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Posts posted by mikeca

  1. This was on the daily msn relationship column. sounds good to me




    The 7-Step Recovery


    I was so good during the day. I'd go to work, go for a run, hang out rocking the Xbox, hardly think about her at all. But then night would come, tequila would be slammed, and loneliness would sidle up and offer me the use of its cellphone. Without warning, I'd be calling Courtney in hopes of getting her back .


    "Didn't our 9 months together mean anything? Wasn't the sex great? What kind of underwear are you wearing?" And I would have asked her those questions, had I not been so drunk I couldn't form coherent syllables. Or if I'd actually been talking to her instead of the operator at the front desk of the hip hotel she was staying in all the way accross the country. With her new boyfriend.


    At that point, I had no idea that my relationship wreckage would one day fuel my career. Working as a writer for Sex and the City, I came up with the blunt line a guy delivers as the girls are struggling to understand why a male character didn't try to hook up with one of them (Miranda, if you've seen it). The line: "He's just not that into you." This simple sentence turned from a line in a script into a national catchphrase into an advice book for women into an appearance on Oprah by my writing partner and me, giving advice as bona fide relationship experts.


    Oh, I was an expert, all right. And I had talked to plenty of men and women about their breakups, mostly to commiserate about mine. Eventually, I actually started to listen. And patterns became apparent. The result was another book: It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken.


    So, to every man whose woman has crushed his heart with a mallet, let me be blunt, again: She's gone, man. Let go, move on. Use my guide.


    1. Initiate "She Tox."


    No contact of any kind, starting right now, not tomorrow. First, lose her number. Really. Erase it from your cellphone, home phone, and bat phone. Now add her e-mail address to your spam filter. What you don't see won't tempt you to contact her.


    Of course, at some point — a point usually coinciding with last call at Dooley's pub — you'll get a jones to call her. Before you drunk-dial: Think of three bad things about the relationship, or her. Weird? Maybe, but it worked for Brian, 29, an accountant in New York City who broke up with his live-in girlfriend of 2 years. "For every good thing that came into my mind," he says, "I would think of a negative thing. And eventually, when I realized there were more negative memories than positive ones, my disgust overtook my nostalgia. It helped that the negative things were far fresher in my mind, since they had happened toward the end."


    Next step: Declare any location you used to frequent together a no-fly zone. Find a new coffee shop or bar or gym. It's tough, but keep in mind, your new locations come equipped with a new pool of women to meet.


    Moreover, by not seeing, calling, texting, e-mailing, or risking a chance encounter, you are sending a silent message that says, "I'm okay and am moving on without you." And that's the message you want to send, even if you're on the floor of your apartment wrapped around an empty party ball.


    2. Bag and Burn


    Remove all photos of her and delete your computer wallpaper of the two of you in Cancun. There are other girls who look great in bikinis. (Google, for instance, Adriana Lima. But not obsessively.) Go all CSI on her, bagging every bit of evidence of her existence. Toss it or burn it. If there's anything you need to return to your ex, mail it or ask a mutual friend to deliver it. David, 25, a golf professional in Florida, says he took everything — the baseball hat she wore when she came over, the CD by the Album Leaf they'd always listened to — to Goodwill. "Leaving stuff in your closet will only put off the inevitable reminiscing session," he says, "or, worse, discovery by your next girlfriend."


    3. Stop Being Friends


    Women frequently claim they want to be "friends — really good friends" after they dump you. Screw that. Any woman who took a long look at you and decided she'd try her luck elsewhere doesn't deserve to be your friend anymore. Your friendship has been taken off the menu of great things in life that she gets to enjoy. If she presses the issue, just let her know that you're not currently taking applications for the position of friend but will keep her resume in mind should there be an opening in the future. You can consider friendship after 60 days has elapsed.


    4. Realize She's Not Hiding at the Bottom of that Dewar's and Soda


    Nothing takes the sting out of a battered heart like booze. But the morning after, the breakup pain is back, and has brought a friend: the hangover. Don't make a habit of putting things into your body that will make you a pathetic, sad fatty or get you into a fistfight with a tree. Make plans to meet a friend at the gym or on the basketball court on weekend mornings.


    5. Surround Yourself With Women


    Maybe you think of yourself as the lone wolf, and that's cool, but a breakup buddy helps. Especially a hot breakup buddy. Enlist a female friend or three. "After I broke up, I hung out with girls I knew," says Michael, 34, an author. "They were more interested in hearing about the breakup than my guy friends, and they gave me a lot of attention. The best part, though, was being seen around town with three really hot women, which helped my stock. Word got back to my ex, and I know it made her jealous." Having a breakup buddy means there's someone to call when you're close to drunk-dialing the ex, and someone to make sure you don't fall off the face of the Earth.


    6. Maintain Momentum


    Stay in motion, kid. Walk it off. This is an awesome time for reevaluating and rebuilding, so find new things to do with your time. Pizza is not an activity, nor is crying. Join a gym, or at least a game of pickup basketball, or see every movie at the cineplex in one weekend. Make plans with your friends that will force you to leave your home at least three times a week.


    "Right after we broke up, I launched a Web site to take my mind off things," says Tim, 24, a designer in Vancouver. "It's now a successful part-time business."


