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Everything posted by Pioneer_UK

  1. thanks for ur feedback cynder, im gonna try sleep loL! will log back on tomorrow and check night all!
  2. yeah i agree, and thats why i felt strange, feeling like that so quickly! i havnt said to her, hey i love you! but i have said i like you. i doubt i would ever say that first, but who knows...pyscologically she is perfect.. and her pictures are yummy! and it is her cause we spoke ages before it got this advanced. so yeah im gonna wait that out and see what happens emotionally.. but i cant at night (3am already) shes on my mind 24/7
  3. thanks im skint.. shes outa luck in that department. i told her im skint.. and shes ok with it
  4. my first online relationship, i can give some strange things here.. i actually got talking to this girl for a joke, i sent her a picture and it was actually a trojan.(in my teens lmao) anyway long time ago,, which resulted in a marrage so its cool anyway i gave her a keylogger, and this was before ur laws! and i monitored her actions, i saw her typing something like HI which kinda gave me the upper hand somehow.. but i guess its creepy? thinking back.. a few years on and no torjan... now i have met a girl online, and i find myself thinking should i pm her right now or pretend i didnt notice if i saw her come online.., will she think im crazy? LOL! should i pretend im busy and see if shes really intrested in talking to me... revenge hey! but i think the best thing to do is... HI! good to see you! just be urself and do what your heart tells you!
  5. i have met 2 girls online and met them in real.. the first one lead to marrage the second one broke my heart.. all i can say is... dont expect anything to happen. just be friendly like you would with your real friends. you will know by your gut feeling what to do... just dont rush anything... i found that when u meet someone u get very anxious and very nervois! no matter how well u know them online...letting your nerves go into auto pilot is the best way... dont try and control how you feel.. just be yourself!
  6. Hi guys,,, im seeking some morale help.. althought i think i know im wrong. I've been talkin to this girl now for about 2 years just general hi blah blah, but about 2 weeks ago we added each other to im client. thing is, within 2 days of constant talkin i started to feel for her, i mean seriously.. we have so much in common and when we talk its like time just stops. i really thinki have found the right woman here, weve told each other we aare perfect in everyway, but small problem is she has a boyfriend for the past 4 year. we are now coming up to our 2nd week of talkin and we only live a few hours away, we aint met yet, nor have we talked about sex or anything. but we do have feelings for each other, we are constantly smsing each other and we always talk on line.. we both find it very very difficult to log off! and it turns into a hour debate about whos going to close the im window down!. im not neive, but i really believe i love this woman and i think she really loves me! itscrazy! shes told me that her and him dont get on that much now cause hes always busy with his console and never pays her attention,, and she says shes more mature then him ... and shes lost intrest.. what should i do? i feel like i should let her go.. i feel sorry for this guy ... but i fear i may never find another woman as right as she is. i feel catch 22.. can i just say she has the face of an angel.. and i feel my life is so complete now shes in it...i close my eyes at night and want her so dearly in my life.. am i obssesed? is this healthy? lol p,s i have read lots of posts on the forum. its great!
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