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Posts posted by chocojay

  1. well my b/f loves spanking my * * * during sex and the more intense it gets the harder the spank, i love it. I find it really sexy, he says its kinda like a reflex, he sees all this sexy flesh bouncin everywhere, he's feelin it, and he gets all excited and........spanks!

    ehehhehe i find it quiet sexy actually....mmm....

    dont worry he's just reeeeeeeeeally feelin you! LOL

  2. Honestly faith is a VERY personal thing and shouldnt be invloved in your conflicts, if someone had to ask me to chose between them and God i'd chose God over and over!!!! How could she even say that? all she can do is to respect your faithal chose and you hers. Its about imposing eachcothers beliefs here! Yes relationships can work with people having two different beliefs, its all about respect.

  3. Have you ever been in a relationship where you dont know where you stand? half the time you feel like you're about to do something wrong? You are scared to make them angry or disappointed coz you'll spend the next full day or so with a sulking cold person? Then you feel bad and try to make up all the time? Have you ever felt that no matter how much you put in someone is never satisfied? No matter what you do or say, its not good enough? You argue all the time and when you are happy its almost fake? Yet love eachother and cant let go? I feel he's become my bad habit. i cant shake it off but its bad for me. You try and try and try...it doesnt work....you lose yourself in the process....you lose your beliefs and your morals and you try SO much to make them happy that 4get about making yourself happy....does anyone know what im talking about here? ](*,)

    its quiet emotionally draining..................

  4. Its unfortunate you didnt mention the reasons 4 your breakup so we are beta informed to help you make your decisions. Its hard enough breaking up with someone and worse off if you still have 2 see that person more often than you'd like. The truth is, you have no one else in town to turn to so i guess you're from a diff town/country? Making matters for you b/c you feel SO alone and i actualy think that she's being a bit selfish by leaving alone knowing very well that you've no one else. yes i understand that u've broken up but then again i think that at some point you did share something special. Dont "try" to be out her way or "act" a certain way just so that you convey a certain message to her, just be. look for your new place, chat to eachother and get along when in company. Then when you move out things will be okay enough to know that you are moving on with no tension, hatred, regreted words etc.

    Just be and feel whatever way you feel, its okay.

    all the best....

  5. i dont think your friend is doing this becuase its the hottest new trend, there must be a really good reason for doing something so shallow. Its not like she lied to you, she just probably knows the type of person you are, she knew that you may disown her as a friend and a person. We have no right to judge people and honestly i dont think that its right what she's doing either but she could be in more trouble than anything else, try talking about it without acting disgusted.

  6. teardrops i guess you write, there are a lot of issues that contribute to the way we let people treat us. I never thought about it until recently, i too was bullied at school and that abuse affected me more than i realised or let on.

    Its true that u subject to abuse and it carry's on throughout ones life. I dont value myself much, i dont think im capable of doing much. I dont see myself being someone big in the community or just being me and being happy. I KNOW that im intelligent, people say im gorgeous all the time but i dont see it. I think my low self esteem also contributes to tolerance of emotional abuse. Your story help me so much.

  7. Ahhhh...the strange thing is i ask....why do millions of the most intelligent beautiful sexy woman from all over the world out there fall for jerks that abuse us verbally, emotionaly and physically? What happens to reasoning? what happens to our judge of character? Do we like punishing ourselves in these destructive relationships?! we go around acting and looking like complete fools b/c we tolerate all the bullS he says and does! It makes me so angry!!!!!!!

    How can we sit there asking stupid questions like,"he cheated on me once, will he do it again!" He says he'll never do it again, should i trust him, he did it to me three times already should i trust him this time?" or " He hits me all the time calls me bad names, should i leave?" or "im scared to leave because i still love him"

    Im just like these woman, stuck in a rut and getting deeper and deeper in frustration!!! Its insane!!!!!!!!!


    obviously these men are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Do we not value ourselves? What i want know from you guys is why do you settle 4 someone's BS? why do we let them take a piss on us? what is wrong with me? why cant i just pack my s*** and leave?

    Why cant YOU? ](*,)

  8. scaredtodeath is absolulety correct, why worry abt someone who doesnt really wanna b with u? Doesnt care enough to spare you the hurt and pain! Im in a very destructive relationship right now and a major reason for it being this way is because of being insecure, jeolouse and or possesive. which will always lead to Its not a healthy situation to catch yoruself in. Its actually quiet terrible and can eat you up badly!!!

