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Posts posted by poonany

  1. Me and my girlfriend are both 18.


    We have been dating 11 months, and have shared almost excessive amounts of time together in those 11 months! I loved every minute of it.


    Ok, some times were rough, but it was worth it. I have had other girlfriends before, but I loved her like no other. We both felt this very strong connection toward each other... like best friends... we just couldnt be apart or mad at each other for very long.


    But the last 3-4 months it was pretty rough. At first I was being stupid and pretty much blamed her for most of it. But after a fight and a rash quick-decision breakup, and 4 nights without her I realized I was being unnapreciative in a lot of ways, a bit forceful in how she made decisions etc. etc.


    I wasnt a BAD guy or anything, but I deffinitely could have worked harder. But I am young, and its hard to know what to work on.


    Now it kind of blew up and were not together. She just wants to be friends right now, but she says she loves me.

    She says shes not ready to get back together because shes scared... and she doesnt want to hurt me either.


    I am SO hurting right now.. I miss her to the point where I dont even have an apetite one bit. We hung out last night as "friends" but after 11 months of being lovers it was hard to act as pure friends, and she got a little frustrated with me. Although she did not act mean about anything.


    Its my fault this happened for the most part.. and my thinking has deffinitely changed. I am a good guy.. I always did do nice things for her (flowers.. a few times I setup a picnic in the park and didnt tell her... took her for a "walk" and surprised her when she saw the spread... those type of things). I love her so much and it hurts to not be with her.

    She has also said that she doesnt want to hurt me because "what if in the future she wants to date another guy"... to me that doesnt make any sense to say if she loves me ??? even though she is talking about in the future.


    What I am asking here is.. how can I go about making her heal from this?


    She loves me and I know it. I can see it in her eyes, and she asked for me to hug her when we went out as friends. To me she sounds pretty confused.

    I just want to show her it doesnt have to be like it was before, and we can work on our relationship in new ways that we both wern't before the breakup.


    How should I do this? Leave her alone until she comes to me? Or since I was the majority cause of the breakup should I try to prove myself to her and maybe take her out for coffee and just be a nice person to her?

    Should I not go too far and get her some flowers or something?


    It hurts just being friends when I love her.. but it hurts when I dont have contact with her either. Im just not sure what to do. And I would like to at least give it a shot at winning her back.



  2. I guess to make my huge post short, I was asking if these feelings are something to do with my relationship with my GF, or me as a young man growing up?


    I have NEVER felt this way before... sure I have been very depressed at times, anxious etc. but I at least knew WHY, and soon figured out a game plan to resolve it.


    I was sort of scared too that maybe these feelings were happening because of the seriousness of our relationship, and that if it keeps getting worse it could only mean doom for our future.

    I'll just try and focus on who I want to be in my life, and ask for some comfort from my girl. I really just need for her to hold me right now.



  3. Hi everyone, I just need some help on finding myself.


    I am only 17... but I live a life that's allot more closer to an adult. I have been working full time for almost two years to help my single mom pay the rent. I pay the same bills any common "adult" pays, I have gone through my father cheating on my mom, leaving our family, then passing away on not so good of terms.

    I have grown up faster then I would have liked, I miss being an innocent kid trying to save my allowance to get a new set of skateboard wheels.


    I am happy with my present life too though... I am doing VERY well with my job/career... I am a network administrator at a fairly large company, and I am progressing there very good. I have been trying to be active, and keep myself in shape... reading and learning lots when I have time... learning to manage my money good. On 90% of my days I am completely happy with everything.


    5 months ago I met this girl. My friend brought her and her friend to dinner with our group of friends. I was w struck. So beautiful, SO incredibly smart, same interests as me, funny as heck. We just clicked and became in my opinion best friends right away. We soon started dating.. took it as slow as we could.

    I see her literally EVERYDAY after work, and we both haven't even begun to get bugged or annoyed at each other because of this. get along great with her family, etc. etc.

    I would honestly do anything for this girl... to try and put my feelings for her into words would totally strip away any meaning from it.

