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Everything posted by Jeepster_251

  1. I have been trying to work on the samething with one of my friends, except I screwed things up about 6 months ago and we are talking again, we started getting close after she broke up with ehr boyfriend. I have feelings for her, when I told her, she said that she doesn't feel the same way about me. I am still devistated and now I am still trying to pick myself up, that was a week and a half ago. I have been told to jsut be there for her as a friend, if she doesn't feel the same way about you, try to move on then, that is the hardest part. See what is hard in your situation is she is already with someone. I am not sure what I would do. try to talk to her about your feelings, but if nothing happens then back up, you don't want to mess up a friendship. That is what I am trying to do, but my feelings are getting the most of me. Good luck!!!
  2. Thank you, I feel a little better about my jealousy and feelings for my friend. I did a lot of things yeserday to keep my mind off it. I was wondering if you could help me with this? Last night I talked to my friends sister and she said ther her and her parents confronted my friend and asked her why she was basically moving on so fast and why I am basically lef tin the shadows since I have been at her becon call since she was havig her problems. I don't believe they gave her an answer. I have this really weird feeling already that she is taking my friendship with her for granted already. she said she took her last relationship for granted and now they are not together. She know that I will be there for her when she needs me, but I have the feeling when I need her she is not going to be there for me. What can I do about this?
  3. I have not been in a relationship for 4 years now. My last one ended because my x cheated on me and I have been in a downward spiral since. I have a hard time trusting people and I am depressed because I am alone yet. I have a friend that I have a little crush on maybe it is an infactuation because I know she does not feel the same about me. Well for the last 3 weeks I have been there anytime she needed me becasue she jsut got out of a relationship. I was there 24/7 for her, all of a sudden she feels better she is going out meeting new people....great, I am jealous now that she has met a new guy already and I am still by myself. All of a sudden I am having all these thought going through my head of being lonely and I feel this is only because she has moved on so fast and again....I am still by myself. I don't have that many friends that I feel comfotable talkign about my problems with. Also I usually help others and not myself, but when I help other I fell that I should get a little something in return, like a little help for myself, does this seem to be selfish, I don't think it is. What can I do get help myself about gettign jealous and help myself about feeling lonely. thank you for reading.
  4. thanks Gilgamesh, Everything you said makes sense. Plus everything that you told me I should do, I already did that. Now I just need to give her space. I also need to get over her and just be there for her if she needs me. No strings attached.
  5. I need to tell you a little history before I get to my question. I met this girl a year and a half ago. We had to get away from each other twice because I had issues I was dealing with. Namely depression from a broken heart ( I was in a long relationship that went on and off for 6 years). I was really mean to her and other people in my life. I went and received help for my depression. I am not a 100% yet but I can honestly say that I am 90% there. There are a lot of people that have noticed the change in my attitude over the past few months. Ok now getting to my question. I am again talking to this person and we are really close friends. I have a crush on her, but she just got out of a relationship of 4 years a month or so ago. I have been helping her deal with her problems, because I have gone through what she is going through. The other night we were talking and she asked me what I would do if she kissed me, I said I was not sure. (I am not your typical guy....I do think with my heart). I told her that I would not want to hurt her because she is so vulnerable right now. She was getting at helping each other because we are both with out intimacy right now. But she has nothing else to offer me because she has no feelings for me because of our past, this is what she said to me. Saturday I went out and got totally trashed, I guess I talked to her on the phone, I don't remember saying what I talked about but I guess I was a real prick. She is really mad at me now. Then I guess she met this guy and she was going to watch a movie with him. I am very jealous now. What can I do to stay friends with her and move on so I am not wasting my time waiting for a relationship with her that will never happen. Plus how can I get over my jealousy and jsut stay friends with her. I have been single for about 4 years now. I am a very attractive guy, that is what I have been told, I just live a small town and it is hard to meet different people here, I think this is why I am not able to get past the crush I have on my friend that will not happen. What can I do so I can get over my crush and be a good friend. thank you for your help!
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