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  1. Not everything is black and white. You have found an overt grey area in your life. Your insecurities are not his fault, and it is sad you took them out on him. But your insecurities are not YOUR fault either, and its sad he isn't compassionate and understanding enough to help you deal with them. If you love him, my only advice it to be straight up and honest, even if that means a trial parting for a while. If you don't, its too much heartache for you to go through. Think about yourself and your child before anyone else. Does this man make you happy? Will he make you happy in the future? Is he stable and reliable? How often does he do drugs? There are a million questions you must ask yourself. Perhaps do a huge "Pro's and Con's" list, a self survey, whatever. It could, would, help you sort through your muddled problems. Either way, good luck, and hope your heart is intact when you come out at the end of this, single or still with your man.
  2. Be natural! By the sounds of it you are gonna be too stiff to do it anyway (And not the good kind!) relax, be gentle in ALL aspects, and dont jump straight into it. Foreplay foreplay FOREPLAY. It will relax her totally, especially if you talk quietly to her about how much you care about her and so forth. Personally, the candles approach would come accross as tacky. Its up to you though, because you know what you're girlfriend is like. But make sure its in a safe environment where you cant be walked in on... a humiliating first time actually can kill sexual urges for quite a while! Maybe one night invite her around for videos, have chinese take-out, you know how it goes. Relax, watch a few vids, cuddle up and see how it goes from there. Cyaz, Ash
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