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Posts posted by zerohalo

  1. I'd email you in a heartbeat.


    RPG's? Dragons? Tries new things? Artistic? Damn, that's some good stuff.


    Perhaps in the area you live there just aren't very many people with similar interests. I live in a smallish town that is largely conservative and very christian (like, we-must-now-convert-you-and-your-dog, christian), so I know I'd be screwed if I tried to find someone.


    Do you have other fields that you have to mark? Like I know yahoo profiles has fields to mark for smoking habits, drinking habits, relationship status, etc.

  2. Uh, yeah. Probably a good idea, at least until "Virgina" is as funny to you as it was to me.

    First time I read it I was like, he's trying to touch you in Virginia? What?


    I'm guessing:

    a) You might be a tad young to be posting this

    b) You haven't discovered spellcheck

  3. Sounds like he actually is into sex, he just doesn't initiate it. Subtle (and even not so subtle) clues don't always work as has been stated already, and some people are just a little bit thick. I have friends who have had women drop hints all over them and they just don't get it.


    I'm sure because you don't initiate (which he's used to) he thinks you don't find him attractive. And because he doesn't initiate, you think he's not at all interested. It's a terrible cycle, and one I very much can relate to.


    See a therapist, I think you'll get things ironed out.

  4. One piece of advice that may or may not be true (as it is a generalization) is that you shouldn't dive in on the clit because it is very sensitive. Instead of going right for it, go for the 1 o'clock position. In other words, if you're looking right at it, don't put your tongue directly on it, put your tongue just above and to the right of it. I've known at least a few women who have suggested it.


    As for the taste of cum, that was covered in another thread. Try drinking citrus juice (and no, Mountain Dew doesn't count), like orange or pineapple.

  5. For the men, you could just try saying that you read an article about how having your prostate stimulated is meant to be really amazing, and would she consider it...

    And it is, too.

  6. Thanks guys, although I'm not sure how getting rejected is going to help my esteem for later forays.


    I think this just showed me that I'm not quite ready yet to go back to dating. I was way too nervous about the whole situation, too self conscious. I almost wonder if my voice cracked on the phone, heh.

  7. I tend to agree with Dako. I made a post just today about how I was nervous about asking a woman out (first time since the separation/divorce). I got shot down, which I think actually was a good thing. I feel like I got it out of my system, and I realize that perhaps I was jumping the gun.


    I now get why some of my friends have said that you'll just know when you're ready to date again. I can feel that I'm not ready, and it could just be that you're in the same spot.

  8. Nothing exciting. After consulting with a few friends (and sorta taking your advice) I decided to just go for it. I called her, said it had been a long time, then asked her if maybe she'd like to go out and catch a movie or dinner. She gave me the standard, "that's nice, but I'm pretty busy right now" answer, or "No way" in layman's terms.


    I'm not thrilled about it, but at least I made the effort and got it out of my system.

  9. 1) Well, what do you have to lose? Nothing! So I say go for it. If she asks about Cathy, just tell her things didn't work out for you two and leave it at that.


    2) One way to approach it is to tell her you wanted to put her down as a reference for another job position, and then get to talking about how she is doing, etc, man in her life, etc.


    3) If you find she is single ask her later in the conversation (after she has told you whether she is single or not) if she would like to go for coffee or dinner to catch up on things.


    Regarding 2, I hate lying. I really do. If I tell her I'm looking to use her as a reference, it will gnaw at me. And seriously, how do you move from asking her to be a reference to if she's seeing someone?

  10. My situation, to me, is a little weird and I could use some advice.


    Back when my ex and I were still married, we both worked at the same business. There was a woman in my department who I found really intriguing, she had the same interests as I did, she was very cute and sexy, intelligent, creative... well ok, I could go on like that for a while. Anyways, I was married so clearly the thought of a relationship with her was out of the question because I was married (happily at the time).




    Now I'm separated/divorced (waiting for the actual divorce paperwork to get processed) and have been for a while. Last night, this woman popped into my head and I can't stop thinking about her. I always regarded her as unattainable because I was unavailable but then it hit me... I'm not anymore.


    Here's where I need some advice.


    1) Should I even bother trying? She did know both my ex and I because we worked at the same place. I'm not sure how I'd talk about that with her, because I'm sure the first question might be "Where's Cathy?"


    2) I don't know if she's seeing anyone right now, and we no longer work together, and we live in different cities. I'm not sure how I should approach this situation at all...


    3) And lastly, if I do find out she's available, how in the heck do I kick things off with her? I'm really terrified I'm going to screw it up and I know that can be a self-fullfilling prophecy.

  11. I only can hope that guys are just as demanding when it comes to hair.

    That's a topic all in itself, but for a woman the stranger the hair color the more I like it.


    Personally I hate my hair (notice scraggly hairstyle to your immediate left), but it seems like every stylist wants to give me the same damn haircut.

  12. My dad and I were talking about hand size last night cause I'm thinking of learning how to play guitar. At one point, he wanted to compare the size of our hands to give me an idea how it would be to hit certain chords... and now all I can think about is this thread, and us carefully examining our hands.


    That's just peachy.

  13. I've known catholics who were willing to do just about anything except vaginal intercourse. Perhaps she's willing to work within that perceived loophole?


    If not, and you're not willing to wait around, then you should seriously consider leaving. It's not selfish to know what you want, and if a relationship without sex isn't something you can deal with then you're betting off leaving for both your sakes.


    Just be sure you're not going to kick yourself later for not giving it a chance.

  14. Indeed! And if I wasn't working, I would have developed my reading skills and noticed the final line to your post.


    I also agree with you, it's a bad double standard that hurts both sexes.

  15. Why is it okay for guys wanting girls to try anal but if a girl brings it up to a guy, it makes the guy gay and the girl is a freak for bringing it up?


    The worlds view on things and double standards are so ridiculous!

    There is far more social stigma for a man wanting to have that done to him. I'm not saying it's right, but that is how it is.

  16. Im sorry but this is nothing but stinginess. I mean the masturbation part..whatever..if he wants to wank it, wank it..but the blowjob thing PPPPPLLLLEASE! How insulting!


    SO its okay if the son wakes up and sees daddy dearest with one set of lips on his member but not the other set???


    How about in the shower??

    It may be selfishness, I grant that. But he may have some weird reasoning that seeing his dad getting some is ok, but not him going down on a woman. You can't just brush it off as selfishness unless he's been selfish in bed before the child came into the situation. Is that the case?


    It just seems like there's more here than meets the eye, sort of like Transformers.

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