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Posts posted by babycristy456

  1. well congratulations lol! Uh...I would not even be thinking of girls right now if I were you!!! lol you lucky one you!... Well, I would not tell your exgirlfriend just yet, bc she might want to be with you only for the money. Its a sticky situation but I would not try to act too arrogant or change the person who you are now just because you won the lottery. Continue being the same guy, and don't mention that you won the lottery until further into the relationship so that you can differentiate a real relationship from a fake one.

  2. From what it sounds like, he might be unfaithful to you emotionally. He should not keep comparing you to his ex gf if he really loves you. He should not even mention her since it bothers you. You said he dragged you, that is called physical abuse, no matter how you put it. He wants to control you but will not stop communicating with him ex-gf for you. This doesn't sound like a good relationship to me. Especially how he makes you feel that his ex is better than you. He should never compare you, because you are unique and special in your own ways. I would find another man who will love you for who you are and forget about this creep.

  3. I agree with darkblue. If a guy likes you are is worth the time, he should accept you the way you are. I personally think that you might not be able to hide it for long if you guys get seriously involved. What if he wants to go for a job one day, or asks you to walk quickly over there...etc. etc.


    Tell him the truth, I mean, i don't think it should scare him away at all. I wouldn't work it up too much, just tell him like its not a big deal. Maybe something like this, "oh by the way, your going to have to walk a little slower next time so that I can keep up with you because___(your reason here)____________-...," Like that it doesn't sound scary. Dont treat it like a big secret because then that might make him feel uncomfortable to ask you if he notices anything "strange".

  4. They lie because they don't want people to know they are taken. If people know he is taken, that will be less likely for other girls to come up to him to talk. Probably a cheater.


    I don't think there is any specific signs to tell if a guy is lying to you unless he is clearly caught or there is suspicious behavior. Some guys lie so good, you would think they are actors!

  5. Dont be so hard on yourself. I don't think its only the gay factor that pressures an individual to be perfect. I am not gay, but I have always felt this pressure from my parents to be "perfect" in school and walk around like I can't mess up, or else...


    I think that everyone has an obstacle that makes them feel insecure about themselves (in your case, the obstacle is being a homosexual). I think its good that you set high standard for yourself, but at the same time, let the world accept you for being imperfect (I am not referring to being a homosexual, but to other imperfection in your life). Like you said, nobody cares at the end if you wear this type of clothes or those clothes, when it comes to respecting you. Unfortunately, people will always hold stereotype. All you can do is be your true self and hope that the world accepts you for who you are, even the imperfect You. If they don't...tough cookies....Live on, try your best but don't forget who you are in order to please the rest.

  6. Look, Im going to be optimistic here..But if he had the heart to be the first to declare her "love" to you, then she must have really been in love. Im sure it has not faded so quickly. Yea, what you did was messed up and wrong, but it could have been worse (cheating, physical abuse, verbal abuse, etc...) This could be just a test of the relationship. I think you can still make it right. If you truly love this girl, find a way to get her back. Don't be pushy of course, but don't give up. Sometimes giving up and feeling hopeless is what most people encourage you to do, I suggest you try again to get her back and ensuring her that you are very sorry. I am sure she is in pain as well... Well, good luck and i hope it works out for you!

  7. Hey, I just got this really funny idea (farfetched, but possible!).......Maybe she has a twin


    Well, don't get too bummed out about it, you should ask her out on a date or have a real conversation with her. A one-time-friendly-day won't convince her to be ultra charming to you.

  8. Many counselor are always quick to diagnose with some type of "disorder" because it is the easiest way to get you out of their hair and pass you on to someone else. I suggest that you talk to someone you trust like a doctor and have him/her give their opinion. It could be another aspect of your life that is getting in the way of your studying. Maybe social life, drinking, drug usage, family problems, relationship problems...these are all things that affect our ability to pay attention in school. (I am not saying that this is your case, but many times its the case). I would definitely get a second opinion from others. There might be a certain "therapy" you can do to help your problem. Maybe take extra vitamins, excercise, change sleeping patterns, or change you diet...Its sounds off topic, but these things all affect the way we perform. I stuggle with a similar disorder, but its an Anxiety disorder where I get very nervous about test and being in class that I literally have panic attacks and I can't pay attention to the lessons.


    I just say to hang in there, college is a tough step in life since there is alot of pressure, and at the same time we are being introduced to the reality of the "adult" world with responsiblities.


    Another thing I wanted to ask was...you said you want to be a lawyer. Is that your passion? If it isn't and you are taking classes into the major, it might be stressing you out or boring you to the point of losing concentration.