    I've been cheated on by this guy and now i cant even handle a telephone converstaion he has with any female! Like yesterday i fliped out coz he was talking all softly in the corner mumbling under his breath, and i hit the roof! Its completely insane. It can drive a person to insanity. The minute you start acting like that its a sure sign to hit the road or you'll end up tied up in a knot gone koo-koo.](*,)

  9. my doctor is on holiday and will be back 20 march so im seeing her then.I cant see another doctor bc she knows my history so she needs to monitor it from then. I'll keep you updated and let you know what she has to say about this one! Thanks 4 the advise both of you. LOL

  10. Last year 2nd September i gave birth to a baby girl who was born 28 weeks into my pregnancy (actualy due in November). I had no amniotic fluid left when i went 4 my regular check-up and had to have an immediate emergency ceasar. She managed two weeks and passed away after that. It was a terrible time of healing with my operation, mourning my baby. I felt really very cheated! You are left with this scar, milk is still leaking from your breasts, nursery is ready and you have nothing to hold.

    Then i just found out that im pregnant again! Im very excited but more so very worried it might happen again. Then i keep thinking that maybe my op hasnt healed internally properly to carry thru this preg. Any advise? is it too soon? Should i be worried?

  11. Gee hun...i understand how you feel. Porn for men isnt about what we woman think it is. Men arent all emotional and sentimental (to an extent) as woman are. When he looks at porn, it has nothng to do with you, honeslty. He's not thinking about her when he's doing you. I'd hate to think men bring their porn movie expectations to the bedroom, ok ok men...do you? This i'd want to knw from a man.

    Dont make him feel like he's murdered someone abt it though. Porn isnt all bad and can make sex more fun and experimental, e.g: thats how i learnt to give the best BJ. He's 18, its normal. Its got nothing to do with you hun., dont take it personal.

  12. I actually knw exacly how you feel! Its gotta thee worst thing a person could ever go through. You start having all these mad thoughts playing in your head all the time to the point where you think you going insane! I hate it so much!! I knw all abt the "i knw i shudnt b lukin bt i will", what i learnt is that by snooping, you find and ultimately hurt us even more! Its mad painful!


    Your wife should never be chillin wit some man who lives alone and has no life! Where are his male buddies to keep him company? Most of all, why is your wife making so many/regular house calls? the sms thing? its an old game,damn u should read one of my threads! The phone goes on silent suddenly? Why? Busy fiddling on the fone all da tym! Why?


    Listen you not paranoid or controlling. But the behaviour Can drive them to do it further. Be straight and honest with your wife, set ultimatums and stick to them!

  13. mmmm...thats very odd behaviour there....how is your communication in the relationship? y would she deliberalty want to make jealous? Y would she want to test you so much? Does she not trust you? do you give her mixed signals about your feelings towards her?

    Have you spoken to her about this coz its really odd. Its either you lyk someone or you dont, period.

  14. Okay...i've thought about this part of the sex act and i've tried it....it was just too damn painful!!!!!! I vowed NEVER to attempt using the wrong hole again! But i still wanna try it out! I got the lube....but heck the thing doesnt stretch!!!!!!!!! OK 4 all those that have succeeded....any advise?

    I know it could be gud (i think) bit awkard but all in all im sure its a hella of a lota fun!!!

    So what i wanna know is what are your veiws on anal sex? is it a miss or a hit?

  15. Oh no its totaly preggie related. when i was pregnant the sight of my boss made me skwirm! If he just opened his mouth i wanted to shove something to shut his gob! Also at some point during my second trimester i started hating any physical relationship with my b/f. When he wanted to touch me it would make me sick! I started to ask myself,"God what am i doing with this fool!"?

    I started see him as this person that doesnt deserve me! This ugly guy! The loser! Bad breath! etc etc


    Funny enough though during my third trimester i loved him SO much and was constantly horny it was ridiculous!!!!!


    Pregnancy makes you do some crazy things. You've a lot on your mind (i was pannicking about school fees at 4months! LOL) but yeah you have so much to concider! I was even thinking, geesh no wine, not even a cold beer?!!! DAMN!!!


