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Everything posted by wakkarocka

  1. Ok im trying my best to get over my ex and at times I feel im getting somwhere but then she randomly goes out of her way to conatct me, mainly thru the use of email/messenger services. Almost everynite so far she has IMed me out of the blue saying somthing along the lines of wow your on late just to smark up covo or so it seems. We might get talking and the convo can start to go in the direction of well us and she talks about how she want ts be friends. I tell her thats really hard for me to do seeing how much i still love her and all (i try and be choice in my words with her) she says she understands and all. Ah well rather then confuse anyone any futher bottom line is she seems to still want to talk to me because she goes out of her way to spark up a conversation with me all the time, and is always asking to do stuff that we would do while together and seems all happy and invites me to go places with her and tells me how she really wants me to go with her and then i get confused and if i assmue that she misses me and still wants to be together im always wrong and she then tells me how she just wants to be friends. So whats the deal?
  2. Ok my g/f recenly ended things with me over petty things that would happen over the internet (moved 20 mins from where i use to so im 20 mins from her now so we comunicate alot over aim) She was refusing to want to fix things. The other night we had a falling out where things were said by both parties that neither of us meant. Last night she had randomly contacted me wanting to know if ide like to see her new hair color. I said sure why not, then later that evening she contacted me again saying "i know you prolly dont like me anymore and your prolly busy with Lauren (my friend of the oposite sex) but ide really like to maybe play a card game or somthing with you...but thats ok if you dont want to i declined politly saying maybe some other time and that seemed to bother her. We use to play card games and such all the time late at night together and had a blast ( this wasnt a online relationship to clear any confusion up) Im not sure what to think, i mean she ended it with me so why would she even bother talking to me? Now she seems to have a new interest or so i assume based on away messages she puts up that read "J call me when you get home 111-1111 or 111-1111 "ur babydoll" " mind you she just ended things with me last sat and its fri and she has put stuff up like that sesne sunday. Im just confused i dont know if she misses me and or is wanting to make me jealous. Ide get back with her in a heartbeat because she means sooooooooooooo much to me even if that to some may seem like a mistake but alot of people end up getting back together. So yea its been a week and thats my story, any help or advise would be great, thanks a bunch!
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