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Posts posted by Zaphod

  1. wow, that's weird, it was there when i posted it. it's by Ryan Hunter and Taige Jensen.


    maybe the pondly link will work? the first one had better pictures, their alphabet especially was nice!






    hope this shows. it's no fun to never be able to get them photos on, i wonder where i muck up


    you could just play one of those "modern beats" along with the polisher, the teenagers would love you. parents, not so much. unless you also rap about the importance of a good education and sobriety.


    You're putting the in twice in the link - perhaps the forum adds in another one?




    Yeah the forum box has in by defult. Delete that and then paste your link in.


    There are no teenagers around here, there's a family next door and a pensioner age couple on the other side. Although they are quite cool. However, the family have had builders in. I'm still in two minds about this.


    Or I could just go all the way and hammer out this over and over again at top volume while I'm doing it. In for a penny, in for a pound :


    [video=youtube;YyD4Y4-E98M] ]


    Relaxing wholesome family entertainment, no?


    BTW - this song perfectly sums up a lot of break ups

  2. i want an adult coloring book. ]


    Link seems to point to a page advertising web services. I wanna see adult colouring books!


    My thought is :


    I want to get a dual action polisher and do my car with it, but after having moaned to myself about the random building noises around this area, I think it would be hypocritical of me to use a machine that sounds like a cross between a power drill and an angle grinder repeatedly over the course of about 5 hours.


    Looks like I'm gon dun have to do it by hand - will I get the same standard of swirl removal? I think not.

  3. I love that peacefulness only Sunday can bring. Morrissey, one of my favourite artists of all time, summed up Sunday in a dull, British town perfectly:


    'Everyday is like Sunday, everyday is silent and grey.'


    Hah! I found Morrisey Greatest Hits in my CD pile the other day (very different to my vinyl pile but that's another story), what one of my ex's stepdad's gave me (he was working for the record company I think) - that's the only reason I go out with girls, to get cd's. Then I split up with them. I try and get a couple of coffee mugs out of them as well if I think there's mileage in the relationship.


    Anyway, I like that one as well. What a great tune.


    This one has to be my fav - fairly obvious choice, but whatever :


    [video=youtube;3qgn1Rc0YJ4] ]


    Morrissey. King of the major triad.


    The Smiths - There is a light that never goes out is cool too.


    It's only been a week and I have already forgotten my old routine. The routine I set myself, the routine I did five days a week, two and a half days a year. It's all faded away to a point where I would struggle to start that routine back up again tomorrow, even after just a week. What a difference a day makes - what a difference a week makes! - forget 24 little hours.


    Yeah it's the frogs in boiling water effect.


    Rediscovering your humanity - great stuff. There's nothing like doing a bit of creative manual labour, whether it be house renovation, car mechanics, furniture restoration. Upcycling's great. Don't forget the before and after photos to refer back to for satisfaction.




    Oi. Correct this, madam else I'm calling the apostrophe police.


    Don't worry about the money thing. You've proved that you can get jobs and keep jobs and do them well. You could try doing contracts, or even investigating some kind of "consultancy" work from home or something? How about copywriting with your skills? Or proof reading (you'd have to watch those apostrophes)?


    Look into contractual telecommuting work. If you let Google be your friend, you can find websites that specialise in remote work. Hint - put "Anywhere" or "Telecommuting" or "Remote" in the filter. You could work for an American company contractually for example, with no time tracking. They pay well, because of the difference in economy.


    And don't let money spoil your enjoyment of what you have here. D has a job, you're working on the house, and you're increasing the value of the house. Everything's cool. Be cool. Don't be scared of shadows and ghosts.

  4. Today is my first day. That is, my first day without a job. I QUIT! I quit, but I quit good, and now it's Monday and I would normally be rushing around trying to pat on lipstick and iron a shirt - but I'm not!


    Good for you, I approve! Rediscover your humanity a bit and all that.


    Hi Zaphod,


    Sorry this is a late reply


    Hrumph! Nah all right, I'll let you off. Next reply I expect no more than ten minutes after my post. Stopwatch starts now.


    By the way, you sound English, is that true?


