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Posts posted by Shaun23

  1. "Have any guys had much luck with online dating? or is it more for the girls."


    I think not. If it were only for girls then it would be pretty pointless. I mean, all these girls putting their profiles online, and no guys to check it out. Sounds pretty dull to me!!


    I think you should just wait it out. I have figured out, that it is when you are not searching or obsessing about getting a woman that they come along!


    Enjoy the wait!!

  2. Hi DJ


    I had the exact same problem as you a while back. I met this girl (today my fiancè), and we were together for about 2 years when she got feelings for another guy. Nothing happened between the 2 of them, but this killed me inside anyway. As a result of this, I became the most jealouse and possesive guy alive! Because I showed my jealousy and insecurity everytime she would talk about another guy, she started getting mad at me ( I think it was her felling guilty about what had happened though ). I realised I had to change the way I looked at her, and how I handled situations.


    Even though it is really hard, you have to take that step and force yourself, as soon as you get jealouse, to think of something else, or tell yourself that you are being unreasonable. Every time I got jealouse, I told myself that I am being stupid, and that I should grow up!! Worked for me. You might not realise it, but she might be seing your jealousy and not saying anything. If she has not given you anything to be jealouse about, then she might think that you don't trust her. This could be very damaging to your relationship!!


    We have now been together for 6 years and are planning to get married next year..


    Good luck, and keep us posted!!!

  3. Personaly I am glad to hear that you decided not to do the 3some thing!

    Well, considering the fact that I am a pretty conservitave guy, I will not be able to handle the fact that another guy is touching my girl, never mind the fact that he is "in" her!


    Sex is a sacred event between two parties. I cannot even emagine my girl being with another guy! This is something special the two of you share, and when you enter a relationship, I feel that you make that promise to share such an intemate part of yourself with only that special person in your life!! Sorry if I sound a little old fasioned but hey that is me!!

    Well, that is my feelings about it!

  4. Ashlynn


    I think that this is going nowhere.If he already has the idea that"anything can happen",then I think he is doubting your relationship.I personly think he doesn't know what he wants,and is scared of being alone.This is the reason for not wanting to break up..


    I think you need to ask him where he thinks your relatioship is going,and if he does not give you the answer you are looking for,then "hit the road Jack"....My opinion!!

  5. How much time you ask??? As much as he needs!!


    Thing is,he will make up his mind,and if he really has strong feelings for you,he will come back and explain to you why he felt this way.He needs the time in the cave to process all his thoughts.If he detatches himself as you said, then the feelings were not strong enough! I think you need to sit back, and give him the time.


    Maybe,just to keep him knowing that you love him and still care for him,drop him a text message so now and then,saying "I am thinking of you" (or something to that effect,but nothing regarding your situation)!


    Good luck!!!

  6. I knew it!I should become a shrink!!HE


    I think you should have a sit down with your bf and tell him that you are not a nimf,who just wants sex for sex.Tell him that when you are intimate,that is the time that you feel closest to him!Let him know that you respect his way of thinking as well,and ask him if he sees where you are coming from.


    My gf started a job a while ago, and she works really long hours.At night she is really tired,and in this way our sex life has taken a beating.I explained to her(She could see I was down) that I miss being intimate with her,as this is the time when I also feel closest to her! Try talking it through with him. I am sure this will change his views a little......


    Let us know......

  7. As a guy(who is suppose to use and abuse girls,as the stereo type most of the time goes),I get really mad when guys push girls to get into a girls pants,and then leaves her home and dry!(I know a couple of them)!


    I think this guy is a real keeper! He is respecting you as a guy should respect a lady(By saying he doesn't want to rush into anything), and it sounds as if he really has it in for you! It sounds like you are one of the lucky girls out there right now!!


    My advise is hang in there,and time will tell what will happen.I can almost certainly say that this one will work out for the best

  8. Do not put any pressure on him. Give him time to clear his head,as he is obviously confused at the moment. Apologise to him for the things you said, and re-assure him that the reason you said the things you said is because you are scared to loose him. Tell him how happy he makes you,

    any how hard it would be without him!


    In a book "Men are from Mars(or Venus),can't exactly remember,they tell you that men retract to their caves when they have something on their mind.Let him stay in his cave,and let him come out on his own time. Do not rush him, but deffernity tell him your feelings!!


    Keep us posted>>>>>

  9. Not having kids of my own I don't think I am entitled to give advise,

    but is there not a family member that you can go to something.Your daughter is at an age where she will pick up on your mood being down,and she will react accordingly.


    Being with your husband will only cause friction in the house,and this will hurt your daughter more than anything else,seeing mommy and daddy fighting.


    Reading some of the postings on this site has really got me thinking of what the hell is wrong with people!Cheating,cheating and even more cheating!!


    All the best.....Let me know what you decide!!