  9. I don't think that you should do anything that will make you feel uncomfortable. Whatever reason you are against porn: religious, you feel it is unethical, its just plain gross to you..etc.., you should tell him clearly. You got to realize one thing though, your boyfriend has a fetish for porn and he really likes it, since he looks at it often.


    I personally think your boyfriend is normal for looking at porn as long as he it does not affect your romantic relationship with him. Apparently you are hurt by it though. I seriously do not think that there is anything you can do to change a man who like to fantisize with porn. But it does not mean that he doesn't love you or want you physically. Its called a fantasy that he will probably never perform in real life. Men are visual creatures, they like the beautiful Barbie blondes and the crazy sex life that does not really exist. Its like a little boy with their toys.


    My boyfriend watches porn (once in a blue moon). When I first ran into some videos in his computer, I was not surprised and teased him about it. He was very embarrassed but I just laughed it off like I didn't care. In reality, our relationship is so healthy that i don't really care what he looks at as long as he doesn't begin to neglect me in any way. I don't take it seriously because I have looked at porn too and I know that I love him just as much and porn is just a world of fantasy. "Reality" is my boyfriend and me, my family, my dreams, my career, my education, the friendships I have and share.


    Besides, the more you think about it, the more you will analyze something that is irrelevant to reality.


    Like I said before, if it really bothers you, that is okay and I don't suggest that you engage in anything that will hurt you more.But be realistic and don't expect a "trend" that your boyfriend has to subside. Even if he quits his porn watching, he will still fantasize. You can't control his creative little mind.


    Well good luck with that, and I would not take it so seriously if I were you.

  10. You said that you have been anorexic for many years and that might explain why it was weird for him to said that. Having a problem with your own image can make that statement seem awkward. That was sweet of him to say and you shouldn't really think about something to say when he says it again. Just indulge in the goodness of the moment.

  11. THE BOOKS ARE LIARS!!! lol Just kidding. Everyone is different, I bet the book didn't tell you that. I would have to disagree with that statement because my boyfriend is circumcized and he feels pleasure all right! And so do many other men that I am friends with. Don't think about it too much because when you finally get into the position of having oral sex or actual sex, you might not get excited because of the worry, not because of the fact that you are circumcized.

  12. Make him beg for forgiveness sounds like you are willing to take him back "eventually". That is just plain nasty what he did and embarrassing to you in your own apartment. What else could this guy have done behind you back in the past? Ewww!! I will stop writing before I say too much. But ill put it simple: This guy is dirt, he CHEATED ON YOU IN YOUR OWN HOME (with a $lut who wanted to play strip poker in the first place), has the balls to tell you he couldn't help himself because she had big breasts. This guy is a loser!!! Oh, and I hope you learn your lesson in letting a boyfriend play the game in the first place. good luck and I hope you do the write thing and don't give in to temptations because I can assure you more heartaches may come from this relationship.

  13. She probably felt uncomfortable around certain people...it happens. I am not saying this is the case, but maybe she would have felt left out. Whatever the reason is, it is understandable why you are mad. But whatever, she offered an alternative to make up for it and that should show you that she does care about your feelings.

  14. thats the way it goes. The same thing happened between my and my first bf. I wanted to party, have fun, go out without him. I said to him on our last conversation, "If you don't like the way I am, then don't be with me anymore." And off he was...to later find out that he found a new girlfriend with more things in common with him and I was crushed crushed crushed. I made the mistake...But you know what? Everything happens for a reason.


    If you are a certain way and believe certain things, then you should find a boyfriend that thinks similarly...someone who believes in "space" as well. My current boyfriend believes in certain "space" but not clubbing, partying, etc...without him...And I learned from my past that i either have to accept it or decline it. I accepted it and we very happy.


    But don't worry, if he really loves you, he will come around again for a second chance. Just make sure that you don't make the same mistake twice. If he doesn't then it wasn't meant to be and you should just move on and find someone new....


    Oh and about the frat thing...something happened similar to me as well...You know what, forget that! On the outside people seem jolly and happy, but the truth is that your ex will not forget you and the best way for him to notice you again is you living life normally and being happy. By that time, you might not even want him back. Good Luck and look towards the future, not the past.

  15. you are in college, i suppose. Im going through something similar, PM me if you want to talk, I am sure my own situation will help you out too. But Ive realized one thing lately: we get depressed and feel hopeless bc we can't see the solution to the problems we are facing. But somethimes we are so caught up in the "problem" that we blind ourselves to the easy solutions that are sitting in front of our very eyes...

    Well good luck, and you can PM me if you want to talk, bc I can't give you all the answers since I am going through the same thing, but maybe share thooughts i guess.

