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Posts posted by Micksbabyboo

  1. Hey if she does trigger attacks then you are probably allergic to her, Mayb her cat hair, Did you wash your hands before you went to bed after you had played with her? Or it could just be your own sweat, Were you sweating at night while you were sleeping? You should go see a dermatologist, If you dont have one or dont want to go see one you can just wash yourface with soap with aloe and put cream on that side of your face

  2. Hey i know what you mean, Parents have a tendency of telling there friends there kids problems. I know because it happens still sometime with my mom. They will Eventually grow out of it the reason they do it is cause by doing so they think they will get advice to help you out. Your life is too precious to end , Its gods gift and you shouldnt take it away yourself god isnt permissive of such things. Plus your too young you have plenty of time to make up for your recent struggles every one has problems. I imagen this one is yours but take a look at the person next door to you, There is always a way to solve a problem but you cant solve a suicide.


    Try to talk to your parents if you dont want to then try to get some couseling about your suicidal thoughts. It will help you alot and make you feel better about yourself.


    PS you get older you might do the same thing your parents do with there kids lol (i know your thinking "no i wont") But believe me it does happen you will see why they did things, All parents do is try to protect even though they dont notice they are really annoying sometimes lol..


    Take care,


  3. Hey


    First and formost, I would like to ask you say that you started going out with him when you are 13 and been dating him for two years making you 15? Also, No women Deserves to be treated like trash and you for one should not premite the way he is with you, You are carrying his son, He should atleast have some feelings towards the mother of his child. I think he is trying to get you jealouse by telling you about his days with other girls and i think he needs help if he keeps changing his mind about loving you everytime you see him or speak to him, You deserve better then that dont let any guy call you stupid or annoying because you try to show your feelings.


    Love is Blind thats how it goes but no matter how blind love is you should always try to keep your self respect. I disagree with the fact that you say you love him, You need to think about your baby and the future is your Ex is the way he is now imagen him when he gets back with you, What kind of Example would he ve giving to the Gift that you guys share (the baby). You yourselve said you come from a broken home so you must of suffered all that we suffer (i say we cause i came from a broken home aswell). You SHOULD do whats best for yourself and your baby and take care of your self and your baby, Ive meet alot of guys who treat there wifes/Girlfriends the way you describe your b/f Treating you and all of them are alone now with kids.


    I dont want to sound rude on this note, But i Hate to see guys treating the mothers of there babie's like trash. You Deserve the best along with your baby and dont let any one else treat you bad, Do it for your baby and keep on life is hard and you will just make it harder by an addition of your Ex who will Verbaly Abuse you and your poor baby if he had the chance.

  4. If you try and plan things too much then you will end up having a picture in your mind of how you think it should go and if it doesnt you may well end up getting something you're not prepared for which will make you worry.

    I completely Agree, When you plan things nothing goes accordingly, Let it happen thats the best Advice any one can give you, Dont expect it to be anything, Just feel the moment you wont regret it. Also make sure you care about her enough to do have this relationship with her.


    As for Foreplay, You will know what to do when it comes to it, Do what you feel.




  5. Hey , Honestly there is no way no matter how much they explain to you that you will learn to kiss by advice, Kissing comes naturally . You wont be lost you will do what you feel. Another things its true what Emotional Says Guys dont like a girl who is willing to go fast in a second. Take your time. Dont do things if you feel preassured only do it if you feel its the right thing other wise you will Always regret it.

  6. Hey What you have said is a really hard thing to go through, for some one as close as a husband to cheat on you must be horrifying. Im not married but i can imagen how bad it is, However, Infedelity is a Big issue, Not something to let pass by. My Advice to u is talk to him, Tell him how you feel, Make him Understand what he did wasnt right and tell him you dont trust him leaving to florida because the trust has left the relationship. I know its hard to let some one you love go, But if they are miss treating you or your feelings or doing something to hurt you as a women you should stand for your feelins, Emotions and Selfrespect and let him go, You know what they say once a cheater always a cheater. Im sure it was hard for him to admit that he was cheating, But if he had enought balls to cheat he also should have enought to take the responsibility's for his actions. Nothing, Not even you going to school and taking care of the house and working like all women should, Makes it ok for a man to turn around and cheat on you.


    I hope this helps you and lets you know that its not your fault.

  7. Hey and Thanks for coming to my Forum. My problem is as follows: I have been with my b/f for 3 years and 6 months, We have been through the pleasant times and through the verry rough times we have learned to deal with each other's fault and applaud our attributes, But to every relationship there is a problem. Lately I dont feel there is anything there any more, Its a dry relationship if it can still be called that theres no more cute name calling, no i love you unless we are saying bye and no talk about us, Our future together or even how our days went. I used to live for this relationship it was the only thing i had after my grandmother past away he was the person i turned to. I really Dont know what to do i talked to him and told him i didnt love him but after i said it i felt strong emotions for him can i be confusing them with love? Or do i care for him this much because of everything we have been through?i mean i feel like i cant let him go but in the other hand i feel like i need to let him go because what im looking for isnt with him any more. Ive always needed to feel loved and somewhere towards the last 6 months and something i havent felt that way, He doesnt even refer to me as his baby any more.


    What do you guys think? What advice can you give me?




  8. Well i understand that its hard to know whats wrong with her when she doesnt speak to you but be easy on her have a kid is one of the most important parts of being a women and if she cant have one then im sure she is feeling very depressed and with her father being sick its even harder on her just give her some time and tell ehr ur there for her Good Luck



  9. Well we know life isnt easy but if you only think of whats happened to you in the past you wont give yourself a chance to move on to something that can be so much better try not to think about the many times u have tried anf failed that wont get u any closer to succes

  10. Well i was reading your very complicated life at the moment..You should go out with Tera in my opinion because it isnt fair for you julie obviously has her new b/f you have the rights to have your new g/f and if you guys were ment to be (you and julie) im sure your love will survive till your both single if not then i hope you are happy with tera any any other girl you go out with it isnt fait that you have to stop you love life because this girl that i know you ike dumped you move on aswell Wish you luck



  11. Well i think you should think that he is still legaly married and that is something that needs to b respected even if he is separated at this moment he still doesnt have divorce papers.....I think you should , before going out with him if thats what you decide, to ask him how his relationship with his wife is going if he tells you bad ask him if he is thinking about divorce..for all you know he may have 3 kids and a wife and then you would come between then if he wasnt planning on getting divorced (dont wanna sound mean on my coment)Good luck



  12. Well you should trust your b/f that is the base of a relationship Trust with out it you will loose him has he given you any clues or anything to make you think he wants to screw around? if he hasnt then relax and trust him cause how ould you feel if you werent doing n e thing and he thought the same thing about you?



  13. Well if you do have something you are clearly blocking his rights to know you cant really hold that from him if you guys were broken up you had the rights to have sex with who ever u wanted so i dont think it should have any effects on your relationship so yeah you should let him know I Wish you luck and that you have nothing



  14. Ok I really dont mean to be mean but what you are saying in other words is that you want to change how he is..you shouldnt really have a problem with it though because you knew how he was before you went out with him and a misconception of i can change him when i go out with his is completely wrong...if you dont like how he is to the point that sometimes u want to break up with him then i think you should tell him and tell him that you cant be with some one like that because it bothers you dont make him feel bad about how he is cause thats just his personality..(ps: this is my opinion i dont want u to take it as if i was insulting you) Wish you luck



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