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Posts posted by pimpcess

  1. Aww thankyou!! I'm glad u liked it, I've wrote a few on here, if u check out the poetry u should see, thankyou, I'm glad u liked it, I'm sure we've all flt like that at some point or another.


    Thanx Sweety pie

  2. Hey,


    Well I just completely second what sweetypie said, completely.


    Don't think you are alone, I have a friend, he's so special to me. He said a lot of the things you did. Sometimes he felt like he wasn't what he was meant to be, he told me he heard voices. He tried committing suicide, it was a terrible time, it was like watching somebody literally disappear in front of me. It is hard to explain, but he got through it, and so can you!! I promise.


    He decided to seek profesional help and the changes I saw in him day to day were so positive.


    You need to do this for you and only you. We get one shot at life, you can pull yourself up, with courage and determination.


    I really feel for you, you can get through this.


    If you ever want to talk then PM me.



  3. Hey heartbroken23,


    This must be hard for you, she broke up with you after 4 years for someone else? Do u know if anything has progressed with them two?


    I would really advise that you need to spend some time apart and work out what you want, you can't do that fully seeing eachother. It seems like she's very unsure in what she wants.


    I think she needs to understand how you feel. You need to talk to her nicely. Just give it time, let her see if she misses you with time apart, and even if you miss her. Give some time for yourself and make sure she does the same.


    Good luck

  4. Hey buffalosoldier,


    Well a lot of people do smoke cannabis, and say it's harmless. I even agreed with that until a while back a friend confessed he had a problem with it, he was shaking and all sorts because he hadn't had any for a day. That shows how addictive it can be.


    Have you talked to him??? You really need to be honest and tell him how you feel, it seems like this is such a big part of his life that you're almost having a relationship with him AND the cannabis. It shouldn't be like that.


    I feel that he needs to sort this problem out before you can progress in this relationship. You have to make a decision; whether you stick with him and help him through, or walk, and let him deal with it alone.


    Good luck.



  5. I'm all for age gap relationships, I've been in them myself, but 12 years old?? She's not even a teenager, I'm sorry but I think she needs to be able to grow up and enjoy her young years.


    I don't understand how you can say she has a good body, she's not even grown.


    Thats just my opinion, if you really do care for her, then wait.



  6. Hey Sabena,


    Yeah, this has happened to me before, and I couldn't understand it. Maybe they feel that you've met someone, so you'll start to neglect the friendship, so they do it before you can?? Thats a complete guess, but still.


    When this happened to me, I simply said to myself, I obviously didn't mean an awful lot to them in the first place for them to just let go that easy. There was no other way around it for me.


    Good luck.



  7. Yes I'm sooo over that!! It was a while back now, and I love getting it off my chest, I find poetry is the best way for me to do that.


    I haven't been writing long, I probably started this year.


    Thankyou for the kind words

  8. You betrayed me, my love respect, and devotion,

    My soul's empty, but inside I still feel such emotion,

    I can't even explain to you, how much your problems mattered,

    But now I'm here with a bruised soul, and a heart so shattered,

    So pale in comparison, was every other, compared to you,

    When life got tough, I'd do anything I could to help you through,

    Overcoming every obstacle, you'd tell me, 'I did it for us',

    Everyday you'd reassure me, 'Im so committed to us',

    With every minute that passed through the day, I gave you a thought,

    Every little thing in life you did, You had my support,

    Every little thing you did, good or bad, I'd justify,

    The world was a better place when I looked in your eyes,

    You were my reason for living, you were my inspiration,

    But you betrayed me, and to this day I have no explanation,

    I promised myself I'd never let you see what you did to me,

    I hold my head high, and keep my final shred of dignity,

    But now and then I get that realisation that I'm alone,

    But I can do this, I'll go out there, and do it all on my own.


    What do you all think??

  9. Hey DigitalSofos,


    Aww, what a sad and hard situation. No doubt this is an incredibly testing time for this lady, and the only thing I'd like to tell you is to stand by her no matter what. I can't imagine how she must be feeling right now, and what she really needs is support. Explain to her, that you'll be there for her no matter what, that you don't want to pressure her into anything, and tell her you're willing to be friends if that's what she wants.


    I think just knowing that she has you to lean on will mean a great deal to her, I can tell she means a lot to you, and you mean a lot to her, keep having fun, make her laugh, just enjoy eachothers company. Reassure her of how you feel, don't let this drive you apart, if anything, let it bring you closer together. Talk to her and tell her how you feel.


    I wish you both happiness,



  10. Exactly its only you that can decide, your the only one who knew your relationship, and whether he'd appreciate it.


    If I was you I would not, although I'd find it hard on the day, and move on, as hard as it is.


    If he said something like 'Why are you calling me?'


    Would u be hurt?


    Because he could say that.


    But like I said its up to you and I wish you happiness in whatever you decide!!


    Good luck

  11. Hi Nexhial,


    Well your post is close to my heart because I felt like this not long ago. And honestly, love doesn't always have to hurt, it really doesn't. It is perfectly natural to feel like this after a breakup. When you spend a lot of time with someone, they will stay in your heart. If your like me, you'll be asking the questions, ''How could they so easily let go?'', ''Was that all I meant to them?''


    And I know it's easy for me to say to you, but time IS the best healer, it really is. You WILL meet someone else and it DOESN'T have to hurt. Remember everything you go through only makes you a stronger person. For now, concentrate on number one.


    Good luck and if u ever want to talk, pm me.



  12. Hello!!!


    Yeah, I'm going to second what Swingfox said, I really don't feel this is cheating!


    When I go out I dance with people, it's all about meeting new friends for me! If I had a boyfriend I'd expect him to understand that this was just fun, and that my loyalties were with him!!


    I love dancing and it's even more fun when you dance with other people, male or female!




    ''You gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength, to just, pull all this out of you, and get that motivation, to not give up, and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall, flat on your face.''


    'Eminem- Til I collapse'.

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