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Everything posted by kate2660

  1. how is life now? i hope it's what you wanted. i hope getting arrested and her biting you made you feel like you were in a great relationship. you two belong on COPS. I wish I was able to see you both taken away in cuffs and thrown in the back of a cop car. Who does those things? You are now with a psychopath that will get you into trouble. And you say you want to save her? Have fun with that. You are just as nuts as she is. You are dating your mother it seems! You hated that I didn't like your mother. Now, how do you feel about her? I knew she was trash. She lied to you for 29 years about who your father was! I was right about her! She's nuts and I'm sorry that she passed on her way of living onto you. You had everything with me and my family. Our family loved you, supported you, and were your biggest cheerleaders even through all of your failures and stupid ideas. Yes, you are bipolar! Your mood swings are too much for anyone to handle and you never follow through with anything. How much money did you waste on pot? And you never paid me back. I was stupid enough to help you with your bills and now I'm in debt. I still owe on my engagement ring. Thanks for that. Thanks for leaving me in the dark and abandoning me. I am no longer sad. I am happy. Happy to be without you and to be with someone who actually is stable and loving. He understands what love is. You will be miserable with her. Have fun. ps. you owe me 600$ for rent you walked out on.
  2. Estelle, im so sorry for your troubles. life is filled with tragedies, disappointment and hurt. but please please know that it is also filled with love, light and healing. take care of yourself and your sister. keep her close to you, she needs you and YOU need YOU too. be strong. there are going to be many challenges in the process of healing, but i believe that if you have faith you will survive. be your OWN best friend and continue with all the help you are receiving. Healing is a process and won't come very quickly. you are a very strong 17 year old. you are in my thoughts and prayers.
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