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Posts posted by 1Adam12

  1. Someone once told me recently I get attached to words easily which is why I am kinda angry that I'm 20 and have no gf and get mad that every girl I seem to try to get a date with ends up playing me so to speak..


    So if this is true how can one get over this? I don't get it if anyone can help I'd appreciate it Thankyou



  2. I want to say I agree with what everybody is saying here..I'm 20 and in the same boat as the rest of you guys..


    What kills me is I have been played 2 times now by girls who Love to flirt and lead me on all the while they go back to the comfort security of their bf's and not giving a rip about the guy's feelings they just played with..I mean what the __ huh? I mean they just don't get how bad that hurts It gets really irritating goin to school and seein all these pretty boys all talkin to these girls with this look on their face that says "yea look what I got you'll never get this good"..


    I've been told time and again your a good looking guy why don't u just go out here and there and blah blah blah well it don't matter..the girls aren't there where I am or they obviously don't want me..their all too busy partyin with their bf's or on a regular one nite stand with someone they just met and hooked up with..I'm about ready to say forget it and go on and concentrate on work and my career..atleast I'll have all my money to myself and not have to worry about spending it on someone who could very well end up leaving me for some better guy anyways...


    Just my 2 cents to it all


  3. How old is your friend Matt?..it looks like he sabotaged your relationship if im reading that correct. If im right you need to be talking to him and finding out whats up as for your girl just give her time til she comes back don't bug her or anything but I would talk to your friend though cause he has alot of explaining to do..



  4. Well I'd put myself in the position of Im just getting to know you first then kinda go from there but if I start to see that I like the person more and want to pursue a relationship with them I would want to talk with them and see what their intentions were and if they wanted to equally pursue a relationship..



  5. Well why not get to know both of them..I mean its just dating..not like he's proposing to you lol..I would just go out on one or two dates with each but keep it as nothing serious but just to get to know both of them better..



  6. SandyD this guy's not worth your time...I think if he cared about you more he would've only had to justify himself once for being late...taking an exam..picking up your friends i don't think justifies keeping a girl waiting..I would just forget him.

  7. ok no offense to what your saying evepm but I can't understand that..I mean how does that kinda relationship work I don't think it makes it interesting I think it makes it stressful to work..I mean if I had a gf who goes out and parties all the time and I don't cause I work how am I supposed to deal with that...it doesn't make the relationship interesting if you ask me..it opens up the chance for cheating especially if she's drunk..and who knows what else..yea I know trust has to be an issue here but its the 21st century and people are good at lying



  8. Very sorry to hear this has happened to you...If you ask me she's pretty immature to hang up on you like that..she obviously has not guts to tell this to your face and that you find out from her mom of all people...If you ask me I wouldn't call her anymore and when she does call you..tell her how awful she's made you feel..she took the relationship for nothing and then stomped on your heart i think..



  9. why don't u just catch him when he's coming in late..just sit in the back one day near where he'll come in and get him to come and sit with you unless he has someone he sits with already..then right before he leaves just bring this up say Hey are u going to the extravaganza thing or whatever and if he says yes say hey you wanna hangout with me there?..try that and see what happens

  10. Where do you see this guy? is it at school, where u work or a place you hangout at?..You really shouldn't have to worry about dealing with rejection so to speak if you don't go to school with him(i.e having to see him everyday afterwards would be awkward)..


    I think you should just bite your tongue and talk to him..whats the worst that could happen..he say no..ok move on and go to the next one he wasn't worth it then


    Let us know how it goes



  11. Age is nothing but a number sufer chances are people envy your relationship...there isn't anything wrong with the girl being older as long as you two care for each other..it shouldn't matter what others say or think they arent dating you your bf is and unless he's gotta problem then u shouldn't worry about it



  12. If you really like him as much as you say then you should talk to him when your alone with him..just u and him only no friends around and just sorta talk to him but hint around the idea of u and him being a couple..or just tell him that you have been friends with him for a while and you've developed feelings for him..see what he says


    Good Luck and let us know how it goes



  13. Caldus I think I may have said what I wrote wrong..


    First off I don't have a gf and am in the same boat as you no date, kiss, or anything..I keep a relaxed attitude towards talking to girls is what I should've said but when I said I act positive I don't go around actin like some chipper cheerleader who'se had too much latte at 8 in the morning..


    I have my bad days like everyone else and I just meant when talkin to girls I may have an interest in which is fairly rare I just keep it upbeat and don't sound depressing cause then they won't wanna talk to me if I go around feeling sorry for myself..


    If you need me to explain anything else feel free to PM me



  14. Well Caldus I can agree with a good bit of your first posting on this topic seeing as how I'm 20 and in the same boat as you are right now ..busy with work and school and no gf or anything like that so I keep myself preoccupied..


    But you said you are trying to not look desperate well have you been?..Cause that I think is one reason why the girls aren't talkin to you if you walk around with this look on your face or just act like it bothers you so much then your not getting anywhere..Me I just walk around with a positive attitude when I'm out and about ..especially at school where the girls are pretty much everywhere..I think you have to smile and keep an upbeat attitude and just treat each conversation you have with a girl as just that..two people talking nothing more and you just try to see if it progress'..if it does good if not move on..



  15. I just wanted to chime in on this..I am a nice guy but I am NOT a Doormat either which in my opinion is why the saying it never pays to be a nice guy is wrong..it never pays to be a doormat to a girl or anyone that statement I'll agree with..


    Being a nice guy in my opinion means respecting a woman but also standing up for yourself and not letting her or anyone else treat you like a pushover. I mean do you want to be in a relationship where u basically have no say the woman just suggests stuff and you are nothing but her "yes man" because you don't want to disagree with her out of fear she will get upset when she probably wanted to hear your ideas..


    As for the girls going for the aholes ...some girls do this and I think alot don't do this and I'd like any girl who has or hasn't posted to back me up on that if Im right..alot of the nice girls for us nice guys are already taken or they don't want a relationship because they were treated bad in a previous one..



  16. Hmm I don't know what to tell you there..I don't think you neccessarily Have to take those supplements..your problems is more than likely you have a high metabolism ..I've been kinda edgy about the Bowflex stuff I mean I see the types of people on those demos and I really don't believe it..


    Why don't you just sorta make your own diet program and take vitamins but don't spend your money on these supplements..I mean its a lot of money to spend if they don't really work..



  17. Yea you need to just tell her that first off you love her and are gonna be there for her but that it will help your relationship if your not always "joined together" so to speak..just tell her look there are times when I want to hangout with my friends and you would want to hangout with your friends and still we'll have time where it is just me and you..say that and see what happens..



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