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Everything posted by vertigoxo

  1. I really wish we could talk now, even though I have nothing to say anymore. I remember when you dumped me that night, that all I wanted more than anything was to find you and physically hug you one last time. I miss laying on top of you, I miss the way you touched me ever so gently... I miss how affectionate you were, how good you made me feel, how good I made you feel... I hope it's worth it, Chris. I hope this is what you truly want. I hope you're okay.
  2. Day 178 It's in the morning but I know for sure I won't contact him today. 2 days till I complete 6 months. Woot woot!
  3. Day 173 7 more days till I've completed 6 months of NC, and 7 more days it will be one year since the break-up. I'm starting to get bored with ENA, lol! I guess I am moving on pretty much.
  4. Day 171 Yet another day completed. Sigh.
  5. Day 170 10 more days and it'll be 6 months of NC. So so happy I've made it this far! YOU CAN DO IT, EVERYONE!
  6. Imagine them coming back when we're all grown a bit more older, happily married and with children? You think it doesn't happen in real life? It does.
  7. Yep, and 12 days till I have completed 6 months worth of NC.
  8. Day 166 Emotions are calming down again. Yesterday had a bit of a "down time" when I thought of the ex... But I came out of it and now I feel okay again. 14 more days till I complete 6 months of NC! Wooooo!
  9. I thought the anger stage has passed... Now it's resuming... I think it's just a relapse, really... I've never dealt with the anger thing for months now and this came out just the other night. But otherwise, I'm still trucking along. I wish you luck!
  10. Day 163 I hate my ex. Hate hate hate hate him. I'll never friggin' talk to him ever again!
  11. It does get easier, yes! Back then I was sooooo depressed, I was reaching the point of planning to kill myself. Now it's just like.... waves... I feel good... and then I feel sad.... Then okay again... then sad again... etc. But as each days go by, the "waves" get longer and farther in between... I hope one day the waves stop and it'll just be one continious "happy" feeling.
  12. Day 161 Sigh... Last night was hard. 19 days till I complete 6 months of NC. Wish me luck.
  13. I think it's more like I'm sad with how things ended... I tend to over dramatize things sometimes. I'm hoping that when the 6th month mark comes up, that I'll be able to clear the air with this guy. I'd be lying if I said I'd be in for a big disappointment if he gets nasty again once I break NC soon... Sigh.
  14. Day 158 (about to be 159 in a half hour) I feel a bit bad. I can't believe I let someone screw me over in the worst ways for over a year. I guess he never really did loved me, but rather, wanted to use me for sexual comfort and companionship. I didn't mean anything to him at all. Nope. Not one bit...
  15. Thanks! Wow, you're way ahead of me in NC! I'm happy for you and your new girl! See, just because I'm healing tremendously and not hurting anymore, doesn't mean I'm forgetting or have forgotten him. I still remember him. I still somewhat think of him. He just fades away from the front of my mind day by day, but he'll still be in the back of my mind and in my heart. Whenever I'll run accross something that will remind me of him, well, I'll think of him. Even years from now, I won't forget him. So while our exes are moving on just like we are, take comfort that they will still remember us for the rest of their lives. This!
  16. Day 157 So this is new. This is the first time today I woke up with NO thoughts of my ex whatsoever... Of course, I thought of him just now, thus why I'm writing this down, but I'm really happy I'm actually really moving forward this time!
  17. It does! Especially the part of me throwing my stomach up... I searched it in a dream interpretation website and it said that to see a stomach in your dream represents changes in your life and accepting it. Sounds just about right!
  18. Day 155 I had a dream of him last night. I had a ride in the car with some weird person and he dropped me off of this guy's house. For some reason I keep seeing this guy's house in my dream for the past few months. Well in my dream, I got back into the car and we drove away. I was in some house, I looked out the window to scan the neighborhood. I saw my ex in my dream coming out of his house, and his hair was the colors of the rainbow. Then I dreamt of other weird things, like... I don't know, throwing my stomach sack out and having it hang over my mouth for a while, confused as to why it's happening. I had blood on my arms... Obviously for the stomach sack. I managed to suck it all back in. Weirrrrrrrrrrrd.
  19. Day 153... fhejfhlekjflelkerljerlgk Will be posting thread now about how I feel tonight.
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