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Everything posted by bk

  1. This sounds a lot like what I am going through right now with someone I had only been going out with for 2 months. At least be happy that you know what's wrong and what caused it, because she wouldn't even tell me what I did that caused her to loose interest and pull away. Now I'm going through all the blame yourself emotions wondering what I did or didn't do, was I not aggressive enough, was I too aggressive, was I too attached, etc... So I broke down and wrote her an email the next day and asked why, and why whatever it was couldn't be worked out. I still haven't receieved a response but it has only been a few days. This is definitely the toughest emotional experience I have ever been through and I have been strong at holding tears back in the past even with severely breaking my leg and physical pain, but this just totally caught me off guard. I hope that your situation improves as well as mine.
  2. That's the thing, there was absolutely no warning at all. The day she got back when I called we talked as usual, then right at the end she says I need to tell you something. Immediately I was like this can't be good, and sure enough she says basically that she's lost her attraction that she once had to me. She never before this said anything was bothering her or she didn't feel comfortable, and like I said she's not seeing anyone else. She gave me the typical line "it's not you, it's me" thing, and I think we would just be better off being friends. I didn't know how to respond and I don't know if being friends means she would reconsider in the future, or if it simply means I don't want to go out with but don't want to say directly. Thank you for your advice so far.
  3. I have only been dating this girl for a few months now, but she left on a trip for a week, and upon returning, she says she's done some thinking and things have changed since we first started going out. She says she just doesn't feel as attracted and now wants to "just be friends", which is the worst line I ever wanted to hear. This was only a few days ago and even though we've dated only a short time, I totally thought she was the one, perfect in every way. Millions of thoughts have been racing through my head, trying to analyze where I went wrong. The only thing I can think of is that I'm not very aggressive and tend to not share all my emotions for fear of looking stupid or going to fast, and this maybe led her to be bored of me. Anyway, is this a hopeless situation or is there something I could do to maybe regain her interest in me. This all started with her being heavily attracted to me in the beggining and I just decided to give it a try and it turned out that I liked her more than I could have imagined. I also want to add she's not seeing anyone else, and we have somewhat maintained contact through messaging. I feel so lost and hurt, like the pain won't ever go away and I can't get rid of the thoughts of how much I envisioned us being together. Sorry for the long rant, but what can I do?
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