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Posts posted by justify_yourlove

  1. I am catholic and my boyfriend is atheist. I know church is separate from state, so we can legally have marriage (outside the church). I know the Catholic church is against it (wed in church) and I've heard that I have to talk to a priest about it if we plan to marry in the church. Does anyone have any experience with marrying in the Catholic church with an atheist?


    Initially, we both decided that we'll let our children decide what religion or non-religion they are. Then, I told him that my family always baptizes the baby months after birth. After that, I think my boyfriend says we can baptize our future children then. However, I know he is still strongly against this but is doing it for myself and family. Do you think he should keep this decision?


    Would it be a bad idea if I ask and try to convince my boyfriend to go to church with me Sundays? I told him it doesn't necessarily mean he believes in it but being there with me...his presense. Is the church against atheist going to church?


    Does anyone have any advice (or experiences) on how we can deal with this serious conflict?

  2. We say we are broken up but we still "act" like a couple over the phone (saying "I love you", heavy flirting). I think it was just "hooking up" and I think I shouldn't do it either. I will definitely talk to him about these issues face to face. I agree now that I shouldn't have sex with him that way if it is uncomfortable for me because sex shouldn't be a favor, but rather a mutual thing.

  3. I always believe, "It's not how you looked, it's how you look now". Do you ever see those talk shows about "Geek to Chic". It really doesn't matter back then cause they're gorgeous now. Plus, if he's happier that way, then that's great. You could be there to appreciate him for who is he now.

  4. I think she may like you. Make it sound casual and then ask her how she feels about you. If she says she doesn't like you, just change the subject. At least you would know. It would be natural to feel hurt by it so just remember those circumstances. Also remember that you can still be friends.

  5. How old are you? I'm 21 and my sex drive was super huge in the late teens and drastically dropped this year. More likely yours will eventually. As for your current issue, you can do webcam sex. Just make sure you don't show your face because people could put them up online. Porn is a great method too and sex toys.

  6. That happened to me a lot in Halloween. I started flirting with guys and telling girls they were hot...and I normally would NEVER do this but would want to. Alcohol takes away your inhibitions so if you think about doing something, you will most likely do it without thinking thoroughly about it. Some people are definitely better at managing themselves while drunk. Just make sure you are safe with someone to look after you.

  7. You can also start by flirting with her on simple things. Then, add sexual innuendos as well. The conversation will eventually progress towards more detailed sexual thoughts about what you want to do with her (vice versa) or how you felt over what she said sexual towards you. This is how my boyfriend and I usually did it. I found it much more romantic than just the stereotypical "Imagine me taking your clothes off. And then...".

  8. This is my post in another thread:


    I have been in a long-distance relationship for 7.5 years with a guy I met online. He lives in Florida and I am in California. We only met 3 years ago and only see each other December and summer months. For us, it did work but it is extremely hard. It will definitely tear you apart at first but it will test whether you are meant to be. You both are still young and are pursuing different paths for now. If you two are dedicated for each other, then it should work out. Communication is extremely important. Make sure both of you talk about what your needs, expectations, and fears are and how you'll help each other. If it comes to the point where one will find another person, then that's only natural. You would only want your love to be happy. Good luck!

  9. Actually, we have done the "dress up" sex RPG's a lot in the past (me dressed up) and took pictures (which is related to when I first mentioned it), which we both really enjoy. That and when we go out dressed "nice", is the times when I feel real great...until we tried him dressing up as a "girl" too and had sex, but that was my post in the other forum and relates nothing to my self-esteem.


    I think I get more insecure when we start talking about Britney and Christina on TV, magazine, news, etc.

  10. Thank you again for all your responses. I have not done the professional glamour shots but I have taken photos in sexy costumes and make-up in my room. I actually do feel great about myself looking at those and it is also just fun to dress up. I do agree people are beautiful in their own way and I know I am beautiful. Maybe I just get reminded of my insecurity when it comes to Britney and Christina. However, I am working on it and I'm sure it'll get better with time.


    My insecurity is definitely coming from inside my head because my boyfriend has never compared me to them. Although, I wish he would tell me I'm beautiful more often than he already does. That's okay though since he claims he says I'm beautiful "all the time". You know how guys' definition of "all the time" is different from girls, so I do accept that.


    My boyfriend is straight but my post in the other section did say that I believe he has a sexual identity crisis.

  11. Thanks for the help everyone. Should I talk to him about it before I see him Friday or just wait then? We've brought up the subject because but after today's discussion, I wanted to share others thoughts with him. I was really worried about it earlier but now I feel like I can wait. Maybe talking about it more personal is better and it is not an urgent matter?

  12. I am jealous over Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera's physical looks because my boyfriend finds them sexy. He is also a big fan of them (and dresses up like them, which I made a related post about in another section), but that is not what bothers me. I am insecure about my body sometimes and it gets worse about Britney and Christina. I know I am being silly but does anyone have any advice on this particular type of issue?

  13. Actually, I told him that I felt he had a sexual identity crisis as well. He is a lot happier when he dresses as a woman overall. At least I do realize it would be wrong for me to have sex with him for a favor because sex should be a mutual, intimate moment that both partners can connect deeply with each other. I even try to convince myself that I was "starting to like it". We have been together for a very long time and only experimented with the lesbian sex over the summer. At that time, I noticed my sex drive dropped drastically and I do believe it is because of it. It's just sad because of how serious the issue actually is and we are deeply in love.

  14. 1) My boyfriend has a serious lesbian fetish. He likes to dress up as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera during Halloween and concerts. He gets sexually aroused flirting with other girls. We've had sex while he wore the costume before and I feel like he was actually a lot happier sexually that way. He claims he likes both ways but I feel like he was more aggresive (which I wanted before).


    I feel really uncomfortable about this. We've talked about how he loves being with me either way. Maybe I'm just insecure?


    2) Also, we have a long-term long-distance relationship, he kissed (just smack) 6 girls during Halloween. He thought I was okay with it because I'd always joke about him flirting with other girls. It was my way to show him I'm secure and I know he likes the jokes but it backfired at me. I hated it and was deeply hurt.


    Should I be worried? He admits he was sexually excited but I too was emotionally excited by a guy in Halloween. Which is more serious? Or this even an issue?


    3) He is coming over this weekend and we planned to have the Lesbian Costume sex but I feel like I'm doing it only for his favor. Is this wrong? We unofficially "broke up" or are on "limbo/cool off" stage. Would having sex complicate the situation?

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