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Posts posted by sisterlynch

  1. I think that the ball is in his court and he has to make a choice about how he feels about you. The thing is that if he and you have been friends this long, then he most likely knows that you like him and he most likely feels the same way, it is just that he has trouble expressing his feelings.


    Give him some time to respond. He may eventually laugh it off.

  2. Why is looking down with shame considered positive in swimming?


    I don't get this? Is this a competitive team and you are the best, and maybe you don't want the others to know of your pride?


    Focus on the faces of other people whether you win or lose, don't put on a big false smile.


    It is ok to be happy when you win or do something well, but it takes team work to accomplish anything in this world, and you must always see others as your level...not higher or lower...to really be a team member.


    If you look for small problems in other people, that will be all that you will see...look past their faults and you will be rewarded.

  3. If you can, talk with your family about it. Your parents may be able to explain why they picked it, that would give you some insight into how they would feel if you changed it.


    Tell them how you feel when you are called by that name...

  4. There is also special lubrication that is better for down there. You need the thicker type of lubricant to allow those muscles to relax.


    The guy who said that his girlfriend liked it fast, she was probably more experienced in that area.

  5. Sorry but...

    this whole thing is confusing...you want him to come over and not want sex, even though you have had sex with him and you two are still in a relationship?


    What can the future hold for him to remain in this relationship?


    You must be pushing him away unconsciously...


    Why are you stopping the sex?

  6. What can you really do?


    You are not that great in math and the teacher didn't take her job very seriously. what can you do? You need to get extra help some how. I assume that you are all signed up for summer school.


    Your parents are not getting ready to send you to boot camp, they just want you to do your work.


    Algebra is not really that hard either...at least it wasn't when I was in school, maybe they somehow made it more confusing.


    Don't worry too much, if you are under so much stress then cut out some of your other activites...that way they will see that you are trying.


    Take an easier math class. Everyone isn't meant to take calculus...take it easy. You will get it eventually, or not, it isn't that important in your life.

  7. I don't think that it matters how often you do it, it is the timing of the sex that matters. On the day(s) that you are able to conceive, the lining of the vigina will have lots of lubrication. This excess lubrication gives the sperms something to swim against.

    If the vaginal secretions are thick, then it isn't a good day to make a baby.


    The secretions should be like raw egg whites to make conception easier.


    If they are thick and not too stretchy, then they make it difficult for the sperm to move inside the woman's body.


    If you do it a lot, like everyday, there will be a lower percentage of sperm ready, if you only do it once a week, then I think the chances of conception go up.

  8. You really should find someone to talk to. If you are afraid of what you may receive in punishment, try and look past that to the long term goals of feeling good about yourself and your body.


    you can always find a new school or a new boyfriend, but you need to think of yourself as unique and independent.

  9. I would say that you need a real structured environment with lots of books and things to keep you busy. Take some fun classes and exercise consistently. Eat healthy with lots of fruit and vegies.


    Feelings of loss...you need to talk about those feelings, they will not go away. I took a psychology class on death and dying and it really opened my eyes!!

  10. If you are planning on getting pregnant, take some multi vitamines now, so that they will be all in your system by the time implantation happens, especially folic acid.


    Keep active and don't eat too much through out your pregnancy.

  11. You move through all stages of feelings as the relationship keeps moving forward. Also, just because they say that they are unhappy, and their behavior tells you something else, doesn't really mean anything.


    They could be lying about being unhappy. Why would they even need to tell you how they feel...if you can see that they are happy, why try to change things. Also, if you are a guy and it is the guys that have been talking, they may not be giving you the full intimate truth.


    Maybe they are avoidant types and don't really want others to know how they feel.

  12. Philosophers say that there are 3 parts to a relationship: intimacy, talking about private subjects; passion, sexual component; commitment, you want to stay in the relationship.


    If you only have commitment, and you aren't married, then she is inviting problems in the relationship.


    She is leaving you open to seek intimacy and passion else where.

  13. I just think it is inappropriate. I don't think that he is teaching you anything during lunch, so you shouldn't have to hear from him.


    During lunch you should be talking to people your own age, not twice your age. If you wanted to see him, then you would make an appointment to see him, he shouldn't be following you in the lunch room.


    This is just my opinion, you don't have to listen, do what you think is best.

  14. I am not sure exactly what the problem is, but maybe you feel disappointed that she is going to college and you aren't? So instead of dealing with the situation, you are going around it and talking about things that are indirectly involved...Sometimes it is better to be clear about our feelings rather than just filling in the air with talk.

  15. Could it be the wrong person, because you say that he saw her 2 mos ago and she says that she hasn't talked to him in 4 mos, so that is a pretty big inconsistency...ya know??


    If they work together, then he would have told her about the new number, I would think....


    Could it be that the lady is playing a trick on you??


    She could be the very reason why he got a new number too if you think about it....


    I don't think that your dad is cheating if what you say about him is true, I really think it is a big misunderstanding...if that is the case, and you don't want to ruin his trip, then try talking with her.


    Not to confront her in anger, but say knock it off, this is ME, not my dad!!

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