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Posts posted by chickidee23

  1. My bf asked me to write him a poem a while ago - he has read previous ones and liked them - but I couldn't write one on the spot. So i've been working on one, trying to get it done in time for his birthday (tomorrow!!). This is just the rough draft but if the one you loved wrote this for you, would you like it?




    The shape of your nose

    The way your eyelashes curl

    Even all the hair your body grows

    It's everything about you


    When you make me laugh

    When you take my hand

    Even when you wink at me

    It's everything about you


    Your kisses leave me breathless

    I always shiver beneath your sweet caress

    You have a way of easing my mind

    My dreams are peaceful when we are intertwined


    My thoughts are never far from you

    My heart has decided

    To you it shall always be true

    I dream of the future

    More than I ever used to

    It's all because of you

  2. The one who swoons

    And carelessly falls

    The one who feels too deep

    Despite the reality of it all

    The one who hopes constantly

    And dreams endlessly

    The one who believes in the fairytale blindly

    The one who seems to almost welcome the disappointment

    The one who brings upon herself an incurable ailment


    For she lacks the ability to be strong

    Her control of this situation

    Has long since been gone

    She seems to unknowingly open, not only her heart

    But also her soul

    To torture and destruction

    To which not even the most healing words can console


    This is the girl I have once let myself become

    But I have promised myself

    Never again

    So I do what I must

    I do not trust the words whispered in my ear

    For I know the sweetest expressions

    Most always have a meaning quite unclear


    This game I no longer wish to play

    So I will keep the distance

    I will keep pushing you away

    Because I don't believe in things

    Like love at first sight

    Or falling head-over-heels

    Believing in those ideals

    Blinds you to the truth

    So you can not see what is real


    For never again will I be that silly girl

    Not unless you would be a silly boy for me, too.

  3. I am incapable

    Of feeling what I want to feel

    The pain I cause myself is inescapable

    But I work so hard to conceal

    I smile when I want to cry

    I pretend nothing is wrong

    Then I end up with a life I don't even know

    And instead of trying to keep the world I've created

    I simply say goodbye


    The people I surround myself with

    I do not trust

    They tell me their secrets

    But mine stay hidden deep within me

    No matter how much I want to

    I don't let them in

    And their view of me becomes miscontrued

    So what they think they know is only as deep as the skin


    The heart that beats within me

    Has never really been known

    It has never really been free

    It is encased in a clear, thick wall

    Like bullet proof glass

    I'm only trying to protect myself

    To keep from repeating the past

    But I also feel I'm not really alive

    I play it safe so I know

    That no matter what I will survive


    Once in a while, though

    An oppurtunity comes around

    It knocks on the wall

    And my heart hears the sound

    It feels for an instant

    What I wish I could always feel

    I'm given the chance to open up

    A chance to reveal

    The thoughts and feelings that lay deep within me

    Will I allow it this time?

    Will I let myself go free?

    I wish I knew the answer

    But there is no way to forsee

    So I'll give it my best

    I'll try to let it out and trust

    And only time will tell the rest

  4. The wall came crashing down

    And I let myself feel freely

    Even though I knew what it would mean

    I opened up, made room

    And you settled in

    Now the pain is flowing freely

    But I know you don't mean to

    It's my fault for believing so blindly

    For allowing myself to hope and dream

    For letting the feelings who should belong solely to another

    Belong to you as well

    Now the tears that refuse to come for the things they should

    Are threatening to flow

    But I know once they start, they will be merciless

    And I demand more of myself

    Refuse to show my weaknesses any longer

    You will not know

    You will not see

    As I said before

    The only person who can ruin me

    Is me



    *This poem is an old one. I've never shared any before so I kind of wanted to see what people thought. Thanks*

  5. Thank you! I won't lie, I'm not excited to get this done but I feel better. If there are people who reccommend doing it after getting it done themselves, then it's obviously not that bad!! I'll let you know what I think afterwards, kellbell!

