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Everything posted by feldmanluver101

  1. i am really upset-my friends are kind of making fun of me cause i like Corey Feldman. yeah, he went thorough some drug problems. SO WHAT!!?? i mean, it's not like he is now living with absolutely no money, in the streets, shooting up every 5 minutes! he is a now averagely weathly man who is living in California, married and has a better life then he did before. (he'd be doin a lot better wit me! heehee) somebody help me. i've not slept for more than 3 hours a night, thinking about what they're goin to say to me the next day. please help me!!! love sends her wishes, paige
  2. is she acting like she doesnt know you? if she is, then maybe you should forget her. but if she is a friend, maybe you should give herthe cold shoulder. i mean, it doesnt really solve anything, but it makes her feel waht she ahs already caused. love sends her wishes to all, paige feldmanluver101
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