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  1. Actually...I think you can file a harassment lawsuit or something..and if he keeps harassing you, you CAN get a restraining order against him. But I dont really recommend that, but then again im not one to let the police handle things *wink* Ok lets see... I think you're best bet is to talk to him one last time about it all. and at the end of your speech threaten him with the lawsuit or somethin. Talk to him in a public place, or call him on the phone. Don't be alone with him, he might freak out or something and you'll need people around so he won't. Hope this helps! If you have anymore ?'s email me!
  2. Ok, my fiance has a child from a previous relationship. They split up before the baby was born and had to move back home, a couple of hours away from his ex and child. He hasn't got a license or a stable job because of him not have a license. He has been trying for a year now... He can't do anything without his license. He tries hard. He wants to see his son but has no vehicle to do so. He hasnt been able to get a good job because of his license situation, thereforeee hes unable to pay child support. He is trying so hard but still has so much guilt for not being able to get anywhere. The mother has brought his son down once so we could see him and said that she would do it more often, but the truth is that she's very lazy. He calls up there to see how things are but everytime she is out somewhere and her mother is watching the baby. The baby's first birthday is coming up in January and he is determined to make it up there. But tell me..is he really a dead beat dad???
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