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  1. I would do it and the next best chance, heres a lil thought to help you out, if you dont do it, there plenty of other guys that prolly will, and she wont say no to all of um.
  2. thanks 4 the reply, ive thought about a letter, but cant get past dear xxxx. it just sucks, and I know it will get better with time, but im not willing to give it up, and mabee i should, mabee im afraid of the future, mabee of losing my daughter, im not a bad guy. I never thought this would happen, and I have A hard time blaming anyone, but her dad is making me pretty pissy rite now. What makes things ever weirder, she still has 95% of her stuff here, with no plans to pick it up. man, there has got to be a way to get through this! bump.. i still need help
  3. thanks 4 the reply, ive thought about a letter, but cant get past dear xxxx. it just sucks, and I know it will get better with time, but im not willing to give it up, and mabee i should, mabee im afraid of the future, mabee of losing my daughter, im not a bad guy. I never thought this would happen, and I have A hard time blaming anyone, but her dad is making me pretty pissy rite now. What makes things ever weirder, she still has 95% of her stuff here, with no plans to pick it up. man, there has got to be a way to get through this!
  4. This is probley the biggest thing ive ever delt with. I should start by telling you im 28, she is 24 and our daughter is 4. We've been together 5.5 years and now is all gone, and my heart is in pieces! She left me last friday and took my daughter with her, Ive talked to her once since the break up, but to no avail. The past year has been tough on us because I was laid off, so my mom got her a "ok" job at her company. I became a stay at home job for the time being, and the plan was when my daughter was out of school, we would get a 2nd car and get day care for the lil one. Just as things were starting to get better, she left in a whril, and im pretty hurt, I told her things would get better, and that I really want this to work out, for myself, her and most importanly, my daughter, but here is the real problem, she moved in with her dad, and her dad hates my like no other, and I was told that her dad said if she went back with me, he would disown her. She is a ver impressionable person, and not to bring her down any, not the smartest person Ive been with, but none the less, I love her very much and miss her and my daughter, and on top of that, she left my with no money and rent is due soon, but that is the least of my problems, because I cant seem to break through to her that I would be willing to do anything to get my life back, but is seems pretty dismal at the moment. Not to mention, ive never lived alone, arrr im so confusied rite now. Any advise anyone could possible give my would truly help me out.
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