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Posts posted by Stu147

  1. Well I'm not an expert but I like it. It has a natural flow, a nice rhythm, and seems to mean more each time you read it. I'm thinking very good work.

  2. i think i have graped the basic concept of haiku. feel free to tell me if i'm miles off.

    i have lots of things lolloing around in my head but can never seem to find the way to get them on paper, so i thought i'd give this a try!



    bighorn mountains loom

    storm rolls in on blackened sky

    yet i am at peace


    Well it seems to fit the Haiku template to me. Three lines, correct numbers of syllables per line.


    And as a poem in itself I have to say that I like it! Good work there Miss Shoes, keep it up.

  3. Nice photo.


    There's something so beautiful about pregnant women, I don't know what it is exactly, but just something radiant.


    Me and my wife are a couple of years away from having kids yet, but when we do I will be coming back here for support, so please don't go anywhere people!

  4. The above was posted a long time ago so excuse the fact that my reference to it is a bit late, but I just wanted to say what an inspired passage of writing that is. Was that your own words Spugly? Without doubt one of the most thought provoking posts I have read, on this or any forum.

  5. I have recently met this Girl. She great, we get onlong awesomely she thinks im funny, attractive, she fishes for complements about her cloths. We chat on msn for hours. She admitted she is shy around people but with me she is very comforable.


    She told me she had a bf. Thats cool but then she goes on and tells me all the crappy stuff he does. Reads her sms's wont tell her were he lives and they have been going out for 2 years. He doesnt listen to her etc etc.


    I dont want to move in on her that is not my style. But she sounds so unhappy. Im sure the guy is ok and has good qualities but it so hard to sit back and see someone you attacted to go out with a doosh.


    What to do. thx


    Hey Joker,


    There's not a lot you can do other than to continue to be there for her and to continue to support her. She needs to come to her own conclusions about her boyfriend, only she can decide if he is right for her or not. It's never a good idea to get involved in someone else's relationship.


    Hopefully she will eventually see the light if her bf really is that shoddy, and then who knows what could happen between you guys. But for now just stay out of it, and when she is berating her boyfriend to you try not to get drawn too much into that. Like I say, let her come to her own conclusions. That way she can never blame you in anyway for anything that happens with her relationship.


    I hope it all works out for the best, for you and for her....

  6. birthday today, no cards yet. reminds me of my 21st birthday which i also spent on my own. i was too embarrassed to spend it with my parents so i drove all the way to bristol for the weekend and lounged around in the park reading a book. i slept in the car and got sunburned and that was about it, still it was one of my happiest birthdays. i'm good at lying to myself. i drove back with the windows down and the stereo on full blast and convinced myself that everything was going to get better. not so.


    First of all, happy birthday and best wishes. Try not to be too down about it. I've had a few birthdays on my own. It's still a reason to celebrate. You've survived another year, you're another year wiser, etc.


    Keep your chin up!

  7. Hi,


    I'm a 24 year old female. I've never been in a relationship with ANYONE before. I've had crushes on guys, but have always also sexually fantasized about women. I'm very confused, and there's no one in my life I can talk to. I have these feelings and I don't know what they mean. I don't even know how to phrase my frustrations. I need someone to talk to.


    Hi dulcineanyc


    As Newo said, if you don't feel comfortable posting your thoughts on the public forum then feel free to drop me a PM anytime, I'm always glad to listen and help if I can.


    There are plenty of really helpful people here who would love to help if they can. So don't be afraid to share.


    Take care...

  8. Today I think will be the last day for me here.

    I won't be here for awhile..but I might eventually be back I am not sure.

    I am just not in a good place...I have not been like this in awhile.

    But I just can't be here..right now.


    Thanks for everything..


    I will miss u.



    I for one will be sad to see you go Azure, and I would like to ask you to reconsider.


    You have so much you can offer to people here, and I might need your support in the future!


    If you really feel that you need a break then of course I respect your decision, but I hope that you return and you will be in my thoughts.


    Please take care...

  9. A similar question would be, "When do you stop giving CPR to someone who's flatlining?" It's a subtle call that's hard to quantify, but I'd rather believe that I tried too long than not long enough.


    Good call Somebloke, I completely agree. I was struggling to find the right analogy. I too would rather have a real good go and fail than give up without a fight.

  10. Wow, powerful writing Ren. I'm really not a fan of poetry as a rule, but I felt your words and I sense it comes from the heart. You appear to have a talent for expressing emotions in writing.


    I won't say I enjoyed it because enjoy is the wrong word, but I was moved by it.


    Take care...

  11. Nope...she 'fired" you from your duty when she broke up with you. You are under NO obligation to tell her anything. In fact..the less, the better.


    I agree with Lady Bugg, you have no obligations to her anymore. And by telling her you are going no contact is kind of defeating the object. When she doesn't hear from you she will soon realise.

  12. Interesting post Tronix


    The way I see it we're all human beings, and human beings can have bad habits. Some habits are annoying, some are unsavoury and some are downright offensive. It's is up to a person's individual tolerance levels as to what they can endure and what would be a show-stopper.


    Sometimes being in love with someone means accepting their little quirks and habits. These things happen in a real relationship. I am not advocating putting up with outright slobbery of course. I don't think that a little bad habit here and there will stop you loving someone, although if tensions creep into a relationship then suddenly what was once a cute little habit can become the most annoying thing in the world!

  13. Hi Grace,


    You don't indicate what you are trying to recover from, but surely it is for you to dictate the pace of your recovery, not those who want you to recover. I'm sure you are trying your very best, you would know if you weren't. So don't be hard on yourself. Not everyone is blessed with understanding, or even tact, but I'm sure your boyfriend and parents have your best interests at heart. They perhaps just have a misguided way of showing it.


    Would love to hear more of your situation if you would be willing to share, either within this thread or you can PM me any time.


    Take care...

  14. About 2 years ago I was at my peak; I didn't worry about love or anything about it and really achieved a lot. I joined some clubs, hung out with a lot of my friends and had a good time in life; Now I am going to reclaim what I once had; I'm accepting from this point onward that it will okay to be single and that life is here for me to enjoy. I'm not going to worry about dating...not for a while; I want to socialize more and that is what I'll do. This is just me accepting my situation out in the open. The truth=It's okay to be single...it is not the end of the world.



    I always believe that to be able to be happy on your own is a sign of great strength. Enjoy your time being single and doing what YOU want to do. I relished my free & single years, and now that I'm married I have no regrets.

  15. It very well could be a reaction to the pill. If you're on any meds at all a side affect is often sex drive. I'm noticing this with the meds I'm on, right now no problem since I have no boyfriend but it will be. Of course stopping the pill means you'll be able to become pregnant so take precautions unless it's what you want. But I bet your sex drive will return once you quit the pill.


    I completely agree with what Jetta says, and I would add that the stress you mention could also be affecting your sex drive. Stress & anxiety are known to have that effect in a lot of people.

  16. In terms of what to say to him I think you've say it perfectly well in this post. You could even print it out and give it to him!


    In short you have to stop letting him do this to you. It's either all or nothing, and it doesn't look like he's prepared to give you all. So he can't keep picking you up and dropping you like he's doing. But he will continue to do it if you continue to let him do it, because he's getting the best of both worlds. Lay it out to him in black & white. Tell him he is either with you or he is not. And if he is not then he needs to stop playing with your mind and your emotions.


    Seriously Psu, you are wasting too much time on this guy and getting nothing in return. Go out and get yourself a guy who will appreciate you, value you and treat you like his everything, not his part time thing.


    Take care...

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