    There is no question in my mind whether I love her, or my depth of love for her. And I know she loves me so much it hurts too.


    Lately though, I have been feeling very, well here is where I am confused. I don't really KNOW how I am feelings. I am usually very good at analyzing myself, to fix problems, but this time I have had no luck.

    I feel desperate, constantly anxious, occasionally frustrated, insecure a bit, kind of out of touch with the real world cuz of thinking about life, etc.

    I am not unhappy though... and when I AM with my girlfriend, these feelings really get tamed down and I feel better usually.


    I tried talking to her about this a week ago in the most unthreatening way possible, but it sort-of scared her. I made sure she knew I didn't have ANY thoughts about even considering leaving, or taking a break form her. never.


    I just don't want to scare her. Is this maybe just the feelings of when I am going deeper into love with her? Its not like I am very depressed etc. I just hate feeling anxious about something that's not apparent to me.


    Maybe we are spending TOO much time together? I don't feel we are, but we have tried to cut it down during the week a bit... with no luck. I swear I just cant help it.. I cant stay away! I miss her every minute I am at work, and its SO hard coming to grips and making myself leave from her house so I can get some sleep before waking up for work.

    Maybe its because the relationship is progressing past that certain point, and since I am so young I'm just feeling kinda nervous?


    I have seriously thought that if things keep going the way they do... then there is no question why I should marry this girl in the future (no im not gonna run of and get married at 18 or something). She is my best friend, as well as the person I want to be with forever. (she is 8 months older then me).


    Please give me some advice, I feel so scattered around!



  4. Its ok to be annoyed, but if he doesnt show the same interest in HER, then why be jealous? As long as he doesnt feel, or say the same things about her, then your ok. You should be proud girls still and do care for him, but hes YOUR man, not theres.


    Jealousy is a hard thing, me and lots of others have a big problem with it. Just remember she is his ex for a reason, and ehs with you for a reason. He cares for you romaticly and NOT her.


    good luck

  5. the whole point is to start slow and see how she responds.




    I am young, but I learnt that right away. just logical progression.. when your kissing her, make sure your hands are on the sides of her face.. firm but gentle. Caress behind her ear... slowly move down lower on her neck.... being gentle but make sure it feels good.


    Instead of goign straight to the breasts from there, take one finger and slide it in between them... moving past to her stomach... carress her stomach area... her back... her sides. Make her feel good.


    Then go to her thighs. Rub the inside of them... not too close to the love button yet though. Progressively get closer and closer to the gold.


    Inauspiciously rub past the Goal area. then rub her stomach again etc. give her a bit of a tease. Then eventually make your way back there, and rub a bit more... see what she does.


    Good luck man! heh

  6. The whole cheating thing happened in the beginning (we've been together for almost a year). I only mentioned it, to show why I have the insecure feelings I do. I don't believe she's cheated on me with anyone else, though.


    She claims that he's just a part of the group, and she doesn't want to lose her friends. I never told her I wanted her to NOT have friends, just do boyfriend/girlfriend things with me...not her "friends". Is that too much to ask?


    Not at all. I would have a problem with my GF hanging out with ONLY guys for a night. And my GF would feel the same if it was reversed. Why doesnt she include you? your HER friend just as much her BF.

    with her EX being there that is not acceptable at all. Not to me it is.


    good luck

  7. Before she called I pretty well concluded it wasnt her who setup the account, but some weird SPAM automatic sing-up crap.


    1) it would be had to be THIS morning (thats when the activation emails came) and she was getting ready for school, and the 3 minutes she had free before she left, she talked to me on MSN!


    2) the UK? She isnt the type of girl to try and get to know some stranger over the internet, thats not even from her own country. I dont thik shede have time to get a UK postal code before she went to school neither.


    3) Things have been going SO incredibly good between us, and SHE tells me that, its not me dreaming. She loves me and tells me it every chance she gets, she doesnt even LOOK at other guys! She says I am the first guy who she has NEVER saw me even LOOK at another girl, harmlessly or not. So she gives me the same respect and says she doesnt even get the urge to look at other dudes when she has a "perfect" on beside her.


