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Very green

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Everything posted by Very green

  1. thank you very much to all who have replied. It has definitely given me some different perspectives to look at. TTFN
  2. I don't bring his cheating up all the time. By my 'eposides', i mean when i get mad at him for stopping out all night without letting me know where he is going, or even that he is going out at all! We live together, so i its not like he is just going out on nights we haven't agreed to meet on. He says he loves me, and wants to be with me. He says he made a horrible mistake, but he also won't talk about it. I have asked why he did it, is there anything that needs changing etc, but all he says is that he doesn't want to tell me anything as it will hurt me?!
  3. I was cheated on a couple of months ago, and it feels like the worst kind of hurt. The unfortunate part is that because i still love him, i try to care, and forgive, and trust. I have been reading these threads trying to make sense of who he is now, but I'm not really getting anywhere. He claims he is sick of me being insecure, and checking up on him all the time. Does anyone think I should lay off? I personally believe i have a right not to trust him. It only happened two months ago. How long does it take before i can trust him again? I have always believed a person has to gain trust, not be given it automatically. Is this wrong? I feel like I am going mad. The way he talks now when I am having one of my 'eposides' (as he calls them), it feels like I am the one in the wrong now, for acting and reacting this way. Am i being too harsh? Just because i forgave him and took him back, does that mean things should just go on as if it never happened? This is what he believes. All he keeps saying is "I said sorry, I promised I would never do it again, but I can't change the fact it happened. Get over it". !!!!***!!???!!****????!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I have been going online trying to find ways to deal with it, and found a blog spot. It is called link removed. It has some useful links which give tips on getting over or coping with infidelity. However, whilst the links helped a little, I find myself contemplating my revenge. This site allows you to post a photo and description of the person, 'outing' them as a cheater. I have to say, I am VERY tempted. Anyone got any opinions as to whether i should do this? Thank you in advance for any advice. TTFN
  4. I too have been cheated on, and it feels like the worst kind of hurt. I have been going online trying to find ways to deal with it, and found a blog spot. It is called link removed Whilst you may not want to post on it?! it has some useful links which give tips on getting over or coping with infidelity. TTFN
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