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Posts posted by Tinkerbell

  1. Perhaps I'm the one who's confused, but as far as I know vibrators are commonly used for clitoris stimulation, thereforeeee they are not used for penetration. Could it be that what you are using is a dildo? (I'm afraid that probably isn't the correct term for it, but I know no other...)

    I'm no expert, but I'd say that if it hurts than you certainly shouldn't go so far in, you wouldn't want to cause any damage. Are you using lubricant with it? If not, maybe it would be a good idea to try some out and see if it effects the pain at all.

  2. Now really, why wouldn't it bother her? It's one thing to be turned on by a member of the opposite sex, but it's another to not even try to hide it! I'm sure his girlfriend wouldn't be too thrilled either if she knew he was strutting around the library with an erection. Ugh!


    As for what you can do about the problem...Perhaps start off by giving him a dirty look whenever he's giving you that "look," and if he's got a brain he'll realise that you're not at all thrilled by his excitement. However, that may not work for very long, so you're probably going to need to talk to him about it. As awkward and embarrassing as it will probably be, you need to put an end to it somehow, and letting him know just how much you dislike it should certainly put an end to his excitement.

  3. Why don't you just try encouraging her? Let her know that you're up for pleasing her in whatever way possible (hopefully she's not into anything TOO kinky), and ask her to show you when she's enjoying herself so you can do whatever it is some more. Perhaps try something new, like purchasing a flavored lubricant or a sex game and see how she reacts to it.


    If she's still rather shy, I suppose you're just going to have to be blunt by telling her that as much as you like her, you'd like her even more if she would loosen up a bit in bed.

  4. I would be flattered; I wouldn't think you were gay or weird, as a matter of fact, I'd probably think you were being sweet.


    Come to think of it, if a person I didn't know very well said "hey beautiful," I would probably assume that the guy was just trying to get into my pants... I wouldn't suggest using this on a girl unless you're pretty close with her already.

  5. Well, I don't know how straightforward you are in general, but I certainly wouldn't suggest telling her she smells bad. Instead, make sure to keep a pack of gum handy, and when her mouth isn't too fresh you can take one and at the same time offer her one as well.

    And if she refuses, you can always try passing your gum along to her while kissing...

  6. Whatever you do, do not go with the last option. You'll just come accross as pathetic and needy and it's not very likely that she'll be longing to have you back. As for no contact, I'd always found it a bit silly to cease contact altogether, but there are cases when I think it's necessary or for the best. However, you haven't given me enough details to decide if this is the case for you, so I would suggest you continue with no contact for now, and in the future (when you feel ready), you can begin casual contact by emailing her or phoning her every few weeks or so.

  7. goddess23,

    Yup, it's has worked pretty well for me! The dark circles are still there, but they are nowhere near as bad as they used to be. My sister is beginning to develop some as well, so I'm pretty sure they are hereditary. I'm still uncertain as to what causes them though, I'm pretty sure my doctor mentioned something about a lack of Vitamin E, but I could be mistaken.

  8. Hello SugarNSpice, and welcome to eNotalone.


    Break-ups are hard, there's no doubt about it, and when the "dumper" jumps into a new relationship so quickly it certainly feels as though salt is being poured into your wounds. I would say "I understand what you're going through," as I have been through a fair share of break-ups myself, but the truth is that nobody can really understand what you're feeling but you. That's why you are the only one who can know what's best for you right now, although the rest of us can certainly help you if your actions seem a little reckless.


    It's going to be difficult, but you must begin focusing on yourself instead of your ex. Is there something you've always wanted to try, something that you've always wanted to do? Now with the extra time you have on your hands, feel free to go for it. Do something nice for yourself, whether it be a spa treatment or tickets to a basketball game. Surround yourself with friends who can support you through this tough time, and whenever you feel yourself longing for your ex, remind yourself that you are perfectly capable of being happy on your own and that there are billions of other men out there waiting. Don't feel rushed to get over him within a few days, take it one step at a time, and whenever you're feeling down, don't hesitate to post.


    Take care, and don't forget to smile!


