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  1. i've liked this girl for almost 6 months. we never went out or anything and she knows how i feel. she started messing around with my feelings, like going out w/ my best friend then some other person. well, she started ingoring me and not talking to me. it went on for like 2 months. at first, i was upset but later on i didnt even think about her. i didnt talk about her, i didnt care. a couple days ago, she wished me happy bday and we started talking again, now suddenly I feel that i like her again. cant say alot, but this "tingly" feeling inside. whats wrong? i cant stop thinking about her! i taught i was over her!! geez, whats this stupid feeling?? i was thinkng of not being her friend so i can definitely get rid of her, but thats too pathetic & cruel. is there a simple way not to develop any feelings for her?
  2. i disagree with ocs virus also. try this wesbite, link removed. its a gay/les website. search for some gay guys in your area or maybe you could also make a profile of yourself so others can look at. at the age of 14, i dont recommend telling others about your sexuality YET. some peeps can be immature and give you a hard time. well from first hand experience, im a bi so yeh. good luck tho!
  3. i have acne for quite awhile now. i have recently squeeze 2 zits and and OMG now i have 2 horrible scars!!! and to make it more worst, it's on my nose!!! please how can i get rid of it?? please help!
  4. i am a bi girl. i have a bf for 8 months already. i like this girl for almost 7 years!! she has a long time bf, but the thing is, she jokes about being gay alot. i have a bf too, but im a bi. could she be one too? how could i know for sure?? besides getting her drunk to find out lol
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