  10. James


    I am glad you posted this,cause this will be a warning to me. My gf and I are planning on moving in together early next year,so I will be carefull of not letting things"Slide" as you said! Thanks for the advise(Indirectly)!!!


    Sorry to hear about the breakup!!

  11. Hi Janim


    My gf and I have also been together for 5 years plus,and I would die if she had to have thoughts like you are having!


    The thing is,why would you be with him for such a long time if you didn't think he was the one. I think you are trying to live out your relationship the way Hollywood tries to express it! You never see these couples who are madly in love have to pay bills,got to work,take out the rubbish,etc.Point is,if you meet someone else, and live with them,how will it be different?You would still have to do all the things you are doing now!


    I think,while your bf is watching tv or something,stand/sit where he can't see you,and just look at him.Think of why you are with him,and what you love about him,and why you have been with him for so long.You will then realise that life is not all fun and games,but your bf is there to help you through the times when you feel there is nowwhere to run to.


    Let me know what you think......

  12. Bathany is right!


    Ok, I was not cheated on, but my gf got feelings for this one guy that was in her class when she was still at school. This was 3 years ago,and still(even though nothing happened between them),I am still very jealous and insecure sometimes,even though she has never given me reason to feel this way after what happened.We are engaged now and have been together for 5 years and 4 months.


    When she realised what she had done to me,and how it really broke me,she was ashamed of what she did,and she realised what she had almost done to our relasionship. I was one,and still am one of those that say,"Cheat and it is good bye",but fact is once it happens(even tough it didn't go that far),you still cannot find yourself walking out! I couldn't!!


    Let me know what you guys think if this,

  13. Have you ever got a new PS or computer game, and whenever you had a second of free time, could not wait to rush to your computer or PS to get right back into the game?


    That is how it was with me when I started seeing my gf. I know everyone is different,but if you can't wait to spend time with this girl, then maybe you are not really that interested in her.


    Nobody likes to be lied to, so if you want to have some free time, tell her that this is the case,but also let her know that you are not trying to get away from her, and that you really do care about her.


    Let us know.....

  14. Quing


    You are obviously very hurt by what happened,and you are finding it hard to get over it. I think the dream means that even though you might want to do something to get her back(Beating up the other guy), it would just not be worth your effort.It might even get you into trouble(The reason for landing in jail in your dream).


    The fact of the matter is,after 6 years your ex should have respected what you had as a couple,and if she really cared for you,she would not have done what she did. Did she she even give you a reason for what she did?Where you having problems in your relationship?


    If she did it once, she will do it again. So my advise is, even if it is really hard, move on and get over it.

  15. Aden


    What was your bofriends previous relationship(s) like. I watched a program on TV one day, where this couple had the same problem. Works out, the guy was in a previous relationship where it was also based on sex, and he didn't want his current relationship to go the same way.


    Have you spoken to your bf about this yet? Ask him if there are any previous bad experiences that are causing him to feel this way(Wants to cuddle). In this way, you might find out things that he is keeping locked away deep down, and is to scared or shy to share at this point in time. Just don't make it too big a deal(Even if it is a big deal for you)!He might feel threatened, and you might push him away.


    Let us know......

  16. Ang3l


    I think this guy has a real good thing going. Men like to know that they can provide for the girl in their life, and I think that he does like you (I mean,why would he come around every night ?), but he wants to get himself worked out.


    I think, play it by ear, and if it feels right, then it is more than likely right! Give him a bit of time to sort himself out, and whatever you do, do not put pressure on him, cause this might push him away a bit.


    I think you have a keeper here......

  17. Cassandra


    You sound a little confused."I guess I still feel something for him....." doesn't sound like you are too sure. Love has not conditions, and by him asking you to do these things, he sounds a little demanding. What makes you think that if the first time round it was all about sex that it would not be that way this time around. I think you should think this one through before making a decision!


    Hope all works out well...

  18. It's guys like this that give us guys a bad name!


    He knows that you are desperate to give your baby a good home, and is using this to manipulate you into not telling the other girl.He wants his bread buttered on both sides! I think that it would be a good idea to tell the other girl about what is going on, not to get back at her,but to protect her against this guy.He might just turn around and do the same to her.After all,he isn't with you know(In his heart),so whether you tell her or not,you still don't have him,so what do you have to loose?


    Let us know what happened.....

  19. As you know,us men are all about ego,and not been able to give your woman the "Big O" is a real ego braker.


    You and your boyfriend need to spend some serious forplay time together.

    My girlfiend and I (before we got down and nasty), used to lay next to each other, and touch each other,and then masterbated each other. Our sex life started with foreplay alone. In this way I got to learn all the places which made her feel good, and got her to Orgasm while playing with her clitorus. She used to tell me what felt good and what not.


    Maybe you and your boyfriend should try laying next to each other, and just get touching. Maybe he will learn that foreplay for a woman is the big secret, and give you the "Big O" after all....


    Good luck.......Let us know how it goes.....

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