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Everything posted by Hornet

  1. What experience changed your view of what men feel?
  2. Jess and Phill, Sorry to hear about the hard times and depression your both going through. From what I'm gathering both of you seem like worthwhile people and you both deserve better. As mentioned there is help. I know I had been diagnosed with dysthimia which is a mild form of depression which is long term. The doctors offered medication which I turned down. They did however send me to a "healthy thinking" class. It was sort of a class that was focused on teaching people to have the mental approach or "the glass is half full" instead of "the glass is half empty". Jess, Is there any way you could change schools and possibly get a fresh start somewhere else? I don't think you should have to relocate but maybe a fresh start would be a good thing for you. You are young but those are painful and difficult experiences that you have been through. I know you shouldn't let those things keep you from pushing on. Sometimes we don't see the light at the end of the tunnel but when you hit the bottom. The only way left is up. I really, really hope that things get better for you. Phill, I know that sometimes it seems the only way to escape is in the bottle but it's not. They say that alcohol actually encourages depression. I know I've been drunk a few times hiding from the pain. Yet I found myself in an ambulance at 4am telling an EMT that I intended to kill myself after I had been drinking. Stay active in life. Join a club of some type so you can start meeting people with common interest. It would probably be a good place to come out of your shell.
  3. I personally believe the phrase to be true. That time that a person is separated from the former companion gives them time to come to terms with their emotion. They either realize they were meant to be with that person or they realize that the one they belonged with was elsewhere from the start.
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