    Yeah luv Ahm a Fackin cwocknee nah what I mean? Dahn the auld Kent road ('ave a banana), I knew yer granny, give 'im 'arf a pahnd, get orf me barrah, yeah mate, fackin proper BANGIN toons. R u 'avin' a Turkish? You fackin melt, wanna dry slap? Double droppin', 'avin it large.... comin up like a geezer.


    Aren't you English as well though? Or have I got confused somewhere and you're a Yank/Canadian?


    And I would love to know more about your DJ'ing. That's gotta be one of the coolest jobs out there? Apart from roller waitress and zoo keeper, it's up there!


    Ah no. It's strictly a hobby. I used to have a few regular gigs in the nineties but they were twisted outta space parties. Sorry to disappoint. Nowadays, I think of myself as more of a vinyl collector who sometimes DJ's. But I do know how to mix on a couple of 1210's without autosync, 'nuff said (nudge, wink).


    Here ya go, next time you're in the bath with the old sunlight coming through, and the whtasaface er... victorian styling or whatever it is and vanilla candles and some really expensive "conditioning" shampoo with lobster font on the bottle "because you're worth it" etc, try this one (and bung some bass on it). :




    Ironically, not available on vinyl. But never mind. Deep and throbby, no? that's the kind of thing I buy nowadays. Works surprisingly well over a big system.


    Thank you for the huge compliment as well. I'm not being falsely humble, but I really don't deserve it. Strange as it is, like every other person who ever writes a bit now and then, I do want to write a book. It's something I really want to tick off my list. I'm dying to try it but I have no practice at all and it'll flop!


    Well yeah, a few people on here have said it now. And also, like I always say, you'd be surprised what you would find in Shakespeare's waste paper basket.


    Then 50 Shades of Grey hit and I always had the niggle, DAMN, I wonder if that could of been me? She's this mega millionaire now and the book was c**p.


    That's just marketing. One person gets the lucky jackpot and acquires a behemoth of a marketing machine behind them and then everyone goes out and buys it in a desperate attempt to look trendy. Not real art, like Stephen King. There's millions of writers better than the fifty shades of grey bird, they just don't have that magic marketing department behind her that all own Apple Macs with fluffy stuff hanging off them and a "Mood board".


    Do it for the art, not the success. Your writing style and your description of your life conjure up to me a fairly artistically and style-minded person. Not fashion, but style.


    Don't write for money, write for kudos amongst the artistically minded.


    Continue writing please when you find the time, it's nice to hear about your life, it's kinda sweet. You and D sound like such a chemically exciting couple.

  5. And god, well, I would never say about our financial situation because I'm old fashioned like that


    Oh cripes, I sincerely apologise, madam! I wasn't really thinking when I wrote that, it was kind of a figure of speech. I of course would never want to pry into your personal financial life, didn't wish to sound rude. It was more a kind of inquiry as to how one gets hold of a property like this in the first place, I guess, and of course the answer, as you put, was location (and that it needs work). With these things, my advice is always remember to break the job down into lots of small, manageable jobs. I wish you the best of luck with this. It'll be crackin' I promise ya! Just like climbimg a mountain, you'll be ok so long as you don't look down!


    Yeah Molly aside from the fact that she's gorgeous, is genuinely one of me favourite dj's. She has real class in her mixing and track selection. Is it because she's French? Well. I wouldn't want to stereotype Cassy and Sven Vath are two more of my favs.


    "Eats everything" is a good DJ, also Laurent Garnier's still good, as is Roger Sanchez. Todd Terry was my favourite back in the day, early nineties (oops, showing my age a bit there). Mr. Scruff was always good for a bit of retro soul music.


    But I reckon Molly and Cassy are two of the best easily currently. The women are taking over the scene, and about time too!


    I do a bit of DJ'ing myself, as it goes. Still play vinyl, kind of tech-house, I guess. Been doing it since about '91. Of course, I'm a rock and roller at heart, but I found the two scenes not entirely similar.


    Anyway, all the best with everything. And yes I agree with the others, you have a captivating writing style which is cute and draws one in. And *gasp* actuallly has paragraphs. I actually read all that "junk" as you put it. Perhaps you should look into writing a few books, etc. ? Also, your spelling and punctuation are bang on point, which only adds to the experience.

