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  1. the "accident" part is neither here nor there unplanned is a better term but i feel has little bearing on the advice i am seeking what does one do in general when they feel the other half isn't carrying any weight in the relationship when you want to try and make it work? would have been better and the background wasn't needed i suppose
  2. clearing a few things up yes the pregnancy was accidental unfortunately she was semi like this before the pregnancy didn't work consistantly etc. and i agree the baby comes first but damn i feel used i get up at 6:30am head to work call home to see how she is doing around 11:30 am to a i am just getting out of bed (we both went to bed at 11) and i get home she is sitting on the couch playing on the internet the place is a mess i turn on the tv to pardon the interruption gotta hear crap about "why do we have to watch this ever day?" i mean honestly can't anything be just OK for me to do without having to justify it? i work my butt off to make sure everyting is taken care of come home do the dishes, take the trash out and would just like to feel like she cares a bit about making things a little easier on me by creating less stress by having the place in order or cooking dinner i understand being tired with the pregnancy but 12 hrs of sleep and you are still too tired to puch a vaccum? or take your dishes from the coffee table to the sink? i mean maybe i am too insensative to the issue but i feel like it causes me to pull away from here both physically (less cuddling on the couch) and a little emotionally because i feel used in the situation your right she is pregnant so i try not to argue or get her worked up so i feel like pulling away a bit is the only way to show dissatifaction with how she is not contributing and yes we have talked about this she says she understands how i feel and agrees with it it is just that she doesn't know what will actually make her do it she says "i know that i want to be doing it, i just don't know how to make myself do it"
  3. Unfortunately i need some help advice etc. my live in girlfriend and i are pregnant i work full time pay all the bills etc. i cannot get her to contribute to the bigger picture whether is just house keeping or working now i am fine with paying for everything but i take great offense knowing/feeling she isn't doing her share in fact she said she was just talking to her mother the other day about missing some domestic gene it gets worse and worse excuse after excuse and i have reached my breaking point talking about it only leads to arguments and her saying i just want a maid i cannot relay to her apparently that i don't want a made but if that is the way one can contribute then they should do what they can she has poor time management and i am not sure what to do full on counseling? she says i don't do things she wanted in another person like cuddle but i think she is completely missing the point HWLP!
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