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Posts posted by zerohalo

  1. Sounds to me like he's just too nervous that his son will walk in on you two, which is a valid concern if you three sleep in the same room. Why don't you suggest his son hang out with some of his friends like for a sleepover, then have your way with your SO?

  2. also, im a male and i want to know if its normal to taste my own cum ? does this cause any problems or is it ok if i taste it

    Is the real question, am I gay or weird if I taste my own cum? Cause you know women (and gay men [and straight men!]) have been doing that for at least a couple months now.


    Don't worry about it. If you're curious, do it. No harm, no foul.

  3. The whole thing about guys being horny all the time isn't entirely accurate. There have been plenty of times where I haven't been interested and it's taken minor miracles for me to get turned on. I think the real key for women is they need to feel loved and desired for those moods to kick in. Just grabbing her boobs and shouting "Hold on!" ain't the way to do that. Well, maybe sometimes...


    Ladies, please feel free to put me in my place if I'm off on that.

  4. Good for all of you who have done it and were brave!! I just couldn't do it!

    ATM girls are the new must-have

    That's going to be a tough one to fit into my yahoo profile. "I like movies, darts and women who do ATM."


    BTW, the whole taking the condom off and then getting sucked, that's a great compromise. I totally know where you're coming from with the germs. Like I said, it's the idea that a woman desires her partner so much that she doesn't care that makes the activity hot.


    I'm not a big fan of sexual hesitation, but I am a romantic. Which I guess sounds odd since I dig a woman who is willing to suck on a wang after it's been in her butt, but I guess that's what makes me special.

  5. But do all men fantasize about others? It kind of seems like you're saying, they do have the urge to cheat, (or, have sex with other women), but instead fantasize about it to get it out of their system so that they won't cheat. Is it really that hard not to cheat? To have to do such things to prevent one from doing so? Is there anyone who doesn't fantasize about others? I don't. I'm not saying I don't fantasize, I'm saying I don't fantasize about other people. Just wondering what people's thoughts are, I'm not trying to come off as argumentative or anything. Isn't it possible for some men (even if there's a small percentage) to not fantasize about others? Maybe some men are fantasizing about their S.O and crazy sexual things they want to do but probably won't end up doing.

    I often did fantasize about having sex with a coworker or something like that, but honestly, the fantasies I had that really were the best were about my wife. Why did I fantasize about someone other than her? I have no clue... variety perhaps? Why did I end up preferring to fantasize about my wife? Cause I loved her and being intimate with her meant way more than some cheap fantasy with someone who really didn't mean anything to me.


    I do blame some of this on biology. Guys have an instinct to spread their seed (tacky term, but true) to ensure the species survival. But we have social limits placed on this biological drive, so I think guys have come a long way by just taking a quick glance at a cute woman instead of hump their neighbor at the local GAP.

  6. Just wondering if you could explain that too, from your male point of view. Reason why I'm specifically asking you is because you seem pretty intelligent and for some reason (don't ask me why, not sure, mainly just based upon your above post, which was good & informative) I think I'll get a more honest/detailed explanation from you. Of course others are also welcome to answer.


    No pressure.


    I think it could be trouble down the road for you if you have that feeling, that you should be enough for him. Just remember that he may not be able to turn that switch off. I'm not saying you should say, "Hey sweetie, go gawk at every hottie that walks by", but I'm saying don't chastise him for glancing. My own feeling is that if you really feel that way, that maybe you're kind of insecure in the relationship. The real point is, he's with you, not her. Don't turn it into something bigger than it is.


    Personally, I don't believe a guy when he says he never looks. If I were a woman (that's a whole 'nother thread) I would much rather know that my b/f or whatever was honest with me. And if briefly looking at another woman does happen to rev his engine, guess who gets to benefit? That's right... you. Not her.


    When I looked, did I want to have sex with that particular woman? No. Oh sure there might be a moment where I'd think, "I wonder what'd feel like to have my face between those," but is the urge so strong I'd do it? Hell no.


    As for the last part, why would a guy want something on the side even though things are good in the bedroom and the general relationship... I'm not sure I've got an answer. My gut tells me that although you and your sis think it is going good, he doesn't and he's too chicken to talk it out. The more simple conclusion is he's a dork who doesn't really know what he wants right up until the point he's about to lose it. The wrinkle is that he actually told her his feelings on it... this has me perplexed. That may have been his way of saying that there are issues (pretty immature way of going about it), or again he could just be so arrogant that he figured he'd say it and possibly drive her off, or he didn't realize his comment would hurt her. Some people (not just guys) can be that dumb.


