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Everything posted by saltwater

  1. I'm sure this won't decrease the pain, but it may make you more confident about the future. I have a friend in my grade who went through the same thing you are going through. Her boyfriend is two years ahead of her. So far, she's made it through a year of high school without him and they still have a really strong relationship. Just hang in there. You guys can make it work.
  2. I fear I may be bisexual. Being a girl, I am attracted to guys, however I have found that recently I have developed sort of "crushes" on girls. It is something I am incredibly ashamed of. Especially since the majority of America looks down on those who are not "straight." Is it wrong to try and maintain a friendship with a girl even though I secretly like her? I find myself often wishing I were a boy to avoid any conflict. I don't know what to do. Only one of my friends knows and that is because she is incredibly open-minded and I have known her for several years. Many of my friends look down on homosexuality. I do not think I could risk telling them. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to live so secretly. I begin to hate myself for being this way. Although, I don't think I can change it. It'd be like trying to change your favorite color... you can't, you're just attracted to that color... That's how I feel. I would greatly appreciate any advice and any support. I feel incredibly alone and wish people were more understanding. Thanks.
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