  6. It is never too late to find someone to spend the rest of life with. And there is never a guarantee that you have taken all the different paths that there are- there are still ways to find happiness.


    It seems to me like maybe if you took things one step at a time instead of trying to take leaps at a time, it might make things more bearable and reachable. Try going day to day and at the end of each day, take some time to sit back and think of one good thing that happened that day. If there is nothing you can think of, be sure to make it your goal the next day to MAKE something good happen.


    When things are bad, it takes time for them to get better. But never forget that you are in charge of your own happiness. Everyone needs help, there's no denying that, but when it all comes down to it, people are better at disappointing you than being reliable for you- it's the unfortunate selfish nature of humans. So in the end, you are all you have so be good to yourself, be VERY good to yourself!!


    If you ever need someone to give you some encouraging words, some sort of hope or just someone to listen to, I would be more than happy to oblige! Don't ever hesitate to PM me. Best wishes and you will be in my thoughts.

  7. That's a symptom of a BIG PROBLEM. No matter what she says, she i emotionally withdrawing from you and will eventually dump you.


    If she is saying she still wants to marry you more than anything, then I don't think she will eventually dump you. Have you ever considered that you are putting too much emphasis and pressure on the sex-part of your relationship? I know that sex is a key part to any relationship but maybe she thinks you are making it too important in the relationship. You do sound like a very compassionate, caring guy and I think she needs someone like you in her life. Maybe attending therapy sessions with her would get her to go regularly?


    And I do agree with ____X- learning about what she is probably feeling will help the situation greatly so read up on it! There are so many resources out there! Good luck and I hope you are able to help her.

  8. Ok, so pain meds and something like wine to relax me. That's really good advice girls, I appreciate it! So one more question- how long does it take for that area to go back to feeling normal?

  9. So I am going this Friday to get the Brazilian wax

    For those of you who have gotten it done, do you have any advice or tips on how I can prep myself? I am so nervous!!!!!!! Every time I think about it, my stomach starts to hurt. I feel like I'm going to do this instead of go to my appointment-

  10. Have you tried expressing to them that their constant attention and worry that you aren't getting better faster is stressing you out? And as superior147 said, we don't know what you are trying to recover from but depending on what it is, perhaps they are afraid what the outcome of you not fully recovering would be or maybe what happened scared them so much that they want nothing more than for things to go back to normal.


    Despite all of that, you need make your point known- you need to be allowed to recover at your own pace! No matter what you are recovering from, it's not going to help you at all to feel like you can't take things at your own pace. I would reccommend sitting your boyfriend and family down and talking to them about how they are making you feel.


    Good luck and best of wishes!

  11. Thank you all for all the congratulations and good wishes!! I am 23 and even though I know that is young, I don't feel young, at least not too young. There is nothing more I want in this life than to marry the one I've always dreamed of and have of babies and have a big, happy family of my own- my family and childhood were not the greatest. When people say, "what are you thinking?" they say it in more of a joking manner but I still don't understand why marriage is equal to doom these days. What's better to celebrate than the coming together of two people who really love each other and who can't envision their lives without one another??

  12. I think some of it depends on your age (if you're under, say 23 or 24, the perception would be you might be a bit too young) and some of it depends on what they've observed about your relationship (if, for example, a couple that argues in public a lot announces they're getting married, people they know might be a little less than optimistic about their chances.)


    I've read before, and I agree, that people who argue in public (not full on screaming matches or anything out of control or a constant happening dof course) is a good sign for a couple- it means they are comfortable enough with and respect each other enough to face a problem right away and not bottle up feelings.

  13. I am getting married in less than two weeks. I am so excited for it! However, I have noticed a sort of trend lately from people when I tell them what I think is fabulous news- the general remark is, "what are you thinking??????????" Why is it that society puts such pressure on us to get married but at the same time makes it seem like it's the biggest mistake everyone makes? Why has marriage become so casual to people instead of being the sacred unity it really is?


