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Everything posted by JDirte0213

  1. I think if you like this guy enough and you think that he really likes you then go on that date as "just a friend" and see what you can do to win him over. He obviously has an interest in you. Just watch yourself and don't get used and you will be fine and don't spend too long with this one. You don't want to be wasting your time when you could be working on some other guy!
  2. I have been with my girlfriend for 4 years. I'm in the Navy and sometimes I have to go away for 6 month periods. I am currently 3 months into my 3rd time leaving. The same thing keeps happening everytime I leave. My girlfriend hates to be alone and she runs away when I leave. The first 2 times she left me after about a month and went back to the city we are both from and stayed with her mother. She told me she can't deal with this and that she wants to be single. We would still talk for about another month and then all of the sudden she stops talking to me. No emails no nothing. Then she starts to push her mom away and won't talk to her. When I come back home she calls me and we talk and work it out and everything is great until the next time I leave. She did the same exact thing this time. We just reached the "not talking to me" stage 2 weeks ago. All of her belongings are still in my apaprtment. She hasn't even been back to the apartment since the day I left 3 months ago. We talked about marriage before I left, but I didn't want to propose to her until after I came back to see if we would survive this. I love her more than anything, but I feel like I can't keep letting her do this to me. It's hard to deal with even though I have dealt with it 2 times before, because I am out on the ocean and have nothing to do other than think. The other 2 times she never dated any other guys, all she did was hang out with her friends. Her friends email me all the time and tell me that they don't know why she does this and they try to talk to her about it, but she just gets mad at them. Can anyone tell me why she does this? What can i do to make these next 3 months less painful? Should I even let her come back to me if she tries? Help!!!!!!!
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