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  1. C actually but little apology except that she knew it was wrong!
  2. She says not and I believe her... although she has had "inappropriate" online relationships, I don't believe this to be the underlying problem.
  3. My wife says she wants to separate. I do not. We had a major bust up last week (no violence ever) and it ended up with me spending a few nights at my parents house to give her some space to think. She is confused over her feelings for me. I work from home during the day so she has "allowed" me to continue doing this, however - she won't however "allow" me to stay at nights as she says has problems staying calm and relaxing. I've offered to sleep separately but this is not good enough. We have 3 kids ages 4,10 and 17. I don't want to make it difficult for them but I also don't want to lose any rights or the chance of reconciliation. How can we talk for either way forward with brief glimpses when I'm coming or leaving the home. I have done nothing specific to make her want her want out she says that I have not given her enough attention over the years and now is not sure she loves me. After getting to this stage she has done things that she knows were wrong - say no more. I'm frightened that if I push this I will send her over the edge to really starting proceedings?
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