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Everything posted by Rikumo1978

  1. Here is the most helpful site I have come accross. Very informative, and has LOTS of information. link removed
  2. Yea, thats what I mean though, she tells me it feels too intense, which isnt a bad thing, if you ask me, if she could just hold out for 3-4 more seconds, then she will be in bliss, am I right? None of this 2 second orgasm shit, I wanna give her a real one! One shes never had before! So, anyone else care to share there thoughts? Also, check my other topic, and give your words on that.
  3. Wow! Thanks man!! Ill keep that in mind...by any chance, did you read my other post? Any words on that? Massage...I have to do that!
  4. Yea...yea, thats what I mean...wow! You put that so...perfectly!! Lol
  5. Well, I say, just roll with it! Make sure your ok and shes ok with it, then just do it! Believe it or not, talking about it before hand helps alot, and brings you too closer, so I say just roll with it, and have a good time. Also, good luck on going down on her, its great!!
  6. Ok, we already agreed, no sex till marriage, and Ive gone down on her and everything, but what else? Please give me any advice you have, Im new to this, and she is too.......so any advice can help. Thanks!
  7. Now take note, that I said they can last "up to" 30 seconds, not always, but my g/f only has like 2 second ones, cause she tells me to stop too soon, thats what I mean! help me someone!! How do I convince her to just hold on for a few more seconds!! Then she will be in bliss.
  8. Yea! Thanks foolish!! That robbie buy doesnt know what he is talkin about. But I still need to find out what I can do!!?? Should I stop focusing on the clitoris while she is climaxing, and focus somewhere else? Like the labia or the opening? Ya know, to let her go, but still stimulate!!??
  9. Well, whats supposed to happen is that the woman starts to orgasm, and the guy continues with his "work." Until its over. Im glad there are others with this problem, so maybe we can help eachother!! IM trying to find out what I can do before tomorrow night....
  10. Hello, I go down on my girlfriend all the time. And she has never had an orgasm before, until she met me, anyway, just recently, she informed me that when I go down on her, she tells me to stop right as she is about to orgasm, cause it gets too intense for her, and right as I stop, so does her orgasm. So in other words, she only has like a 1-2 second orgasm, and she thought that was normal!! I told her that they can last up to 30 seconds long, and she wants that now. But she tells me to stop, cause it gets too intense!! So what do I do? How can I get her to be able to handle me down there until the END of the orgasm? HELP ME PLEASE!!
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