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Posts posted by sweetheart21

  1. You should try waxing. Try the peel off wax (the one where you dont need to use the fabric strips). Its really good because you dont have to wait a few days for your hair to get long enough for the regular wax.


    I used to have the same problem. Maybe its because we both have light skin it shows up on us more?


    I started waxing my underarms when I was a teenager and after a few times it became lighter and finer and now I can just shave it without a problem.

  2. Have you tried couples therapy or something similar? I dont think you should get married if you are having this problem. Maybe you could convince her to go by not saying that it is to do with sex. She probably feels like you're blaming her and wont want to go if she knows its about that.


    Also does she have any illnesses? Is she anorexic? Is she on anti depressants? Does she take medication?

  3. It`s a complete revelation when everything just seems to click, eh.

    Yes!! I thought I had an iron deficiency too! But I had blood tests and I had normal iron levels.

    Your right, I bet no one would believe that you can actually get physical symptoms like this from depression! Maybe if they knew they would stop saying/thinking things like 'why don't you just get over it and forget about being depressed' (!?)

  4. Hey it really sounds like your depressed and very anxious. Did something happen to you to make you feel this way? I would suggest going to a different doctor just in case he did mention to your mum that he saw you. You can get medication from a doctor that treats both depression and anxiety. A councillor or psychologist would be a great place to go also. (They cant prescribe medicine, but will help you to talk about your problems and figure out whats upsetting you)


    If your too nervous to go, try medication first. It will make you feel quite a bit better and will then make it easier to go to a counsellor/ psychologist.

    I would recommend a psychologist because they are better. But if you don't have a lot of money then a counsellor might work too. Your doctor will be able to recommend one.


    If you want to private messege me about anything I dont mind. I am going through a very similar thing to you (depression, panic attacks)

  5. Hey I am exactly like you! I get compliments on how I look but still feel ugly. And I avoid eyecontact when I go out and worry about what i'm wearing and stuff.

    Something that helped me a bit is this internet site called moodgym. It can help with self esteem. Look up moodgym in google if you want more info or go to the site here: link removed

  6. Wow! Thank you so much for that link turqoise. It describes me perfectly and answers a lot of questions I had about some things. People always comment that my pupils are more dilated then they should be! This explains why

    And I do have a lot of difficulty getting up in the mornings and then am fully awake and alert at 12am.

    Also I get sick sooo easily. I had the flu 4 times last year- each time it was so bad I had to sit in bed for 5 days and it wouldn't totally disappear for at least 2 weeks each time.

    Oh & I've had sinusitis for so long! My nose runs and my eyes are watery all the time- I cant even wear water proof mascara because it runs so easily.

    Anyway I'm rambling on...

    Thanks again!

  7. Hmmm I think I agree with maverick. I think the only way it would work is if you already knew how to do whatever it is your getting hypnotised for.

    For example it wouldn't be able to make you smarter or learn a new skill. It could only help you with something like smoking... but you already know how to do that, so why waste the money.

  8. Hey there!


    I'm going to say what I think when I read your posts. I didnt want to say it in the other post of yours in case I was wrong. So if I am just ignore it ok?


    Well it sounds to me like you have incredibly low self esteem. And you're also very anxious. As far as I know, people only have low self esteem when something bad has happened to them, or someone has made them feel worthless, or may have even said you are worthless. Also people are usually anxious/on guard because at one point in their life there was reason to be & they've just carried on doing it.


    Has anything like that happened in your life that you can think of?

    How bad is the verbal abuse that you talk about from your family?

    If you are insecure, hyper sensitive etc its because something has made you become this way.


    Anyways i'll be quiet now. Again sorry if this is wrong

  9. Here is a site that I found that offers CLEAR definitions of emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse and child neglect.


    It clearly tells you the difference between normal parental care and abuse.


    Very useful if you are unsure if you were abused or not. It also has stories and lots of other interesting things.


    link removed

  10. Hey there, it sounds like your work is VERY important to you. I have a friend like that. He refuses to have a gf because he thinks it will interfer with his work


    You have to understand that other people are human - they like having fun, talking to each other, and sometimes have personal calls to make. I cant imagine that you have never made a personal call at work.


    If they are not doing their job and it is in someway effecting you then of course you should say something. But if it isnt effecting you then you should just leave it or everyone will get very upset with you.


    Would you like to socialize with them but just dont know how? Or are you happy with how it is now? Cuz if your happy then just ignore their gossiping.

  11. No dont walk away. I think thats the worst thing you could do because you end up bottling all the anger up. Then it will all come out at once later on. I think the trick is to say what you are feeling right when something happens. If your brother is annoying you, tell him how you feel. Just make sure you say it it a calm but assertive way. Dont accuse him of anything or he will get defensive and unreasonable. If the other person is being unreasonable/ starts yelling then once you've said what you feel walk away. Do you think that could work?

  12. I'm not sure if I've had a panic attack because i'm not sure what one is exactly. In some situations I will suddenly get very stressed out, my heart starts beating really fast, I stop breathing, my hands shake, & I always get this really tight feeling in my stomach. So any advice on how I can calm myself down when this happens would be great

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