    7. Get Back on the Horse


    You've heard this one, right? Here's a bonus: "The second girl I hooked up with after my breakup had the same name as my ex," says Brian. "Inputting her into my phone as Nuevo Becca' was pretty solid. Not to mention the healing benefits of new sex, which is a whole lot better than "Let's save this relationship' sex."


    Lastly, don't talk to the horse about your ex.

  2. Its been a couple of days now so im thinking of just not responding. I'm not so much getting closure, as I'm just explaining my mindset and then ending on a little nostalgia.


    I tell myself that I might look up this girl again in a few years or so, just to see if anything has changed. If i got into policing we had a plan to continue on from there but basically I wanna set myself up on good terms for the future.. im thinking of just a straight non-answer.


    went with :




    I just wanted to say thanks for your support, your words are kind to my ears.


    And as much as I would love to continue to read more of them, I think you know we cant continue these conversations. I will miss your fiery spirit, your going to change the world


    happy yet an ending. adios!

  3. so my exgf recently sent me a congrats on passing my police interview email this week..I initally wrote up a reply (as seen below) once again she doesnt want a relationship because she didnt feel a 'connection' while we were in a LDR. Sh says she will always care deeply for me, and this email is kinda just like "hey i appreciate that, but you made this decision, you let me go now let me let you"






    I just wanted to say thanks for your support, your words are kind to my ears. And as much as I would love to continue to read more of them, I think you know we cant continue these conversations. I've said my peace, and part of me saw this coming back in august. As you drove away that morning I remember thinking..."this girl is gonna break my heart again" I almost told NAME that day but bit my tongue..on the dream of us. You want to know why NAME? I loved you, I loved you so "F'n" much as naive as it sounds. I thought I was lucky, to have you for just as long as you and this world would let me. But you want to be free, and I wont stand in your way. if it matters, I forgive everything thats happened between us, and I'm moving on. I will always look back fondly to that first kiss, and those nights under the stars at ridley

  4. Also I think its important to note, even if she doesnt it show it; in my experience they feel it too. The dumper tho has already made up a list in their head about why they feel so good and can move on so quickly after leaving. And I've heard this from my ex...its in those upcoming weeks where you dont call...and they have a chance to think...my god..is this right?


    bottom line, I can say for atleast 90% (unless shes a total B*tch hah) that she has some form of this feeling.

  5. from my experiences its true the first one hurts the most, but you move on, meet someone else and chaulk it up to experience. your very young, theres a whole world outside of highschool. I wasnt very popular (not un-pop either) and I somehow ended up dating this older girl who graduated 3 years ahead of me, and had so many friends etc..


    once your out of highschool, you know who your real friends and loved ones are, and what life is truly like.






    EDIT - VW~!

  6. ok, my two cents.


    take a look at your life now, with this new girl. Is it everything you imagined?

    or everything you imagined with your ex?


    your on a path now where you can move on with an exciting new relationship, but only you know how you proceed.


    you can come here and ask for advice but when it comes down to it, its your choice.


    Now ask yourself:


    Does this new girl complete you? Can she replace your ex in your "dream" scenario.


    take some time, its a tough situation.

  7. a few drinks can loosen you up, more than that...your just the drunk guy hitting on them at the bar.


    like its been said, relax set your goals low, like just starting a conversation.


    walk up to someone that catches your are and just start off with some conversation, generic comments and see if you can pick up on anything, she a sports fan? a reader?


    its all about listening to them at first, a recon if you will

  8. what your feeling is perfectly common. You feel like...damn they just hurt me so bad, "Do they really know? perhaps I should show them what it is.."


    but what you have to do, and its crucial to moving on, is forgive them, or let it go, forget it.


    I can tell you those words will haunt you at first, I remember my ex saying "Dont ever leave me" with such passion and innocence that it still cuts me to this day. But not as much as it did before, and each day I move forward. What you gotta do now, is her motto; dont settle for second best, move on and get back into your old routine. Start working out and reading, personally those helped me alot, not to mention the obvious phsyical part.


    Also, come here often post your thoughts, your emotions, its all how we ended up here.

  9. Even thought we got back together and eventually broke up again, its not the same pain I was in the first time. I'm kinda consoled by the fact hey, you gave it your best and she didnt accept it.


    We got back together a week before she moved roughly 1800kms away. So the seeds of our destruction were already sewn. I love her deeply and have a strong connection still with her family (her brother is my best friend) but now she says she tried so hard in these last few months (you shoulda seen this love letter she wrote damn) but she 'couldnt hide' her true feelings anymore.


    I still think about her alot but its not as overwhelming as before. I'm often thinking about contacting her if I pass my RCMP interview and get in, one of the reasons I think we never could 'work long term' is that I never had a place of my own, or a full-time job like this one, always just a couple part-timer's, but who knows if it was meant to be....and also... C'est la vie



    Everyone keep your heads high, and if you begin to faulter -- Were here for you.

  10. well nc just helps put you back in a place to be yourself after a breakup, whether your distraught or depressed after words, clinging on to false hope will only prolong the pain.


    personally i'd go nc and use this time to work on yourself, do things you want to do. and if in the future you two happen to meet up again, you can see how it progresses from there.

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