  9. To be honest with you, my boyfriend playing football really wouldn't have an effect on me at all. It wouldn't make me like him any less or any more, I would just see it as one of his hobbies; something he enjoys doing. I've yet to encounter a girl who has something completely against football, so I don't think you should be too concerned. Besides, as the others have pointed out, there's not much use in dating someone who is only interested in you because you're classified as a "jock."

  10. I'm not sure if you want to hear this, but maybe what I have to say will help. At the moment, I want nothing to do with my ex. I'm at the point where I really don't think I could care less if he fell off of the face of the earth, and I know this may sound very harsh, but our 1 year and 9 month long relationship ended in disaster and he hurt me a great deal. To be honest with you, if he sent me a Christmas card I'd be wondering what on earth he was trying to pull off. I've made it clear that I want nothing to do with him, so his gesture wouldn't be appreciated.


    Perhaps you and your ex are not on such as bad terms as we are, but if this sounds anything like your situation, than I strongly advise you not to send her anything.

  11. Boy, can I ever relate. For the last year or so I've had dark circles under my eyes whether I get 2 hours of sleep or 12 hours of sleep. However, they have improved, thanks to a product by Avon called Lighten Up Plus. I would definitely recommend it, and it's very simple to use. You just apply the cream under your eyes in the morning and/or night and you should see results within a few weeks.

  12. I have a couple of freckles on my nose and top of my cheeks (close to under my eyes) and I've always been told they were very "cute" so I wouldn't worry about it too much. But I can understand where you're coming from, even though they don't show unless a person is pretty close I tend to get self-conscious about them. There comes a point where you just don't want to be "cute" anymore.

  13. I'm with hyolee, it's never a good idea to get too close to a girl with a boyfriend when the attraction between the two of you is so very obvious. Wait for her to call you, and if she hasn't called in a week or so, I guess you could give her a ring, but make sure to be very casual about it. You know, an old friend just calling to see what's new sorta thing.

  14. Alright, well first of all, calm down! If you forget to breathe while talking to her and start during blue, I strongly doubt she's going to be eager to go out with you.

    Confidence is key, so no matter how nervous you are, try to hide it somehow. Do the two of you share any similar interests? That could be an easy conversation starter. What about the same class, or the same teacher? Once you get things going, conversation should flow very naturally if there is chemistry. Another thing that would help is common friends, perhaps the two of you could go out as a group first and then you can establish whether or not you're going to ask her out. However, if you're really intent on asking her out for this weekend, I would suggest something simple such as a movie.

    Oh, and never ever refer to yourself as the "perfect guy" ever again. I know I said confidence is important, but that's just conceited!

  15. I have to agree with the majority of the people who posted, the pair of jeans you're wearing aren't going to determine whether she dates you or not. Mind you, if they're absolutely horrid, than I suppose they could have a negative effect so great that she'd cease contact altogether... As for my personal preferance though, I cannot STAND it when guys wear tight jeans. Ugh, baggy is always nice, but not TOO baggy, it isn't very sexy when half the country can fit into his pants with him.

  16. I can understand why you would feel awkward, 5 sexual partners and she's only 15 years old? In my opinion, that is too much. I hope that you made sure she was tested for STDs before you slept with her, I don't mean to worry you or anything but it's the smart thing to do. Anyway, if you really love your girlfriend, you're going to have to learn to accept this flawed past of hers, and hope that she doesn't go through one of these "stages" again anytime soon.

  17. From what I gather, non-exclusive means that you both have the option to see other people; you're not "tied down" so to speak. It doesn't necessarily mean she's dating another guy, but it does mean that if she wants to see someone else she can (And the same holds true for you and other women).

  18. Before you stop making an effort, you should voice to him your concerns. Explain to him that you miss spending time with him yet you're also tired of always being the one to initiate things. Make it clear that friendships have to work two-ways, and that you'd appreciate it if he'd acknowledge this. If, after this, he doesn't seem to be improving, than I think you should stop making an effort with him and find a friend who appreciates you enough to give you some of their time.

  19. Ugh, I am not a big fan of hair, the only good place for it is on top of a person's head. However, it would be rather disturbing if a guy shaved all his hair off everywhere. Just to give you an example, my friend's stepbrother has less hair on his legs than SHE does (He waxes because he's very hairy and this bothers his girlfriend). As for facial hair, I really don't like it, and it happens to give me rash on top of it too.

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