    So my avise to you hun, be very patient, she'll cal;m down in due time. Its very hormonal and she cant help it, might not be aware of it. Write her a letter that way she reads it private amd just tell her how you feel.



  16. oh it's absolutley grates my if actual intercourse is short! I really wanna grab my vibrator and carry on!!!!! But its very different hey coz on sum days im like, wam bam already! But those are very rare, now getting back to your Q, many woman would love it if their men went on a bit longer because it does take us longer to climax and it sure aint gonna happen in 2minutes of thrustin!


    dont you worry boi, just enjoy sex and the more effort you put into it the less you enjoy it. Sex is to be felt not thought about, dont think, just feel....you'll wake up feeling like another man.LOL

  17. Im about 5-6 weeks pregnant, im engaged to the father of my baby who is an absolute casanova! i tried to save this relationship but somehow he thinks having other girls on the side is okay. well today its a really heavy day, im supposed to go the doctor for my first check and he knew about it the whole week and only now, at this very moment he tells me that there isnt enough money in the medical aid for me to go! If i'd known earlier i would've made a plan! Well i know that the first weeks are the most crucial, thats why i worry. Last year we lost our daughter who was born at 28 weeks, she survived for two weeks. So this time i know that chances of having a good pregnancy are either / or, as my amniotic fluid was too little the first time. My doctor told me that it could happen again. Im scared and now i need to know whats going on. It was also contributed by my smoking which i should kick, i know. Im sad that i didnt go and angry that he didnt tell me in time! I want to leave this guy and im scared to go through this pregnancy, im starting to question if i should have it all. I wanted to move to Dubai and my plans were stopped because of this baby. It seems like if i dont that baby i could a lot of peace! Any advise?

  18. Sometimes the problems of the world or far beyond our own understandings our emotions, too overwhelming to try to deal with. I know that if you take your problems and put them in a bag, take them to Church and say,"Lord, here, deal with this because i simply cant!", he will. I know that many dont believe but His power is greater than that of any man, not even Dr Phil. You will have a huge sense of relieve and it will help you find yourself in the process. As much as you may think its all bogus, trust me its not. I moarned the loss of my daughter and couldnt handle it becoz i thot no mother has to ever bury their 2 week old baby and i went to God and told him, im hurting badly and i dont want to feel this any longer, take it away! He did, that was last year September and now , im pregnant again and this one is also due in September. He does hear our prayers if we tell Him and let Him run our lives instead of trying to do things ourselves. We did not Create ourelves, we ALL (INCLUDING YOU) have one Creator, call Him what u like but He is there. He LOVES YOU! HE WILL TAKE IT AWAY, IF U JUST BELIEVE! PLEASE HEED THIS ADVISE! DONT LET LIFE SEEM LIKE A ](*,) 4 U BCOZ ITS NOT! You have a purpose here, we all do! As for your parents, He will deal with them.

    All the best i'll be praying for you.

    All my LOVE.

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  19. I have a problem that is messing my life! I just cant seem to focus on ANYTHING! I cant visualise what i want to do with my life! I start to think of hundreds of things i could do but dont actually dream of anything in particular. I know i wnt to be successful and live VERY comfortably but dont knw how im going to get there. Its affecting me in such a bad way. I am very intelligent young woman and know i have the potentiall to be anything i want to be but, be WHAT? I feel so stupid because i'm in a difficult relationship i'd like to get out of but then i start to think what will i do with myself after that? I've NEVER known actually what i want to do with myself. I feel like my useful brain is lying dormant. Its VERY frustrating. ALL my friends are starting their careers while im STILL asking myself,"what do i want be when i grow up?" Its so embarrasing and frustrating! Please does any one know whats wrong with me? I've tried figuring out my passion, interests to avail! AM I MAD?

  20. Oh is it late? Im in South Africa and its 10:30am, im at work actually! He doesnt having a woman that stays up 4 him! U are gonna fine tho, promise.

    one step at a time...

  21. once a cheat always a cheat and there is no way that these guys are about to change and that is something will remain and if you let him continue to hurt u its gonna be a long long painful life! I caught him over and over and he blames ME for snooping in his stuff! Calls me crzy and i need help! Cnt help bt look so i know. But reality is, thats not the kinda relationship you want for yourself. Im having a baby with him and i gotta be a whole woman to be a good mom. i dnt need his stress!


    Lets go get em!

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