    4) I trust her that she would never cheat, or do something that would make me upset (like meeting guys on a dating website).


    I just told her that I seen the email, and thought it was kinda weird. But the profile wasnt her at all. She didnt have a clue what it was about, and I believe her.


    Im just quick to get scared. Something as valuable as her, even the slightest threat kinda gives me a lump in my throat.


    Thanks, but I think everything will be ok.


    One thing that ISNT ok, is that link removed send those types of emails out. I think it was just some SPAM system from when she signed up at another website, and they gave her information out (email/username)


    What if that got sent to a married couple, who were already having problems? thats horrible.

  8. no she doesnt care at all.


    She told me before when she GAVE me her password, "you might as well have it, I have nothing to hide."


    I gave her mine too. She HAS read some of my emails before... from work I emailed myself, with an email titled "notes to self" and I put a note for her at the bottom that was just a joke. A few days later she said she read it just to see what it is, and she told me she saw what I said to her. We just laughed about it.


    I couldnt care less if she read my emails... and I believe if she saw a membership registration on a dating site in my email, she would deffinitely check it, and I thikn she would have every right to. We are commited to each other, and I dont thik thats a breach of trust at all.


    I checked the profile again and stuff, and it seems really weird. She put a postal code thats in the UK, and a city thats in the UK. She would have to do some research to even know that postal code. Her preferences seem even less likely to be her now that I kinda calmed down a bit. Maybe it was just some SPAM crap?


    I think Im gonna ask her about it, but Im not gonna accuse of even signing up. Im just gonna... say I was curious why she had an email from them. Im not even sure yet.


    still need some help

  9. Me and my girlfriends are VERY close. She tells me she is very deeply in love with me, and I am just the same. We spend almost ALL our time together... as soon as I get home from work I go to her house, or pick her up from school.


    We know eachothers hotmail passwords, and I went on her account today, to leave a silly message in her MSN messenger display name. I checked her email to see if this email I sent went through properly, and as I went in I noticed she had a large amount of junkmail.


    Just because I was bored I was gonna go in the junkmail, and clear it all out for her. Thats when I noticed this email saying "Your account has been activated!" from link removed


    I thought that was a weird place to get an email from and an odd title so I checked it out. I looked at her profile on link removed and she made a profile... much of the things were not true about her (her height etc were sorta off). But lots of them were right also, and I tested setting up an account without picking prerferences, and it doesnt automatically pick your prefs.


    And she "expressed interest" in one guy on there from the United Kingdon (were both from BC, Canada). She would have had to search for appropriate matches and then check his profile as being interested.


    She phones me from school on my lunch break at work almost everyday, and she is going to today. Should I question her about this, or give it some time and see if she sends a message to him or finds anymore "matches"?


    Im not sure if I should wait, or just ask her about it very nicely and understandingly... because you never know, some sites sign you up and crap. But I dont think it is, because of the usernames it used.


    Please help, I have a lump in my throat. thanks

  10. Hey man I went through almost the same thing when I was 14.


    I am now 16, almost 17, and it still hurts very.... very deeply. I dealt with it very good in a sense... I grieved for a few months, I got on track with my school, started exercising lots... took my mind off of things.


    Now I have the greatest relationship with a girl I care for incredibly deeply, and I am starting to miss my Dad very much. I am so proud of the mature serious relationship I have for my age, I wish my dad could see me. I wish he could see my accomplishments with my job. I wish I could hear his voice tell me he is proud of me. That he loves me.


    Cry man, talk to whoever you can. I dont know if you have any religious beliefs, but my faith comforted me more then I could ever explain.


    Good luck man, you CAN do it, and you will.


    Later brother

  11. I agree. Do the movie cuddle thing- both of you will enjoy it and it's a GREAT way to show how you love her.




    heh... we do that at least 3-4 times or more a week We see each other literally everyday, and we havent even begun to get bored of it yet.


    We pretty much have ran out of movies that are worth-while to rent... so sometimes we just cuddle.. and talk, laugh, whatever.