  16. He might just be speechless...guys are strange that way...they always have few words. Try as best as you can to move on with your life,believe it or not, but space will be the only thing at this point that will help make up his mind faster about the both of you. The space might make him realize how much he needs you but if you contact him, he will always wonder "what if". If its meant to be, he will be smart enough to realize it. After being together for so long, you guys must have something strong going on, so Im sure he won't be too quick to forget it. Just give it time, and it will eventually fall back into place again.

  17. Liking older men is okay, if you are 24 and he's 32, thats okay...only 8 years difference...even if it was 20 yrs different, its your choice. There are only two conditions where it can cause a problem: 1. If you are a minor such as a 15 yr. old with a 25 yr old and 2. If he's married.


    If you have your own taste in older men, fine...just don't be a home wrecker, its not the decent thing to do.

  18. There comes a time in everyone's life where things seem like we won't be able to get through them...My father almost died when I was 7 years old and they had to amputate his leg. That year of him being in a hospital day and night, I remember feeling like it was the end of the world, like I would never be able to get through the rough times. Every now and then, however, he would give a present to my mom to give me (Usually things that he made during his therapy sessions at the hospital bc he also suffered a stroke). Those little things were my hopes, that was what made me realize that he was "alive". You too need to realize that you mother is alive, in no way is there a death sentence behind her name, as much as it may seem. Like my own father, I am sure your mother is a fighter and a surviver... you and the rest of her family is what will bring her back home. Remember, don't think of the worst, think positive. That positive energy is what will get your mother through these hard times, and it is true that a good spirit and laughter that helps people heal faster. She is a smart lady in keeping herself busy and keep her mind distracted as much as possible. Even during the chemo, you should advice that she practices some type of therapy such as art, drawing, arts and crafts...I know it is not required, but I myself worked at a hospital in Miami (one of the most prestigious research hospitals for cancer, UM/ Miller Cancer Comprehensive Center) and the art department is a crucial aspect of the patients' healing process...If you are an artistic person, you will understand what I mean, there is a certain discipline and peacefulness that it brings to a person...Well keep all these things in mind, I do hope the best for you and your family during these hard times but keep your head up...and like others have told you, people win cancer everyday, don't let the name "stage III" scare you, anything is conquerable as long as you believe in miracles and have hope.

  19. It depends how you define "dependent" and "independent". As you know, they are opposites, and extremes. People think that independent means to be self-centered, untrusting, not able to work with other people (like you partner), or just secluded. And some define "dependent" as being attached completely to another person without having their own character, personality, or voice...


    I think both are not good when you are in a relationship. You brought up a good point. Doing things for your partner and having him do things for you does not mean that you are completely dependent though...It means that you both love each other enough to do "extra" things and make sure the other is comfortable. That is good. The western culture does not frown upon those things I just listed (doing things for one another, working together with your partner etc...) they frown upon those that get so attached in a relationship that they will not be prepared emotionally, mentally, or physically that they "depend" on it to make their daily choices.

    You are independent just by having your own career goals, view points, opinions, and interests...If you want to share them with you significant other, that is a "choice" not "dependency". However, if start to change all your own goals, viewpoints, opinion, and interests to satisfy your partner, then that is being weak and dependent...

    There is a difference bw the two...and I agree with you that there should always be a trusting nature to a relationship where people interact and share a common ground. And its not good for couples to have the mindset of "if it doesn't work out" at the start of a relationship, for it begins it with negativity, but one must always "be prepared for the worst". Being independent, which I define as keeping your individuality is very important and it is not a sign of distrust and should never affect your relationship at any point if you are with the right person.

  20. If she does go out of the way to look at you, that is a "sign" that she is interested...not that she likes you...But its a good sign though. So maybe you should try to converse with her instead of asking her out so quickly. Like that, she can get to know you, and maybe like you enough to say "yes" when you ask her out. But if she said no when you asked her out, I do agree with the others who replied, it might be that she just doesn't want to date anyone now and didn't know how to break it to you.

  21. Well, there is a type of "make out" that is the same way as "french kissing" all the same lip movements, but there is very little or no tongue involved. I like that better, less sloppy and I really don't like the feeling of someone's tongue on my own...but thats just me

  22. Every girl is different...some like the wild outdoors and some like the opera house. Don't pick a hobbie for a girl. Imagine if a girl liked to collect dead spiders for a hobbie, and you hate spiders..do you really want to take up the hobbie to impress her?


    Keep to your own hobbies and interests, when you find a girl that share them with you, then it will be more interesting for you. Hobbies are not the key to find the girl.

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