy, 'Y', since about the summer. He is almost 20 while she is only 16. X is really flirtacious and sorta a ****tease. I would like to be more than friends with X and she has said she has thought about it too, but she says she loves her BF.


    X and Y constantly fight. Anytime that she hangs out with me, he is sending her mean and cruel text messages about how he doesnt trust her and that she doesnt care at all that he doesnt want her spending time with me (which she does but she doesnt think she shouldnt hang out with me) If she ever brings up one of these and wants to talk with him about it, they ALWAYS end up in a fight and she is always left crying. She then calls me and I try and comfort her. Y seems to me to be a real @$$ and hurts her so much. Me an X can talk about anything (we kinda have a back-and-forth "game" to ask questions to one another) Somehow this "game" was brought up in one of their fights and they tried it and it didnt work...he said it was stupid. He seems to only be after sex w/ her. X told me that the other night he came over at 1:30 AM just to ask for a hand-job. He also makes any problem in their relationship out to be X's fault. Any guy she is friends with is a potential affair in his mind. She gets hurt so often by him and I hate him for that. I am beggining to be OK with just being friends with X and I dont mind her being with another guy but I dont want her to get hurt. She keeps saying (for about a month and 1/2) that if things dont get better, they will break up. I love her so much (platonically). She is constantly telling me that I'm perfect, cute, adorable, sweet, everything that she wants in a BF, etc... so i think that she has feelings for me too. Her family and friends are always telling her that she should go out with me. I would like that but I am fine with just being her friend as long as she's happy.


    Do you think that he is mistreating her and using her love for him?

    (girls) What would you do in this situation? Would you spend more time/tears trying to fix it or end it?'

    What should I do/say to her?

    Why do some girls see everything they want in a guy and not take it?

    Any more comments are welcome. I'll hear ANYTHING. please help.

  17. Ditto. Ask her to hang out sometime. Say "would you like to (hang out, chill, do something, etc...) sometime?" If you have fun, tell her and, if you feel this way, tell her that you'd like to be "more than friends". Good Luck

  18. It seems pretty clear that she likes you (which i'm guessing is what Emotional meant to write as well, not sure but just a guess). The only way to kno is to ask HER. Not a friend, not anyone else BUT HER.

  19. Wow. That is like something from a movie. When you meet with her, I think you shouldnt bring it up right away or maybe not even until she is about to go. You should say something though. That is how you got into this situaution in the first place, by not saying anything. Let her know that you want to regain your old friendship and that you missed her too. As for the behavior thing, it could be confusing or misleading because she may be acting a certain way because she misses an old friend. Also, she may not reveal her feelings for you if she has them becase last time she did she lost you for a long time. Just giving you some things to think about. I hope this turns out well for you. Good luck

  20. There is a good possibility that she will develop feelings for you. She may not though. It seems that she may already know all about you seeing that you're close already. B/C of this, the possibility decreases. She needs to see another side of you that she didnt know before that will develop feelings for you. If she has seen all sides and still doesnt feel that way, you may be out of luck.I was/am in a similar. I became friends with this girl in september. Origianlly she didnt have feelings for me like that but after we bacame closer and hung out more(it took a few months) she said she was starting to like me more than a friend. Good luck w/ this

  21. I agree with Emotional. Dont expect him to break it off with his GF right away, even if you are available. If you are not happy with your BF, you have to talk to him and either fix things or end them. There are really 4 options here: stay w/ BF, end up w/ john, find someone else, or be w/ no one. It's not always black and white. Good Luck

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