  6. You sound like an interesting and stimulating woman, "D" is a lucky man. Glad to hear about your house, sounds wicked. How are the "renovations" going? And tell me, 6 bedroom, how did you manage it? Are you loaded, or is it in a cheap area and good price because it needs work?


    I like a bit of house music as well, although more deep tech-house nowadays, space cadet, bit of the Berlin stuff and dark Italian stuff, although I like a bit of funky house as well (just can't be doing with too many vocals). I listen to it here in the rusty space pod when doing repairs to the improbablity drive and when relaxing with a pangalactic gargleblaster or seven.


    I'm a big fan of Molly Emeline (in more ways than one but mainly for the music). Check her out!


    [video=youtube;BH9QMK3dhIM] ]


    All the best. Infinity and beyond, baby!

  7. I use those interdental brushes instead of floss from instruction from my dentist. They seem a lot better than floss, sort of like pipe cleaners.


    My teeth I keep clean but they are a touch yellow because I smoke. People often make the mistake of thinking that teeth are white, they are healthy, or if teeth are slightly off white they are not healthy.


    Also a lot of people brush their teeth furiously all the time, but omit to floss/brush inbetween their teeth, and also they brush too hard with that scrubbing motion. Both things not good for the gums. Even if you brush your teeth a lot, if you fail to brush inbetween your teeth/slightly under the gumline then there will be much more food etc. stuck there than on the surface of your teeth.....


    It's a funny social phenomena - to think that a hundred years ago, one of the least of people's concerns was each other's breath.......

  8. Hi everyone,


    I'm thinking about going NC, but in a different manner. A manner in which I see more mature and adult like. I understand that pure NC is for the person trying to get over the other and move on, but it seems a bit childish to completely ignore them if the ex tries to make contact. That's what grade schoolers do. I think true NC would be easier to accomplish however, but I'd feel childish and stupid if my ex simply said hi to me in passing and I ignored her.


    So you're gonna adopt a rope-a-dope tactic similar to what Ali used against Foreman?

    I kind of agree with you in a way. Although at the moment I've run to the hills

  9. who understands my rape and what it did (or at least tries to understand).


    Let me tell you from first hand experience that understanding your partner's past rape involves becoming your partner being raped in your own mind, and will require a VERY empathic person who will be able to stand the shock when the penny really drops in his own mind and he actually realises what it is you went through.

    However there are those of us out there. You need a partner who is prepared to accept himself some of your pain and shoulder it. This does not sound like the man you are describing in this thread.

    The last thing you do with a woman who has bee raped is make fun of her body. He needs a slap, if you don't mind me saying so.

  10. If I could waive a magic wand? I would have a really hot guy who is the same religion as I am (this guy was...that was a big reason why I stuck with him! Hard to find!) he would be kind and love kids...want a child/children, be physically conscious (exercise, nutrition), be educated but not necessarily hold a phD, never criticize me, hug me and kiss me when I am hurt, be trust worthy, generous, forgiving, gentle.


    Well if you know that much why not join a dating agency?

    What religion are you? Something minority? Is your religion compatible with say a Pagan fellow or a non religious fellow or humanist?

    The other qualities ought to go without saying, you basically want an intelligent loving person.

    I think the important thing is "he should want kids".

  11. IMHO - In My Humble Opinion.


    And I'm a nice guy (I've been told). AND exciting too (I've been told) - AND a bit bad too (I've been told). We do exist. But sometimes we wear a mask (sometimes inadvertantly) so you don't immediately recognise us.


    There's milllions of nice (and exciting) guys on this forum for a start!


    Perhaps you have to learn how to judge? Or recognise us properly? A bit like judging a quality car or something...... perhaps you might learn new criteria by which to hold us up against?

  12. Well it was the same situation with her. Both times she had another guy in the wings when she told me she did not want to be in a relationship with me anymore. I can totally relate to the OP of this thread.


    Yeah that's a particular "type" definitely - a particular "model" - I had one of those a few years ago - always needs to overlap relationships......

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