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  1. I have lurking here for awhile and have decided that some of you NEED to read this book or get it for that person in your life you love and want to keep in your life. I wish I had this years ago to give to my WS (wayward spouse). It is called "How to gain Forgiveness and Respect After Your Affair" It's on link removed boards and thought I'd pass this info along. It was free (I got mine for free) but I think there is a $5 fee now for site support. There's a book review at link removed The link for the e-book is link removed It seems to have helped lots of couples and I just wanted you to know it's out there (we can use all the help we can get!!!!!!) If you are the Betrayed, the author recommends not reading it. Just give it to your partner and let then apply the techniques to your relationship.
  2. He still loves his wife or he would have left. He has lied to you. Face it. I don't care what you think your heart is telling you, or what you think HE has told you. She obviously loves him as well. The throwing out thing was said in the heat of the moment. She is hurting right now too. And knowing that He sees you at work must be ripping her heart out. Put yourself in her shoes. You were married. And no, the worst part of a divorce is not the fact that you might not find someone else. IT is the WHOLE divorce. YOU need to let things cool down as well. You have JUST left a relationship and have no business jumping into another one right off the bat, Expecially one that is not a TRUE relationship. You need to get to know yourself again and you can't do this with him hanging around you at work all the time. YOU have to be the big person in this and realize that it will not be the END of the WORLD if you two are not together. You deserve a real life. NOT one based on lies. You have to free yourself of this emotionally draining situation.
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