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Posts posted by CluelessGuy321

  1. In an effort to find out where the problem of shyness originates from,


    Mass media programming and believing that we're putting women off/out by hitting on them. Mass media programming that makes you care too much what other people think or mind read.

  2. I've read your reasons for suicide, and I've been going through most of the same things....and I'm almost 26. Not seriously contemplating suicide though.


    I don't know why we're so different in that way. I've never met that special someone, I'm lonely all the time, I don't have the social life that I see so many other people seem to have.


    I have a serious knee injury and I need to do surgery and go through 9 months of grueling rehab. And my knee won't be the same.


    And yet, I don't want to end my existence. I don't know what keeps me going. I guess I have some sort of sense that I need to be strong and see this life through. Be a soldier and walk through hellfire if need be.


    But this life can be tiring sometimes.

  3. It started in 6th grade for me.


    Idiot parents sent me to military school. In 5th grade, I was hanging out with alot of girls and always being cool with them and was learning about the opposite sex - attitude and personality wise anyways.


    I was starting to make friends with a lot of girls, but then blam Military school and then all boy high school. It pretty much killed my contact with women for the next 7+ years.


    By the time I got into college, talking to girls was foreign to me, and I always feel awkward.


    I blame my parents for a lot of poor choices that they made, and it goes a bit deeper than that.

  4. "Performing lighter weight with more repetitions (15-20 reps, 20-30 reps, or 20-50 reps) does not burn more fat or tone (simultaneous decrease of fat and increase muscle) better than a heaver weight with moderate repetitions (8-12 reps). Weight training utilizes carbohydrates after the initial ATP and CP stores have been exhausted after the first few seconds of intense muscular contraction. Typically a set's duration is 20 to 30 seconds. For the average fit person, it requires 20 to 30 minutes of continuous aerobic activity with large muscle groups (eg. Gluteus Maximus and Quadriceps) to burn even 50% fat; fat requires oxygen to burn. Performing a few extra repetitions on a weight training exercise is not significant enough to burn extra fat and may in effect burn less fat. If intensity is compromised, less fat may be burned when light weight is used with high repetitions. The burning sensation associated with high repetition training seems to be the primary deterrent for achieving higher intensities.


    For individuals attempting to achieve fat loss for aesthetics, the intensity of weight training can be a double edge sword. When beginning an exercise program, muscle mass increases may out pace fat losses, resulting in a small initial weight gain. Significant fat loss requires a certain intensity, duration, and frequency that novice exercisers may not be able to achieve until they develop greater tolerance to exercise. If an exercise and nutrition program is not adequate for significant fat loss, a lighter weight with higher repetitions may be recommended to minimize any bulking effects, although less fat may be utilized hours later. If an aerobic exercise and nutrition program is sufficient enough to lose fat, a moderate repetition range with a progressively heavier weight will accelerate fat loss with a toning effect. If a muscle group ever out paces fat loss, the bulking effect is only temporary. For a toning effect, fat can be lost later when aerobic exercise can be significantly increased or the weight training exercise(s) for that particular muscle can be ceased altogether. The muscle will atrophy to a pre-exercise girth within months. Higher repetitions training may be later implemented and assessed.


    Higher volume weight training (ie 3 sets versus 1 set of each exercise) with short rest periods of approximately 1 minutes can stimulate a greater acute growth hormone realease (Kraemer 1991, 1993; Mulligan 1996). Growth hormone is lipolytic in adults. It is hypothesized that maximal effort is necessary for optimizing exercise induced secretion of growth hormone. Growth hormone release is related to the magnitude of exertion (Pyka 1992) and is attenuated with greater lactic acidosis (Gordon 1994).


    Intense weight training utilizing multiple large muscles with longer rest between sets may also accentuate body lipid deficit by increasing post training epinephrine. Intramuscular triacylgycerol it thought to be an important energy substrate following repeated 30 second maximal exercise with 4 minute recovery intervals (McCartney 1996, Tremblay 1994). Rest periods lasting approximately 4 minutes between maximal exercise exercise of very short duration is required for almost complete creatine phosphate recovery required for repeated maximal bouts (McCartney 1986).


    It still may be recommended to perform high repetitions (eg 20-30) for abdominal and oblique training. It has been theorized muscular endurance may be more benifitial for low back health than muscular strength. Furthermore, moderate repetitions with a greater resistance can increase muscular girth under the subcutaneous fat, particularly in men, who have greater potiential for muscular hypertrophy. Increasing the thickness around the waist with existing abdominal fat may further increase bulk, particularly in men who typically have greater intra-abdominal and subcutanuous fat in this area. The abdominal muscularture is composed of relatively small musclemass as compared to the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, chest, and upper back. Performing high reps with a lighter resistance should not compromise metabolism or muscle increases as would performing high reps with light resistance on larger muscle groups. See Spot Reduction Myth above.


