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Everything posted by Young1

  1. Yes, It's going to be harder than anything I've ever done. I've got baby experiance and know how to take care of one. My daughter and I will argue, laugh, cry, and play games together. I will do all I can to make sure she is happy, safe, and healthy; has clean clothes to wear, a warm and loving environment to be raised in, a warm bed to sleep in, a warm meal to eat when she is hungry (unless ice cream or something) and a loving caring mom that would die for her for anything. They say the love of a mother and daughter never dies and I want to make sure it doesn't. I have book to refer to when I'm questioning something about her. I have a loving mother and family behind me all the way. Like I said before I'm strong and I have to keep on living no matter the obsticales. Someone once told me "No matter how many times you fall you can always get right back up." I believe it with all my heart. Thanks!
  2. I know all of this i have supporrt: family and money wise. I just found out last Friday it was a girl. Justin(the cheating ex boyfriend) knows but as of Sunday doesnt care. WE have MONEy so I dont have to worry I'm getting homeschooled and looking for a job. I know it's a big responsability and I'm young I can do it. I can... I'm strong enough to make the decision to have sex, so im strong enough to have and take care of the baby. Thanks for every one leaving me comments they have helped millions for me ! Thank you so much I'll be on whenever I can. Just keep leaving them and I will answer... Thanks again for caring.!
  3. The reason why im so happy is that before I knew i was pregnant i was told I would not be able to have a baby by a doctor. I was crushed ... I knew i wanted a baby just not now and with my bestfriend, my boyfriend, Justin. since i knew i couldnt have a baby I decided to have sex. After the third time i found out I was pregnant. I was so excited to tell Justin and my friend that had known I could not have a baby. When i called some of my friends they acted hateful and didnt approve of it so hoping to excite one person I called Justin. When I called his cellphone a girl answered... It was his ex. and I knew then that he would not care but I told him anyway. He said he would help in anyway but didnt want me as a girlfriend anymore. Then I told my mom and she was dissappointed in me but said she would help in anyway. She then told her friends that told their friends and so on and so forth. Whispers were going around and then I was the school * * * *. (Like noone in high school has ever gotten pregnant.) I dropped out in Early October to start home schooling by my Aunt. People asked me why i was so happy and I should be ashamed and have an abortion or give her up for adoption. The preacher in front of the whole church asked for everyone give me a silent prayer.(I wonder what for..UMM...Let me guess...) I'm just now having doubts about keeping my baby or putting her up for adoption but, why ask a question you already know the answer to. But anyway im sorry for it being so long. But this is my story.
  4. I was wondering i'm not married and i dont have a boyfriend anymore... Is it wrong to be happy to be pregnant when your only a teenager. I'm so excited but i think i should be disappointed with myself for putting myself in this situation. Everyone tells me it was wrong to have sex without being married and a sin and yes i know it was a sin But i'm happy and noone realizes the whole story why i'm so happy! Should i just grin and bare it to what there telling me or should i just waste my breathe and tell them why i'm so happy? Please reply someone
  5. Hey listen don't worry thats so normal to want a baby. What's there not to like in a baby. I might not be as wise as some but i say you still got years and so does he to make up both of your minds to have kids.
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