    During my lunchbreak at work, I photoshoped a picture of a rose and put a message on it special for her, that I emailed to her. I do graphic design for a side-job/hobbie, so it looked good & professional. Just something little, since I had nothing better to do.

  12. hehe


    yep we do all of those things.. oh and she knows I love her. She does things like that for me too (she will take ME out for dinner sometimes, buys me stuff for no reason etc.) But I suppose I am now addicted, and want to do it more


    Its just fun to be nice, and after you do something special like that... theres this beautiful feeling that lingers between the both of us for a long while Its just great. I dont know why, I guess im just really crazy about her.


    I kind of want to do something even better.. something that will kind of blow the doors off of what most people do. Maybe even start thinking of something to do for her prom... I dont know I'll figure it out I guess

  13. I wasnt sure where to post this, but I'll try here.


    I havent been dating my girlfriend for very long... but I care about her so much... we spend all the time we have together. Its going so good, we are VERY open, communicate better then I have ever experience with ANYONE, VERY comfortable with everything around eachother, etc. etc.


    I bring her flowers out of the blue moon, take her to dinner without planning it with her, Sent her a teddy bear and roses to her school in the beginning of the relationship... and so forth.


    But Other the dinner and flower related things, what else is there to do? Of course I could think of more things... but is there anything that girls especially love? I know everyone is different... but im just looking for ideas


    I LOVE to show her how I care by doing little and bigger things for her. It makes me feel good to see her know that I care for her, and be happy.



  14. well it's not that small no. but the avg. (now this is only what i have heard for my ex bf and other guy friends) is 7 inch's. well how old are you?


    theres no way its 7".


    I have heard lots of different supposed "average sizes" but they all hovered around 5-6". 7 is actually a fairly large size, and if you get a ruler and look... its deffinitely not "average". Myself am just over 7, but I am taller, and have bigger features (feet, hands, etc.). Your member will be proportionate to the rest of your body, in just about all cases.

  15. If you "loose" him because you verbally express to him how you feel,

    then have you really lost something valuable? Is your "happiness" really valid if someone would let you go because you love them?


    Tell him. theres no question. Stop worrying, I think everything will be ok. Trust me.


    Good luck

  16. Im no psychologist, but why are you depressed?


    Is it BECAUSE the lack of a girlfriend, or were you depressed before... you concluded having a gf would swish those worries away, but that never materialized, so in turn you got even more depressed?


    I dont know you, but everyone in this world has problems. Me you, your family, everyone. It seems like you thikn having a gf will cure this or something. Sure its great, makes you happy... BUT if you go into a relationship with issues, you will only make them worse, and give your partner more issues to deal with.


    Theres good points about being single too, so no need to be depressed. It will happen, when it happens.


    Im not saying your a basket case looking for a blonde haired cure, but just make sure you dont think they will help any existing problems in your life.


    good luck

  17. honesty my man... honesty.


    If you like her... ask her to go talk privately. If you cant find a proper place/time, phone her. Say something like "I love being your friend, and hanging out with you... but I have feelings for you above the rest of the group. I'd like to get to know you better." then ask her to be your girlfriend, or go on a date... whatever. But use your own heartfelt words of course.


    good luck dude

  18. Oh and one thing that kinda bothered me...


    At the time we were talking about attending the large social gathering.. I was feeling very comfortable, and very secure. I jokingly said I should give a good looking guy $2 to flirt with her, to see what she does. Thats when she asked "what would you do if I flirted back?" Kind of a weird answer.... I dont want to jump to conclusions... but things like that are what trigger me to feel this way

  19. You got a very good, obvious, but almost a little simple of apoint. It just seems a little more deeper and complicated then that. Yes she loves me... and it does comfort me. But still... my parents loved each other right? or they did... then all of a sudden my Dad went weird, cheated, and left us. It happens.. people, and this world are messed up.


    I did talk to her about it... or at least I just let her know, that I am sorry if I act overly jealous sometimes, and that its not that I dont trust her, its because of past issues with family and girlfriend relationships.