    It is plausible that the high repetition myth was originated and later propagated by bodybuilders that used calorie restrictive diets to shed fat before a contest. Because of their weakened state from dieting, they were unable to use their usual heavier weights. When inquired about their use of lighter weights, they explained they were "cutting up" for a contest. This is merely a theory, but it is easy to see how it may have been misunderstood that the lighter weight was used to reduce fat instead of actually being a result of their dietary regime.


    Typically with weight training alone, fat loss is similar to muscle gain, give or take a few pounds. Certain dietary modification can have much greater impact on fat loss than weight training alone. The ideal program for fat loss would include the combination of proper diet, weight training, and cardio exercise."

  5. I 100% agree with you topic creator, a lot women today pull stuff like this. And then come up with some lame reasoning to justify it. I'm tired of it, STOP the excuses, and show some respect, that's all decent, honest, troubled males ask for. I tried to arrange something last fall with a girl (who is single AND asked ME to do something with her). I took most of the responsibility to arrange the who, what, and when. Geuss what? After an afternoon of the girl flaking out on me left and right... I called it quits. Ugh... I'm tired of this... I'm not babying people, I'm tired of doing the most work... But yeah, just make yourself busy and excel at your gifts, it'll make you busy AND feel good about yourself with no need for companionship.


    Yeah, I agree. I think the guys who have the least amount of trouble are the ones who are jerky and don't take women too seriously, date many at a time, or are abjectly good looking.

    And not to say that confident guys are always jerks, but there are a few. A lot of shy guys who happen to land a girlfriend or date can be equally rude or ill-mannered, so that doesn't change the equation either.


    I know the concerns of most guys here though - hating the feeling of being odd man out, when other lucky jerks seem to have all the luck. And women, I think, have concerns of meeting predators and obssesive stalker types.


    That all being said, it just sucks when one party agrees to meet up but then stands you up or cancels. It'd be better to just reject a person on the spot instead of toying around. Waste of everyone's time.

  6. Hey guys....


    I made it!! My FIRST official vacation from work in almost TWO years!!!

    I can't believe I am actually OFF work till NEXT Saturday!!!!


    Please give me some ideas on what to do during this time so I don't somehow manage to just "happen by" the salon. (I have a tendency to do that )


    I was going to go on a cruise.......but I opted to save some money instead.



    Take me with you

  7. I've been on a diet for a few weeks and I have lost about 7 pounds. I eat pretty much whatever I want, but I do limit myself to 1500 calories a day. I'm not starving myself and it feels right for me. I don't eat a lot of meat and I was wondering if protein shakes would be good for my diet? Do they do any harm to the body? Just would like to know about them.




    Here's why:


    Protein shakes usually contain Protein, Carbs, and sometimes fat. They're usually for people who workout and/or lift, because the extra protein is needed after workouts and the carbs help carry the proteins to the muscle.


    To lose weight:

    1.) You should drink a lot of water throughout the whole day.

    2.) Limit your caloric intake which I see that you're doing

    3.) Spread out your meals to 6 times a day. Eating large meals at once will create fat even if you're limiting your daily intake. You gotta spread it out.

    4.) Eat some lean meats. Skinless chicken, tuna, salmon, Mahi Mahi,etc.




    If you limit calories, do a little cardio, you'll be gold. Do take some vitamins and fiber in your diet too.

    Calculate how much protein you get a day. If you think you need more protein and don't want to eat the extra meat, nuts, or dairy, just buy some soy protein from your local vitamin shop or health food store.

  8. no no, I like the honesty.


    This same friend helped me have a better eye for dressing up earlier last year.


    I used to always buy oversized clothing, and I never liked paying more than 20 bucks for any particular article of clothing. I always figured that all these clothes came from the same sweatshops in Asia, so why pay more when I didn't need to?


    Well, my metro friend convinced me that my clothing looked crappy on me, and took me to Banana Republic, Gap, Express, Kenneth Cole, and some other places. Tighter fitting clothing looked much better on me and showed off my physique a bit better. People I've known for years were telling me I "lost a lot of weight" from having clothing that was thinner around the waist and stomach, and other people telling me that I was getting buffer from having shirts that were form fitting.


    I won't wear tight-tight stuff (like those guys who wear girl jeans), but I see the advantage of form fitting clothing and form tailored suits.


    Also, there's issues of layering and color coordination, which I'm not quite that solid on yet.


    I need a girl to shop with me

  9. Well, I was wearing some nice blue jeans with some white new balance running shoes - which my friend and girlfriend said was an eyesore. They said it's what old men / father types wear.


    So I got some sandy colored wallabees to shut them up.

  10. watch and shoes? Not so much for me... I notice his pants when it comes to clothing... if he's wearing

    a. black denim


    b. too tight jeans

    I'm sorta repulsed


    I dont really notice clothing RIGHT away... i notice his smile, his laugh and his posture...


    Hmm, how tight is too tight?

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