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  1. Ok I told her a long time ago that I loved her and she said when she read the note I gave her she started crying. That made me feel real bad. But she broke up with her boyfriend and thats good cause im friends with her and this could make it better, but i've never been myself around her which is throwing her off cause she says she might never like me like that so I have to learn to be myself around her, there is also talk of another guy so I don't know what to do cause I kind of bothered her a little while ago about it so I think I should become better friends with her first before anything. I even have people helping me includeing her x-boyfriend. But I could use all the advice I can get can you help me?
  2. I am in love with a girl who I am good friends with but I botherd her too much about it wihch really screwd me up. She is going out with my friend and Some of my friends think she will go out with me while others send mixed messages. We are friends at this point in time but I want to be the one to wipe away the tears when shes sad. I realized that I almost lost her as a friend and that I can MAYBE deal with her not going out with me but If I really thought I wasn't her friend anymore I'd wanna die. Sometimes I get the feeling that she is avoiding me cause of it. She once invited me to a fast food resturant and she wouldn't let me leave and that was one of the most happiest days of my life but she is in love with my friend. She did start talking to me online later the day she avoided me if she was. A lot of my friends are trying to help but most of them are saying Give up but I have to strong of fellings for her just to give up. It killed me to see her dance with my friend at the school dance. I just need to know what to do and have some saport. theres a lot more to it so if you want to know more or have any questions please e-mail me at email removed
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