    One thing that scares me is how much I love this girl. Maybe its because she is my first true love... but we have such similiar goals, values, interests, and share this deeper bond of understanding with eachother. I just cant explain it... but even thugh Im young, and this is my first type of relationship at this level, theres just something that tingles in my hear tells me if things keep progressing the way they have been she IS THE ONE.


    She even tells me, that if we can make it through our youngers years without an serious relationship flaws, she wants to be my wife no question. I feel the same. So I guess the fear comes in even more because the LEVEL at which I care for her.


    thanks for your comment though, knowing she loves me does help regardless

  20. My girlfriend and I been dating 3 months... but in those 3 months, we have been SO close, it seems a lot longer. I know her better then some people I knew for years. It was kind of by chance we met, and it just happened that she was almost exactly what my ideal girl would be. I love her so much, it hurts that I cant just be with her when I'm at work right now


    Anyways... I have noticed some insecurity creeping up on me, but I don't really think anybody deserved it. I am trying SO hard to feel better about myself and the relationship, but sometimes I just let my imagination overwhelm me, and fear of losing the only person I have cared about so deeply scares the crap outa me.


    I can honestly say I don't look at other girls... I just have SO much feelings for her, when I walk by a girl at the mall, its the same as walking by another guy. Of course, if someone say asked me what I think... I will acknowledge someone's beauty, but to me, my girlfriends appearance ND personality are the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced, especially as we get closer.


    We had an issue with her looking at these magazines with senseless pictures of guys... I got really upset, a little too upset, but I cant make my feelings not be there, I talked to her calmly, explained... no yelling, no arguing. She said it was just because she had al;ways looked at the magazines since she was younger, and it was just more of a habit, then actually having any desires for the men. Everything was OK coon after, and back to normal.


    I think my insecurity stems from my parents and one girl who cheated on me. My parents broke up after 20 years of marriage, and my dad cheated on her. I had a girlfriend of 2 months... and she drank a bit too much, and had sex with some guy. I ended that relationship without hesitation.


    I am confident in my looks... and my girlfriend tells me all the time how good looking she thinks I am. It does help, but sometimes.. I just worry.


    Before we started dating, she liked on of my friends. He's a "big talker" and likes to make girls think he's something that he isn't. She fell for it.. and had a pretty big crush on him. She eventually met me as one of her friends, then soon after "liked us both" but I think she just thought I was hot. Then once she got to know the inner me, she says she completely forgot about my friend and cared for me. Then a week or so later we started dating.


    I really don't feel uncomfortable hanging around him with her, but lately... I been craving to ask her questions like "who did you think was better looking?" etc etc. but I know that's childish, and I shouldn't. So I don't.


    Otherwise I'm not jealous... I got awesome friends, and they'd never betray me. The friend who she liked is probably the least trustworthy of them. I trust her with my life too.


    The other day we were talking about this big public gathering we are going to attend, and we were talking about the last time we attended it (we were both single) we checked out the guys/girls. She reassured me she wont be doing that now of course.. and somehow it got into the topic of her talking to a guy, and if he was flirting and she flirted back. I said I am strongly against this behavior... and I would never stand for it. I would probably break up with her for a while at least, until I calmed down, and maybe could trust her again. Flirting is not cheating, but why flirt ? how can you have fun flirting with another person, when you love your partner? Flirting is just arousing sexual interest with no intentions of carrying it further. That's not acceptable to my relationship standards. Anyways... she agreed, and said shed probably do & expect the same from me.


    Sorry for going into such irrelevant detail, but I still feel insecure about us sometimes. I have a bad imagination, that lets me fabricate reasons and dreams of things that would make me jealous. I just think "what if this happened, and she did this ____" etc. etc.


    How can I control my jealousy/insecurity, and/or help her to relieve any doubts in my mind? Is it natural to be scared every so often about the possibility of losing your loved on? After all.... it does happen. I seen it happen. I know time is on my side, but I was hoping there was some way of thinking that could ease my scared thoughts and insecurities.



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