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  1. the thing is, she doesnt have to move, and i think i could convince her to stay but i dont know how.
  2. There's this girl I really like,we have become really good friends, but the problem is that she is moving to another state that's far away. I'd do almost anything to be with her, but I dont believe in long distance relationships. I wouldnt move where shes going because I'm still in college. She constantly rubs it in, the fact that shes leaving and i hate it. Sometimes I think she wants me to convince her not to leave, harder and harder, even though ive tried. I've told her that i like her, and I'd date her if she wasnt leavin. Im just afraid because I'm falling in love with this girl, and im going to be hurt wen she leaves. What should I do? Should I keep beggin? If so, how could I convince her that shed be happy with me if she stayed, and she wouldnt regret staying.
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