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Everything posted by daffsters

  1. if it didnt go all the way in i think ur safe.
  2. my prob is that i like this guy... lot! and well he's my ex's good friend... not anymore now that my crush is talking to me though. There are also girls who dont like me that hang around him a lot.. his good friends and if i try to go up to him while they are there, just to talk, the girls get all mean. They have this invisible leash on him. i've been hanging out with him more now, over the summer and he's awsome! i want to go for him sooo bad but i dont want to have to the drama with his friends or with the ex. i think he likes me but he's shy..... what should i do?
  3. hey buddy, well to ur prob. i have had the same prob. its shyness. the only way out is to face ur fears of rejection and go for it. it will take time so take slow steps. but for the most part u will for better for trying to go out there and make stuff happen btwn the 2 of u. capish
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