    I just want to note that society's veiw of marriage does not affect how I feel about getting married- I just want to hear other people's takes on the concept of marriage and why the views on it have changed so drastically in the past 30-40 years.

  14. I agree with Scout. Don't let yourself fall into society's false sense of happiness.. being "hot" does not equal being happy. However, if you feel you'd be more confident if you felt you looked better then the only way to solve that problem is do something about it!!!


    I never had acne in high school and once I got to college, my face unleashed it's ugly side (no pun intended). I was miserable and embarrassed. It took me four years to find something that finally worked for my skin- Proactive. Not to be a walking billboard for them but it really does work- my skin looks like it did in high school. You just have to give it time. It takes four weeks for your face to fully exfoiliate itself..


    As for being "chubby," that's something you can change as well! Join a gym, take the stairs more often, take more walks, get more active!! Skip fast food and dessert for a while and start a new diet- a healthy-food diet.


    Don't feel sorry for yourself, take control!!!

  15. What are the in-office dating policies where you work? That could be part of the reason your supervisor had to resign?


    I would advise against going to upper management regardless of the situation. It sucks to see people getting mistreated at work- I deal with this daily as well- but if you, like me, can not afford to lose your job, it's not worth it. My dad always tells me when I tell him about problems I have with work that I am replaceable and unless I am willing to face that fact, I need to do what's in my best interest.

  16. I know it is painful but the best thing you can do and the best way to show her you love her is to respect her decision. Let her be the one to call you or at least give her a few weeks before you call her. She is going through a very hard time and the last thing she needs is for you to call her and tell her you miss her and that you love her- it will only stress her out.


    And from what she says, it sounds like this is just a break. Just hang in there and be strong for both of you by giving her the time and space she needs.

  17. In my experience, breaks don't do anything for a relationship... The same exact problems (and depending on what each party does during the break, more problems) are going to be there when the break is over. Nothing changes. IMHO, people need to either face their problems now or admit that it's too much for them and move on. A break is a way to keep the person who IS willing to face the problem hanging on and it's not fair.


    So my advice is to look at yourself instead of your relationship.. Is his behavior something you want to put up with? Are you willing do deal with the heart ache and disappointment that you are going to experience while he tries to work through his problem? While it's true that this is his problem, it's also true that you are only ALLOWING this to be your problem too. Either case could be true- he could still be hooked on his ex or he could just be making mistakes. But if he is getting annoyed that you are bothered by this, then it all comes back to the questions I presented above.


    I hope this helps and good luck!!

  18. When you tell him no, do you explain to him why you are saying no? He may only be two years old but he is a lot smarter than you may realize. If you find yourself getting aggravated with him, put him in time out for a few minutes (being sure to ignore him) while you calm down and then explain to him why he is in time out and why he can not do what put him there. A lot of children act out for attention (they do not care that it is negative attention) and it seems to me that he may be feeling like he is not getting the attention he used to due to a new baby. Putting him in time outs show him that his actions are not going to get him any attention- I would also reccommend being sure to give him positive attention whenever you can (ie praising him for helping pick up toys or eating all his lunch- just small things like that) and he will soon realize what gets him attention and what doesn't. I hope this helps and GOOD LUCK!!!!!

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  19. My advice to you would be to take a job as a temporary thing so you at least have some money coming in to you but continue to look for something that would make you happy. I am not particularly fond of my job but it pays the bills for now and it's giving me time to think about what I really want to do. 27 is still young and you still have plenty of time a head of you to figure out what job would make you happy. It can be so overwhelming to find yourself in a position that is leading you no where but I think that happens to a lot of us in life and it's just one of those obstacles we have to over come. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, try looking at things in smaller portions- like what you can do at the end of the day to make yourself happy.


    And I am sorry that you are no longer able to do the job you adore but if you don't give up, you'll find a job like that again!


    Good luck with everything!!!

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