    I feel like I need a couch, your sister, her boyfriend, an hour of their time, and a copy of Psychology 101. And yes, that could be taken the wrong way... pervs.

  7. zerohalo please prepare yourself, for every minute spent on these boards will effectively make you feel more and more liberal (or perhaps more like a pervert).

    Just reaffirms what I already suspected. I'm a perv. Yay me.

  8. No, it's more like residual fecal matter on a stick.

    Quite right. Have you people not had anal sex? There's really not that much in the rectum, and with an anal douche (not the same thing as an enema, just similar) you clean most of it out. I'm not saying it'll be completely bacteria free, but it'll be poo free.

  9. I've been able to have a couple orgasm's without ejaculating, leading to one final orgasm with ejaculation. It was very very tricky getting the timing right, I just stopped moving a second or two before I felt the inevitable squirt. Once the orgasm passed, I was able to get to it again.


    Mac's idea sounds pretty fun too.

  10. I think the big thing here is, don't feel that you are abnormal or that something is wrong with you. I get the feeling that's where you concerns lie. Yes, you are in a minority but by and large an envied one. I've always thought it'd be great to be with a woman who can do what you do.


    All this really means is you discovered something new about yourself and it might take you a little time to adjust. True story (and slightly embarrasing), the very first time I ever masturbated I didn't know what to expect, so when all this fluid started pumping out of me it scared the crap out of me! I seriously thought something was wrong with me and for a long time I wouldn't masturbate at all. After talking with some friends and doing a little self reflecting, I realized it wasn't bad, just surprising. Could it be you're at a similar spot?

  11. If it's really starting to be a pattern where EVERY time he does this, then your suggestion is quite brilliant. A woman purring into a man's ear that she wants to feel him cum inside her will probably make him stay for the duration. Find out what she means by every time though. For example, three times is not every time, it's just something he found that he likes doing.


    I really don't think he's being selfish in this, he is just very turned on by it, and because she hasn't said anything I guarantee he thinks she is too. The fact that he diddles her while she is blowing him really points to this.

  12. I know I'm going to get chased out on this one, but I'm a fan of it. Yes, there are germs. Yes it's not healthy. But it is a major turn-on, probably because of those very reasons. What can I say?


    The idea that a woman wants your unit so badly that she wants to suck on it after it's been in her bum? That's just hot.


    It happens a lot in porn, but they get away with it because the women typically have enemas done prior to the shoot. I think that significantly cuts down on the risk, but doesn't eliminate it.


    I'll go sit in the corner with my "Perv" cap now.

  13. As others have said, there's no reason to fight these feelings. Getting tied up, having someone else in control... if that's what gets you off, go for it. As long as you're willing, and you trust your partner, you're in for some fun.

  14. Annie, why would they face "federal charges"? It doesnt seem like they were openly engaging in sex.


    They're so strict about stuff nowadays!

    Probably an addendum to the patriot act where sex is now an act of terrorism.

  15. then again some guys are just horny and want to do that with practicaly no attraction other then they have the opposite(or the same for that matter) sex organ.

    Sad. I may be naive since I've only been with one woman (married my high school sweetheart), but that idea is pretty repulsive to me. I don't think I could have sex with someone unless I loved and trusted them.


    Guess I'm pretty old fashioned, huh?

  16. This is a tough thread to reply to, mostly because it really sounds like maybe both you and your sis are jumping the gun. Guys look at women, that's just the way it is. It doesn't mean they want to have sex with them, it just means they can appreciate them.


    The notion of, "I should be enough for him" is a sure-fire recipe for disaster. It keeps him from being open and honest, because he knows if he gets caught looking she's gonna be angry. Has he done anything? No. Will he do anything? No, not if they're in a loving and trusting relationship.


    That's a generalization, but since we're talking pretty hypothetical here...


    Look at this way- in my marraige, I looked and my wife didn't. She's the one who cheated.


    As for the whole 'strange' topic, why would a guy want another woman when he already has something good, that could take a lifetime to answer. Just because it's hot in the bedroom, is everything actually ok in the non-sex department of the relationship? If you're a jerk who is a great lay, you're still a jerk.


    And remember, I'm not targeting you or your sis here, just talking in broad generalizations.

  17. I have often said that the difference between roommates and a couple is that the couple has sex.


    But, sex isn't just the ol' thrust and pillage. Even a parapalegic can have a sex life, and I'm willing to be it's an intriguing one. Sex has more to do with the head on your shoulders, not the one between your legs.

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