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  1. Hey Guys. coming from an ex-porn addict I understand alot about what goes on. First from the addicts mind it is not a thing of "that chick is hotter then mine so I'd rather look at her". Women dont get this point,not all but most that have issues with porn think that thier men are watching this because of the women in the porn, this can leave a woman feeling ugly or insecure in her own body which leads to being upset of angree. For Someone who has an addiction and not neccesarly a serious one you cant really explain why you are lead to look at it. people come out with all kinds of excuses "I am trying to learn more" or "I thought I could see something that would help me be better". at the end of the Day I believe that we are all carnel creature and our natural instinct is to procreate and thus making the porn industry one of the most lucrative in the world. Bottom Line is that if you find that you are really battling to handle it, it is much better to tell her that you have a problem. dont hide it, ask her if she could help you with it and take it one day at a time. Eventually you find yourself focusing on a lot more then Sex and porn and realizing that there is so much stimilants in this world that are far better. As I said each for is own. just know that I have been there and if you do carry on without keeping track it only gets worse.... you wont believe what is out there in this industry. Glad to hear that you are keeping strong but its not something you can do alone.
  2. I agree raykay. It is not easy for handling this as all my needs and want have gone out the window. I dont know how to aproach her on the counselling cause she does not see that she is wrong.
  3. I dont really know what to do I have tried the Bad * * * * * aproach and the nice aproach and the I know what you are going through aproach. NOTHING WORKS As for her cheating on me I know she hasnt because she live at home and hasnt got the resources to get it write also she insists that we are together as much as possible so that I go to work and then I am with her. So where she thinks I get the chance to cheat I dont know.
  4. She has been like this since year 2 of the relationship. I do try to ensure her that there is nothing going on but she refus's to believe it. Its gotten really back recently to the point that out of the blue in a shopping centre she will accuse me of looking at another woman and then proceed to say that she "KNOWS" that I want to sleep with her which leaves me feeling like I am unfaithful although I know I am not. I have tried show huge amount of affection and the minute one thing goes it all mean nothing which is rather di-hearting. I find myself apologising for things I never did and eventually I start thinking maby I should just cheat on her so that way she at least has a reason and I had a good time. But I dont want to do this because I really love her and could never imagine being with someone else. She has her good moments but mostly its this issue that drives me crazy. I am slowly starting to feel down and sad most of the time which I hate because I am by nature a very outgoing person. I have lost all my mates and somhow have gained hers.which I dont get on with anyway but thats life. I just wish I could find a way to snap her out of this. I keep telling myself that this is just a phase and she will get better but my biggest fear is that I will live the rest of my life like this "walking on egg shells" so to speak.
  5. So here is my story. I have currently been with my fiance for 6 year and only engaged for 1, I think I am going crazy. She is so possesive and insecure that if I am late from work she will acuse me of cheating, If do not phone her regularly she thinks I am getting up to trouble and when I need to go away on business she has an absolute break down. I have never cheated on her but I know that she has had previous Guy which have. I really love her when she is normal but I dont know if this is health. How do I show her that she can trust me. How can I help her with her insecurity? The problem is that when I try and talk to her about this she bursts into tears and says I am making her out to be a horrible person and that she is useless and not good enough for me so I hold my opinion to try and keep the happiness. How do I deal with this? please help
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